Showing posts with label comic books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comic books. Show all posts

January 11, 2013

December comic books / cómics de diciembre

If I had to choose the best comic of November and December it would be a tie between the truly fantastic FF # 1 and the absolutely awesome Witch Doctor Mal Practice # 1. FF was surprisingly good, and Witch Doctor was just as great as the original miniseries. Last year I was buying Witch Doctor, Luther Strode and Caligula, and they have all returned at the same time. Ouch, I can’t even begin to imagine what this will do to my budget. I really enjoyed reading the new beginnings for Luther Strode and Caligula, and I’ll review them. Finally, Masks # 1 had a great script and great art, easily the most promising miniseries that has come from Dynamite in years. And now, without further ado, here are December’s comics as per solicitations. Which ones of these have grabbed your attention?

(W) Jonathan Ross (A/CA) Bryan Hitch. Story JONATHAN ROSS art / cover BRYAN HITCH  As the televised games continue and Tommy tries to tap into his enormous power, the government begins shutting things down. Their plan to use the kids as human batteries is close to realization. Will the renegade teens known as The Rejected stop it, or only make matters far, far worse? 

(W) David Lapham (A/CA) German Nobile. Caligula returns for an all-new series by the original creative team! David (Stray Bullets) Lapham and painter German Noble return to the time of hedonism and supernatural evil with Caligula: Heart of Rome #1! They thought the mad emperor destroyed, his mysterious soul box gone, and his body run through with a thousand blades. But the demon lives on and ten years later the job of finding and slaying the beast once and for all has fallen to heroic Laurentius. But can anyone unravel the mystery of the demon before its bloody tendrils can make glorious Rome a wasteland® Available with Regular, Wraparound, or Gore covers by German Noble, and a special Imperial Retailer Incentive.

(W) Marc Silvestri, Matt Hawkins (A) Khoi Pham, Sunny Gho (CA) Marc Silvestri TOP COW'S TOP-SELLING SERIES OF ALL TIME CONTINUES IN ITS GROUND-BREAKING RELAUNCH! APHRODITE V DEBUTS! For the first time in history, mankind is outpacing evolution. It takes nature thousands of years to adapt to changes and the things humanity has accomplished technologically in just the past 100 years has thrown its ability to evolve, and in turn survive, completely out of whack. In other words, a world full of wonders and conveniences is being created that none will hope to survive. This dilemma is at the heart of what CYBER FORCE is all about. The massive corporation CDI continues to engineer technologically enhanced humans. Cyber Force, terrorists or resistance fighters depending on your point of view try and regroup and reveal the conspiracy that is behind the heart of CDI and its mission. Aphrodite V and Stryker make their debut!

(W) Alan Moore (A/CA) Facundo Percio. There is no nuclear winter in the seasons of the fashion world.  And while life outside of Celestine's empire is tumbling toward oblivion, within the doors of the temple to fashion Doll becomes enwrapped in the disdain and contempt of the madams.  But while Doll strives to raise her station from commoner to elitist, she discovers that the wrong turn of phrase can do more than ruin a career, it can take a life.  For in this world only the designs of Le Patron are immaculate and everything else is terminally flawed and to be scorned, used, and eventually discarded.  And it may be too late when Doll realizes that her obstinate and haughty projected image may turn out to be a mortal detriment to her newly found stardom as the jewel of Celestine's eye.  Fashion Beast brings Alan Moore's unearthed masterpiece into the limelight after nearly thirty years!  Available with a Regular or Wraparound Cover by series artist Facundo Percio or Haute Couture Incentive (by Percio) or the very rare Tarot (by Paul Duffield) Incentive cover. 

Matt Fraction (W) & Mike Allred (A). We have seen the future and it will be fantastic! In the absence of the Fantastic Four, a substitute Four, hand-picked by the real deal--Ant-Man, Medusa, She-Hulk and Miss Thing--stand ready to guard the Earth and the nascent Future Foundation for four minutes... NOW! what could possibly go wrong? 

(W) Joe Harris (A/CA) Martin Morazzo. 'TRASHED!' Part Two Throwing his life of privilege and comfort aside, fugitive oil heir Chas Worthington plants a flag on the floating continent of trash known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and proclaims it his own, sovereign nation.  But he's not the only one who's come to check out Earth's newest, strangest frontier! 

HAPPY #3 (OF 4)
(W) Grant Morrison (A/CA) Darick Robertson. With a day left until Christmas, and time running out for Santa's innocent victims, Happy the Horse learns what turned Nick Sax from golden cop to broken-down hitman.  But can he convince Nick to do the right thing or is it Happy's turn to face some uncomfortable home truths?

(W/A) Mike Mignola (CA) Mike Mignola, Dave Stewart After saving the world in The Storm and The Fury, but sacrificing himself and Great Britain, Hellboy is dead, cast into Hell, where he finds many familiar faces, and a throne that awaits him. Mike Mignola returns to draw Hellboy's ongoing story for the first time since Conqueror Worm. It's a story only Mignola could tell, as more of Hellboy's secrets are at last revealed, in the most bizarre depiction of Hell you've ever seen. 

(W) Justin Jordan (A/CA) Tradd Moore. Luther Strode lives. Five years after losing everything, Luther has become more than a nightmare for the evil men in his city… he has become a legend. But somebody is hunting the bogeyman, and he has dangerous allies that Luther will never expect. Luther Strode lives; but for how long® The sequel to 2011's breakout hit begins here!

(W) Chris Roberson (A) Alex Ross (CA) Alex Ross & Various Starring The Shadow, The Green Hornet, Kato, and The Spider, in a story that only Dynamite could tell! Before superheroes, there were Masks! They've always said it can't happen here… but what if it did? It's 1938, and the Justice Party has swept into office in New York State. But the newly-elected officials are in the control of powerful criminals, who quickly corrupt the law to their own advantage. When a fascist police state is instituted, the only ones who stand in defense of the innocent are masked vigilantes like the Shadow, the Green Hornet, Kato, and the Spider. Also, look forward to future appearances of Black Bat, Miss Fury, Black Terror, Green Lama and more! When the law is unjust, justice must be an outlaw! 

story NICK SPENCER art JOE EISMA cover RODIN ESQUEJO   'Promises, Promises.' 

(W) Rick Remender (A/CA) John Cassaday • What are The Red Skull's new powers? How did he become the most powerful man on Earth? • Can Havok and Thor defeat the spreading influence of Honest John, The Living Propaganda?! • Rogue and Scarlet Witch trapped on the Isle of the Red Skull's S-Men! • Wolverine & Captain America: uncover the truth behind the worldwide mutant assassination epidemic!

(W) Mike Carey (A) Peter Gross (CA) Yuko Shimizu. In the classical underworld of Hades, Tom takes on harpies, sinister ferrymen and multiheaded dogs. But none of these encounters prepare him for his meeting with the king - or for the responsibilities he has to take on for some very familiar damned souls.  

(W) Robert Kirkman (A) Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn (CA) Charlie Adlard. 'Sing me a song.' 

(W) Brandon Seifert (A/CA) Lukas Ketner
The breakout medical horror hit from ROBERT KIRKMAN's Skybound imprint is back on call!  Even the world's leading expert in supernatural disease needs to unwind sometimes. But when Dr. Morrow wakes up with no memory of what - and who! - he did last night, is it just a case of partying too hard… or something more malignant? (Hint: It's the malignant one!)   'Terrifying, hilarious, and above all else, smart.' - The A.V. Club

(W) Brandon Seifert (A/CA) Lukas Ketner. Doc Morrow doesn't remember what happened to him last night - and what he doesn't know might kill him! With the clock ticking, Morrow consults with some very unorthodox specialists. But will the cure prove worse than the disease®    'Charmingly demented… I can't wait for future volumes.' - Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing 

Si tuviera que elegir el mejor cómic de noviembre y diciembre habría un empate entre el fantástico FF # 1 y el asombroso  Witch Doctor Mal Practice # 1. FF fue tan bueno que me sorprendió, y  Witch Doctor estuvo tan genial como la miniserie original. El año pasado estaba comprando Witch Doctor, Luther Strode y Caligula, y ahora todas han regresado al mismo tiempo. Uf, no puedo ni imaginar los efectos que tendrá esto sobre mi presupuesto. Realmente disfruté leyendo los nuevos comienzos de  Luther Strode y Caligula, y serán reseñados. Por último, Masks # 1 tuvo un gran argumento y gran arte, se trata de la miniserie más prometedroa que de Dynamite en años. Y ahora, sin más preámbulos, aquí están los cómics de diciembre. ¿Cuáles son los que más te llaman la atención?

Mientras los juegos televisivos continúan y Tommy trata de recurrir a su enorme poder, el gobierno empieza a intervenir. El plan de utilizar a estos jovencitos como baterías vivientes está por concretarse. ¿Los adolescentes renegados conocidos como ‘Los Rechazados’ solucionarán las cosas?

En una época de hedonismo y maldad sobrenatural, Calígula, el emperador loco, ha sido destruido, sus posesiones han desaparecido, y su cuerpo ha sido atravesado por mil espadas. Pero el demonio sobrevive, y diez años después la labor de hallar y aniquilar a la bestia recae en LAURENTIUS. 

Por primera vez en la historia la humanidad está quedando fuera de sincronía con la evolución, nuestros inventos nos impiden adaptarnos a los cambios y por lo tanto sobrevivir. Un mundo de tecnología podría ser el fin.

En las temporadas de la industria de la moda, no existe el invierno nuclear. Y mientras la vida fuera del imperio de CELESTINE es olvidada, dentro de las puertas del templo de la moda, DOLL recibe el desdén y el desprecio de las madamas. Ella ha luchado para subir de estatus y llegar a la elite, pero una sola frase podría arruinar su carrera o costarle la vida a manos de CELESTINE.

Hemos visto el futuro y será fantástico. Con los Cuatro Fantásticos ausentes, los cuatro sustitutos se alistan para proteger la Tierra y la Fundación Futura: ANT-MAN, MEDUSA, SHE-HULK y MISS THING. ¿Qué podría salir mal?

Chas, el heredero de una fortuna petrolera, es un fugitivo que decide clavar su bandera en el continente flotante de basura conocido como el Parche de Basura del Gran Pacífico, y se proclama como soberano.

HAPPY #3 (OF 4)
Falta un día para navidad, y el tiempo se acaba para las víctimas inocentes de Papa Noel, HAPPY el caballo descubre qué hizo que Nick, el policía dorado, se convirtiera en un rufián. ¿Y los secretos de HAPPY?

Después de salvar el mundo en la Tormenta y la Furia, y sacrificarse a sí mismo, HELLBOY está muerto y es arrojado al infierno, en donde encuentra muchas caras familiares y un trono que lo espera.

Luther está vivo. Cinco años después de perderlo todo, Luther se ha convertido en algo más que una pesadilla para los criminales de su ciudad… él es una leyenda. Pero alguien con peligrosos aliados está al acecho.

Antes que los súper-héroes, había máscaras: THE SHADOW, THE GREEN HORNET, KATO y THE SPIDER. Es 1938 y el Partido de la Justicia ha ganado las elecciones en New York, pero los oficiales recién elegidos controlan a poderosos criminales que corromperán rápidamente a la ley. Al instituirse un estado policial fascista, los únicos que defenderán a los inocentes serán los vigilantes enmascarados. Si la ley es injusta, la justicia debe ir contra la ley.
my drawing / mi dibujo

Promesas, promesas.

¿Cuáles son los nuevos poderes de RED SKULL? ¿Cómo se convirtió en alguien tan poderoso? ¿Podrán HAVOC y THOR detener al Honesto John, la Propaganda Viviente? Mientras, ROGUE y SCARLET WITCH están atrapadas en la isla de los Hombres S. WOLVERINE y CAPTAIN AMERICA descubren la verdad detrás de la mortal epidemia mutante mundial.

En el clásico mundo del Hades, Tom se enfrenta a las harpías, al siniestro Caronte y al perro de múltiples cabezas. ¿Estará listo para ver al rey?

Cántame una canción.

Incluso el mayor experto del mundo en enfermedades sobrenaturales necesita un descanso. Pero cuando el doctor Morrow se despierta sin poder recordar con qué o quién estuvo la noche pasada, ¿la juerga fue muy extrema o se trata de algo malévolo? Algo malévolo, sin duda.

El doctor Morrow no recuerda lo que sucedió la noche anterior. Y no saber puede ser fatal. En una carrera contra el reloj, Morrow consulta con especialistas nada ortodoxos. Pero ¿será la cura peor que la enfermedad?

March 18, 2012

February comic books/ Cómics de febrero

February was the shortest month on the year (yes, even on a leap year); fortunately a dozen of comic books arrived to my doorstep just in the nick of time. I really enjoyed Avengers Academy and the first issue of Winter Soldier. The new Conan from Dark Horse was quite a disappointment, though; I usually like Brian Wood’s writing but seems to me like he hasn’t been able to find Conan’s true voice as a character. And Becky Cloonan’s style was simply not the right fit for the Cimmerian. Once again, the classic comic books are much better than the current versions. Again Morning Glories and Unwritten continue to deliver the goods. And Severed ends on a high note. Strange Talent of Luther Strode was very violent and, of course, very entertaining.

And now, without further ado, here you go: February comics as per solicitations.

AVENGERS 1959 #1 (OF 5)
Written and Penciled by HOWARD CHAYKIN Cover by HOWARD CHAYKIN EXPLODING FROM THE PAGES OF NEW AVENGERS? It's the tail end of the fabulous fifties. NICK FURY and his AVENGERS roar into their secret mission, hunting down NAZI SUPER VILLAINS?men and women relentlessly preparing to unleash hell on a troubled world barely holding onto peace?only to find the Avengers have what appears to be serious competition in their manhunt for these escaped ubermenschen?when their mission is suddenly compromised by interference from an unlikely source. 32 PGS. (each)/Rated T+

Written by CHRISTOS GAGE Pencils & Cover by MIKE McKONE Variant Cover by MIKE McKONE Reptil goes Jurassic on Tigra! When Humberto is elected class leader of Avengers Academy, it should be a dream come true…but instead it's a nightmare! As he struggles with the weight of his repressed grief and anger, added to the responsibility he feels to keep his teammates on the heroic path, something's got to give...and it might just be Reptil's humanity! Plus: more on Quicksilver and Finesse, the villainy of Mentallo, and another Avengers guest appearance in the series that Comic Book Club Live hails as 'All of the fun of '90s New Warriors with a dark side.' 32 PGS./Rated A

In this sweeping adaptation of Robert E. Howard's fan-favorite 'Queen of the Black Coast,' Conan turns his back on the civilized world and takes to the high seas alongside the pirate queen B?lit, setting the stage for an epic of romance, terror, and swashbuckling. This is Conan as you've never seen him, with the combination of one of Robert E. Howard's greatest tales and the most dynamic creative team in comics!

'P.E.,' Part Four

story ANGELO TIROTTO art / cover RICHARD JORDAN 'HOME AGAIN' Dee's life is in turmoil when her parents are killed in a freak tornado. Returning to Kansas for the funeral after five years in LA, Dee discovers Emeraldsville is the same unexciting place it was when she left - until the bizarre unexplained murders begin. With an unknown killer closing in, the events of one night in 1959 begin to unravel as a portal to a world of horror opens, a portal paved with yellow bricks...

SEVERED #7 (OF 7) (MR)
story SCOTT SNYDER & SCOTT TUFT art / cover ATTILA FUTAKI  'HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS' In 1916, a boy runs away from home in search of his father. But along the way he meets a salesman with sharp teeth and a hunger for flesh. SCOTT SNYDER (AMERICAN VAMPIRE, BATMAN, SWAMP THING), SCOTT TUFT and ATTILA FUTAKI (NYT Best-Selling-Artist: PERCY JACKSON) comes the most terrifying horror series of the year. Be there for the thrilling conclusion.

story JUSTIN JORDAN art / cover TRADD MOORE  Luther tries to rescue Petra, and things end bloody. Meanwhile, Pete and Luther's Mom are left alone to face something unimaginably worse. Not everyone gets out of this issue alive. The penultimate issue of the hit series.

story ROBERT KIRKMAN & NICK SPENCER art / cover SHAWN MARTINBROUGH Conrad Paulson lives a secret double life as master thief Redmond. There is nothing he can't steal, nothing he can't have... except for the life he left behind. Now, with a grown son he hardly knows, and an ex-wife he never stopped loving, Conrad must try to piece together what's left of his life, before the FBI finally catch up to him... but it appears they are the least of his worries.

Tom has fought his way through to the holy of holies, where the Cabal's high council sits in judgment over the world. But stripped of his magical powers, he's just one man against a vast machine - and against the even more sinister power that lurks behind it.

story ROBERT KIRKMAN art / cover CHARLIE ADLARD & CLIFF RATHBURN  They are unprepared for this

Winter Soldier and Black Widow are the super-spies of the Marvel U! • Ex-Russian Sleeper Agents awaken, but under who's control? • Is that Dr. Doom? Uh oh. 32 PGS./Rated T+

Rodin Esquejo

Febrero es el mes más corto del año (incluso en un año bisiesto), de todos modos, una docena de cómics llegaron a mi casa justo a tiempo. Realmente disfruté leyendo Avengers Academy y el primer número de Winter Soldier. El nuevo Conan de Dark Horse fue bastante decepcionante, usualmente me gustan los guiones de Brian Wood, pero me parece que no ha sido capaz de encontrar la verdadera voz de Conan como personaje. Y el estilo de Becky Cloonan simplemente no encaja con el cimerio. Nuevamente, los cómics clásicos son muchísimo mejores que las versiones actuales. Nuevamente Morning Glories y Unwritten llegan con buenos momentos. Y Severed tiene un final tremendo. Strange Talent of Luther Strode fue muy violento y, por supuesto, muy entretenido.

Y sin más que decir, aquí está la lista de los cómics de febrero.

AVENGERS 1959 #1 (OF 5)
Estamos en los fabulosos cincuentas. NICK FURY y su grupo de Vengadores cazarán a villanos nazis, capaces de abrir las puertas del averno.

Reptil se vuelve Jurásico. Cuando Humberto es elegido líder de la clase en la Academia de los Vengadores, debería ser como un sueño… pero en lugar de eso es una pesadilla. Ahora, deberá lidiar con su ira reprimida.

Una nueva adaptación de “La Reina de la Costa Negra”. Conan le da la espalda al mundo civilizado y llega al mar, al lado de la pirata BELIT.

Educación física, cuarta parte.

Su vida se tambalea luego de que sus padres murieron a causa de un tornado. De vuelta en Kansas para el funeral, luego de 5 años en Los Ángeles, su pueblo sigue siendo tan aburrido como siempre. Hasta que bizarros e inexplicables asesinatos empiezan a suceder.

SEVERED #7 (OF 7) (MR)
El hogar está donde está el corazón. Aquí concluye todo.

signed edition / edición autografiada

Luther intenta rescatar a Petra, y las cosas salen mal. Mientras tanto, la madre de Luther y Pete deben enfrentarse a algo inimaginable.

Él vive una vida secreta como un ladrón experto. No hay nada que no pueda robar, nada que no pueda tener, excepto el tiempo perdido. Ahora, con un hijo grande que apenas conoce, y una ex esposa a la que sigue queriendo, debe solucionar su vida antes que el FBI lo alcance.

Tom se ha abierto paso a través del santuario, donde está el alto concilio de la Cábala. Pero sin sus poderes mágicos, él es solamente un hombre en contra de la máquina y de los poderes siniestros que lo acechan.

No están preparados para esto.

WINTER SOLDIER y BLACK WIDOW son espías infalibles. ¿Pero qué pasa cuando el ex agente ruso despierta bajo el control de DOOM?

May 28, 2011

April comic books / Cómics de abril

It's comic book time! April comics, that is. And here they are (along with one of my drawings) as per solicitations:
(W) Alan Moore, Antony Johnston (A) Jacen Burrows Alan Moore, teams up with brilliant artist Jacen Burrows, to unleash this timeless tale of Lovecraftian psychological horror. Aldo Sax has an amazing service record with the FBI. His legendary skills at piercing together the most baffling of cases has gotten him assigned to what may be his most confusing case yet. Several murders from the most unlikely of suspects just don't add up. And what few leads there are, all point to The Courtyard. This special color edition features an introduction by Garth Ennis.

Written by ALLAN HEINBERG Pencils & Cover by JIM CHEUNG THE SCARLET WITCH WAR IS ON!  Latveria becomes a battle-ground as Magneto battles Doctor Doom -- and the Young Avengers take on the Avengers -- to determine the ultimate fate of the Scarlet Witch.  But the mysterious reappearance of the time-traveling Iron Lad unleashes Wanda's reality-altering powers upon the timestream itself, changing the game, and the Marvel Universe, forever. 32 PGS./Rated T+

BOYS #44 (MR)
(W) Garth Ennis (A/C) Darick Robertson BELIEVE: Part 1 (of 4)-As the greatest religious festival on the superhero calendar gets under way in New York, the Homelander finds himself front and centre, very much against his will. But so does Annie, whose heightened public profile leads her to get something terrible off her chest. Meanwhile, Butcher ponders what to do about 'the Hughie situation', and MM makes his own feelings known... just when everything was going so well...

Frank Miller (W/A/Variant Cover), Harlan Ellison (W), Howard Chaykin (W/A), Neal Adams (W/A), Richard Corben (W/A), Carla Speed McNeil (W/A), Michael T. Gilbert (W/A), Randy Stradley (W), Paul Chadwick (W/A), David Chelsea (W/), Patrick Alexander (W/A), and others The legendary, premiere anthology is back! The 80-page spectacular, Dark Horse Presents returns with all-new stories by Neal Adams, Howard Chaykin, and Richard Corben; a new Concrete story by Paul Chadwick, a new Crimson Empire story from the Star Wars universe, and an exclusive sneak peek of Frank Miller's highly-anticipated prequel to 300, Xerxes! The celebration continues with a brand-new, all-color Finder story by Carla Speed McNeil, a prose piece from science fiction legend Harlan Ellison, the return of Michael T. Gilbert's Mr. Monster, and much, much more!

ECHOES #4 (OF 5) (O/A) (MR)
(W) Joshua Hale Fialkov (A) Rahsan Ekedal (Cov) Rahsan Ekedal  A Tale of Suspense and Psychological Horror! Brian Cohn is living a nightmare. His recently deceased father, who Brian shares the disease of schizophrenia with, confessed to being a serial killer of little girls on his death bed. Now Brian is racing to solve the mystery of a missing child in his town, all the while feeling his condition taking a deeper and deeper grip on his psyche and his mind beginning to unravel.  From acclaimed author Joshua Hale Fialkov (Tumor, Pilot Season: Alibi) and rising star artist Rahsan Ekedal (Creepy) a disturbing story of murder and mystery wrapped in questions of sanity.  'This is an absolute buy.  I can't recommend it enough.' - Graphic Policy

ECHOES #5 (OF 5) (O/A) (MR)
(W) Joshua Hale Fialkov (A) Rahsan Ekedal (Cov) Rahsan Ekedal A Tale of Suspense and Psychological Horror! Brian Cohn has reached his breaking point. He has also figured out who is following in his father's footsteps. Unfortunately, the stress of dealing with his father's legacy has taken its toll and Brian worries it may too late.  From acclaimed author Joshua Hale Fialkov (Tumor, Pilot Season: Alibi) and rising star artist Rahsan Ekedal (Creepy) a disturbing story of murder and mystery wrapped in questions of sanity.

Written by MATT FRACTION Pencils & Cover by STUART IMMONEN Variant Covers by STEVE McNIVEN & STUART IMMONEN Fantastic Four Anniversary Variant by PAOLO RIVERA Blank Variant Cover Also Available DO YOU FEAR...TOMORROW? In this time of global anxiety, of economic turmoil and mass hysteria, Sin, the new Red Skull, has made an awesome discovery...a shameful secret that will rock the foundations of the Marvel Universe! A revelation that will divide father and son, turn friend against friend, and herald the rise of Fear personified. HE IS RETURNING...and the world has nothing to fear but FEAR ITSELF. Matt Fraction and Stuart Immonen bring fans the biggest Marvel the biggest Marvel event since CIVIL WAR! 56 PGS./Rated T+

A riveting tale of loss and horror. In the forgotten town of Green Wake, a string of grisly mutilations leads Morley Mack on the trail of a young woman named Ariel, who is the prime suspect. But when a stranger with startling connections to Ariel arrives under mysterious circumstances, Morley unravels a dark plot with a shocking link to his past.

The members of Hack/Slash, Inc., are left to defend Eminence, Indiana, against an onslaught of animal zombies without Cassie and Vlad! Cat Curio, Samhain, and Pooch will have to team with murderous traitor Sheriff Maggie in a brutal battle guaranteed to send undead fur flying!

Written by MATT FRACTION Pencils & Cover by OLIVIER COIPEL Variant Cover by TRAVIS CHAREST Variant Cover by WALT SIMONSON Blank Variant Cover also available Thor Movie Variant also available It's a shining, golden, new age for the Thunder God and Matt Fraction and Olivier Coipel are back to lead the charge! Thor and Sif dive deep into the heart of the fractured World Tree to reclaim an artifact from beyond time and space, an artifact that attracts the attention of the Silver Surfer. And when a herald such as he arrives on Earth, the arrival of his master is certain to follow. Prepare for the return of the World Eater…prepare for the return of Galactus! Fans can't miss an all new behind the scenes look at the highly anticipated major motion picture with a sneak peek at some of the art! 32 PGS./Rated T+

Since the detention issue, readers have been asking: What happened to Jun that fateful night he sneaked out of the dorms? And who was that he ran into? The answer to these questions and more in this action-packed, reveal-heavy chapter!

(W) Eric Trautman (A) Walter Geovani (C) Paul Renaud (50%), Geovani (50%) Acclaimed writer, Eric (Action Comics) Trautmann takes over Red Sonja as she goes on another magical adventure. This is a great entry point for everyone's favorite She-Devil With a Sword! Don't miss out on another epic adventure!

ALL-NEW FROM ROBERT KIRKMAN & JASON HOWARD! This is where it begins! The Evil Max Maximus wants to get to Inner-Earth! He wants the dinosaurs that live there! He wants the powerful DynOre mineral that originates there! SUPER DINOSAUR and DEREK DYNAMO are the only ones who can stop him! The fate of the world rests on the shoulders of a ten year-old kid and his best friend, a nine-foot tall Tyrannosaurus Rex who loves to play video games.

Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS & MARK MILLAR Penciled by ADAM KUBERT Cover by BRYAN HITCH The Ultimate Universe at long last gets the fourth corner of its foundation as the World's Greatest Comic Magazine finally makes its long-awaited Ultimate debut! Witness the birth of The Four - Reed Richards, Johnny Storm, Susan Storm & Ben Grimm - superhero icons for the new century! High school genius Reed Richards invites his friends to join him on the journey of a lifetime - and the Ultimate Universe will never be the same! It's a series about science, high adventure and above all else FAMILY, set in the most dynamic and unpredictable Universe in the comic book world! 32 PGS./ALL AGES

'NO WAY OUT' continues. What is left but surrender?

NO WAY OUT concludes.  Could this be the end?


Y aquí están todos mis cómics correspondientes al mes de abril (más un dibujo mío):

Una serie de misteriosos asesinatos aparentemente desconectados llamarán la atención del más brillante y eficaz detective del FBI.

Los Vengadores versus los Jóvenes Vengadores. ¿Cuál será el destino de la Bruja Escarlata? ¿Y cuál será el papel de IRON LAD?

BOYS #44 (MR) 
Es el más grande festival religioso del calendario súper-heroico.

Antología con algunos de los más influyentes autores del cómic USA.

ECHOES #4 (OF 5) (O/A) (MR)
Brian intenta solucionar el misterio de una niña desparecida. Pero, mientras su condición esquizofrénica empeora se preguntará si él mismo es el asesino.

ECHOES #5 (OF 5) (O/A) (MR)
Concluye esta historia de suspenso y terror psicológico.

En una época de ansiedad globalizada, inestabilidad económica e histeria en masa, el nuevo Cráneo Rojo ha descubierto cómo vencer a todos los súper-héroes. Todos aprenderán a temerle al mismo miedo.

El horror y la pérdida llegan a un pueblito olvidado. Una mujer es acusada de causar extrañas mutilaciones hasta que un extraño llega al pueblo.

Indiana está bajo el ataque de animales zombis.

Es un nuevo comienzo para el hijo de Odín. Thor buscará un artefacto que se encuentra más allá del espacio y del tiempo, pero en su búsqueda chocará con SILVER SURFER. ¿Regresará GALACTUS a la Tierra?

¿Qué sucedió la noche en que June se escapó de los dormitorios? ¿Y con quién se encontró? Todas las respuestas están aquí.

Una nueva aventura traerá sorpresas inesperadas.

El malvado Máximo quiere los dinosaurios de la Tierra. El destino de la Tierra descansa en los hombros de un niño de 10 años y un tiranosaurio.

El súper genio de la secundaria invita a sus amigos al viaje del siglo. ¡Y todo en el universo cambiará para siempre!

“Sin salida” continúa. ¿La única alternativa es rendirse?

“Sin salida” concluye. ¿Podría esto ser el fin?

April 26, 2011

March comic books / Cómics de marzo

And finally I started reading my March comics: Here they are, in alphabetical order and as per solicitations:

Neonomicon, the sequel to The Courtyard Graphic Novel, is slithering its way onto shelves to take its place as a Great Old One of comics terror! Illustrated by Moore's favorite demented artist, Jacen Burrows, Neonomicon pulls no punches as every full-colored page is covered in nightmares brought to gruesome life! Agent Brears has, quite literally, been to hell and back. Hell just happens to look like a network of tunnels beneath an esoteric little bookstore in Salem, Mass. But now that Brears has walked out of hell, she can see things that most people can't. Things that would drive most people mad. But as Neonomicon draws to a close, Brears has one more thing she wants to show you...

"Young Avengers" co-creator Allan Heinberg and legendary artist Alan Davis (Avengers Prime) team up to create an epic stand-alone tale that's the perfect jumping-on point for new readers and introduces the Marvel Universe to an all-new team of Avengers. As a result of the Young Avengers' crusade to find the Scarlet Witch, Patriot has become Captain America, Hulkling has become Captain Marvel, and Iron Lad has become the Avengers' new leader, Kang the Conqueror. But the future of these new Avengers is deeply rooted in the untold story of the Young Avengers very first adventure -- before the events of 'Young Avengers #1.' The past and the future collide - and the secrets of the Children's Crusade are revealed - in 'Avengers: The Children's Crusade - Young Avengers #1.'

This is a prayer for a blueberry girl... A much-loved baby grows into a young woman: brave, adventurous, and lucky. Exploring, traveling, bathed in sunshine, surrounded by the wonders of the world. What every new parent or parent-to-be dreams of for her child, what every girl dreams of for herself. Let me go places that we've never been, trust and delight in her youth. By Neil Gaiman & Charles Vess

BOYS #28 (MR)
By Garth Ennis, Darick Robertson & John Higgins New York turns emerald green as Saint Patrick's Day strikes, and Hughie gets to see the G-Wiz boys at their very worst. He also sits down for a pow-wow with Butcher, who lets a couple of secrets slip- to Hughie's extreme discomfort. And back at the G-Mansion, the G-Men face the most vocal component of the G-Empire... in We Gotta Go Now, part five.

BOYS #34 (MR)
Stormfront: the super-nazi, the Aryan demigod, the worst of the Third Reich's racial dreams come true... versus what's left of The Boys. Can our ragged little band defeat this dreadful ubermensch? Will the Female ever awaken from her coma? Will the cavalry arrive in time, or ever? All this and more, in the bonesnapping, gut-rupturing conclusion to The Self Preservation Society.

BOYS #36 (MR)
Mother's Milk's story concludes with a bang, as we find out the nature of the debt he owes Butcher and see him bear witness to a great American tragedy. Hughie gets another view of The Boys' mission, one he hadn't considered before, in part two of Nothing Like It In The World.

BOYS #46 (MR)
(W) Garth Ennis (A) Russ Braun (C) Darick Robertson Having learned a certain unpleasant truth, Hughie sets out to discover just how dangerous things will now be for the Boys. Frenchie and the Female stay glued to the Homelander, MM almost blows his top, and Annie hears some words of wisdom from an unexpected source. Butcher, meanwhile, gives Hughie the scoop on one of the team's highest-placed informants... but the most dreadful secret of all is still to come, in part three of 'Believe. MATURE THEMES

BOYS #47 (MR)
Written by GARTH ENNIS • Art by RUSS BRAUN Cover by DARICK ROBERTSON And it all comes tumbling down... Hughie's nightmare begins as he finds out the last and terrible truth about Annie, with Butcher watching carefully from the sidelines. The Homelander calls a secret gathering of the clans- and marks the occasion with a particularly gruesome blood sacrifice. MATURE THEMES 32 pages FC • $3.99

BOYS #48 (MR)
(W) Garth Ennis (A) Russ Braun (C) Darick Robertson With Hughie absent, Butcher re-examines The Boys' first encounter with The Seven, trying to figure out what went wrong. But first there's some disquiet in the ranks to be dealt with, not to mention the return of an old and unexpected enemy - who finally, incredibly, has come into his own. Meanwhile, on The Seven's floating headquarters, a flying lesson goes badly awry... 'Proper Preparation and Planning', Part One. MATURE THEMES

BOYS #49 (MR)
(W) Garth Ennis (A) Russ Braun (C) Darick Robertson The Homelander goes head to head with the source of his greatest torment, while Vought's Jess Bradley gets a bump up- and starts considering drastic action. Butcher, meanwhile, takes us on a trip down memory lane to the Boys' first meeting with the Seven- and the nightmare that ensued for one member of the team...

BOYS #52 (MR)
Written by GARTH ENNIS • Art by JOHN McCREA Cover by DARICK ROBERTSON Beginning the four part 'Barbary Coast': Hughie travels out west to finally meet Lieutenant-Colonel Greg Mallory, the man who started The Boys. All kinds of secrets await our hero, beginning with the terrible story of the first supes to see action in World War Two. When the revelations cease, will Hughie return - or walk away from the team forever?

(W) Garth Ennis (A) John McCrea, Keith Burns (C) Darick Robertson Hughie delves into his past, but finds that the halcyon days of childhood are not all they're cracked up to be. The successes of his junior detective operation with Big Bobby and Det were few and far between- but is there a connection between their oldest case and the shadowy outfit now moving narcotics through the idyllic town of Auchterladle? A certain Russian connection brings up a name from the Boys' past, in part two of the six-part Highland Laddie. MATURE THEMES

(W) Garth Ennis (A) John McCrea, Keith Burns (C) Darick Robertson Hughie looks into the past of his erstwhile girlfriend Annie - a.k.a. Starlight of The Seven - but what he finds is not what he expected. Meanwhile, the true horror of Joe Tupper's smuggling operation is revealed... MATURE THEMES

Maybe you've seen the PR - now read the comicbook! At one time, BUTCHER BAKER was the preeminent, All-American superhero. Now he's… getting laid. A lot. But one last mission could signal his return to glory, and now he's back on the blacktop! It's a balls-out, surreal super-epic from creators JOE CASEY (GØDLAND, Ben 10) and MIKE HUDDLESTON (The Coffin), and it starts right here!

(W) David Lapham (A) German Nobile (C) Jacen Burrows In an age of depravity, one man's appetites horrified the entire Roman Empire. The very Empire he ruled. Some stories are passed from one generation to the next only in secret. Told in hushed whispers as the very words are too horrific to speak aloud for fear they offend the Gods. A Roman Empire built on the blood of its people, a ruler who began as a generous man but who ended as the most debased of monarchs. One name still speaks volumes of how absolute power can corrupt - Caligula. David (Crossed) Lapham unveils a new tale of Caligula, he was not just a man drunk on power, he was possessed. A modern master of horror, Lapham digs deep into the world of Rome 37 AD and offers a unique epic of horror. Joined by new talent German Nobile who promises to serve up fully-painted pages dripping with blood, this all-new, full-color series will be six issues of evil that will make any Crossed fan smile with glee. For in the age of Caligula, all roads lead to Hell. Caligula #1 is available with a Regular cover by Jacen Burrows, a Wraparound cover by series artist German Nobile, and a special rare Golden retailer incentive. MATURE THEMES

Written by PETER DAVID & ROBIN FURTH Art and Cover by JAE LEE & RICHARD ISANOVE 'The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.' With those words, millions of readers were introduced to Stephen King's Roland-an implacable gunslinger in search of the enigmatic Dark Tower, powering his way through a dangerous land filled with ancient technology and deadly magic. Now, in a comic book personally overseen by King himself, Roland's past is revealed! Sumptuously drawn by Jae Lee and Richard Isanove, adapted by long-time Stephen King expert Robin Furth (author of Stephen King's The Dark Tower: A Concordance) and scripted by New York Times Best-seller Peter David, this series delves deep into Roland's origins-the perfect introduction to this incredibly realized world, while long-time fans will thrill to adventures merely hinted at in the novels. Be there for the very beginning of a modern classic of fantasy literature! 48 PGS./Parental Advisory ©2007 Stephen King. All rights reserved.

FF #1
Written by JONATHAN HICKMAN Pencils by STEVE EPTING Cover by DANIEL ACUÑA Variant Cover by STEVE EPTING Blank Variant Cover Character Variant Cover by MARKO DJURDJEVIC Classic Artist Variant Cover by TBA Fantastic Four 50th Anniversary Variant by MARKO DJURDJEVIC It's the FANTASTIC first issue of FF! A bold new direction for Marvel's First Family featuring new members, old friends, older enemies and uneasy alliances that will send shockwaves through the Marvel Universe. With stunning art work by Steve Epting and Paul Mounts, please join writer, Jonathan Hickman, on the second massive arc in the bold new direction for the 'World's Greatest Comic Magazine.' 40 PGS./Rated A

Written by GARTH ENNIS • Art by ADRIANO BATISTA Covers by TIM BRADSTREET (main), JONATHAN LAU (1-in-10), ALÉ GARZA (1-in-15) & ERIC BASALDUA (1-in-20) 'Virgin Art' Retailer incentive cover by TIM BRADSTREET 'Negative Effect Art' Retailer incentive cover by TIM BRADSTREET 'Black & White' Retailer incentive cover by JONATHAN LAU Meet Jen. She's married with two kids, seemingly living a fine suburban life. But her life is far from normal now that she is a ruthless vigilante by night; calling herself Jennifer Blood! Issue #2 contains more mayhem as Jennifer Blood continues to make her presence known in the criminal underworld. Also, watch as Jen and her family meets her new neighbors! Written by Garth (The Boys, Punisher) Ennis with covers by Tim (Punisher) Bradstreet, enjoy the continuing adventures of Jennifer Blood!

Reprinting the classic Larry Hama run.

Hack/Slash Inc. is under siege by zombie animals as undead vet Bobby Brunswick returns from the grave. Cassie and Vlad will have to team with an archenemy to keep their friends from becoming undead pet food! Meanwhile, Samhain's hunt for the Black Lamp will bring him to a very dark place!

KICK-ASS 2 # 2
Warning: This book contains greatness. By Mark Millar & John Romita Jr.

What is Morning Glory Academy, and what does it want with Casey, Zoe, Hunter, Ike, Jade, and Jun? What mysteries connect the six of them to the school, and what is their true potential? This spellbinding issue brings us one step closer to the answers to those pivotal questions!

As a series of brutal and inscrutable murders grips London in fear, Dr. John Watson realizes that the one man capable of stopping the slayings may just be the young sleuth Sherlock Holmes! But Watson's suspicions of the daring detective--perhaps as mysterious as the mysteries he solves--must wait for now as the unlikely partners race to catch the killer as 'The Twelve Caesars' begins a new and untold tale from Sherlock Holmes' casebook.

Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Art by MARK BAGLEY & ART THIBERT Cover by JOE QUESADA Comics' greatest heroes leap into the 21st Century in a new line perfect for a new generation of readers! An outsider even amongst his own peers, highschool student Peter Parker is a young man at the crossroads of destiny. Orphaned as a youth and raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May, Peter finds himself the target of a constant tirade of pranks perpetrated by school jock 'Flash' Thompson and his burly bud, nicknamed 'Kong.' But when fate intercedes and Peter finds himself the recipient of strange and amazing powers, how long can our hero ignore the painful prodding? And when industrialist Norman Osborn takes a deadly 'interest' in this development, will Peter be able to avoid a violent case of 'corporate downsizing'? When backed into a corner, will our hero learn that with great power there must come great responsibility?

'NO WAY OUT' continues. When the walls come down... no one is safe.

Written by JOHN ROZUM Art and cover by FRAZER IRVING 1:10 Variant cover by BRENDAN MCCARTHY You can't keep a good XOMBI down! The immortal David Kim - kept 'alive' by nanotech enhancements - returns to the DC Universe in a new ongoing series! Creator John Rozum and hot BATMAN AND ROBIN artist Frazer Irving team up to deliver the finest in contemporary urban horror - with a Super Hero twist! As an undying, unchanging Xombi, David Kim must watch the world consume itself and burn while humanity grows more distant from each other due to the rise of technology. What would a Xombi do just to feel change again? And where will he ever be able to find a kindred soul? On sale MARCH 16 • 32 pg, FC


Y por fin empecé a leer mis cómics del mes de marzo. Aquí están todos:

Comentario: La agente BREARS ha estado, literalmente, en el infierno. El infierno no es otra cosa que una red de túneles debajo de una tienta de libros esotéricos en Salem. Pero ahora que BREARS ha escapado, puede ver cosas que nadie más ve. Cosas que enloquecerían a cualquier mortal.

Durante la cruzada de los Jóvenes Vengadores para encontrar a la Bruja Escarlata, PATRIOT se ha convertido en el Capitán América, HULKLING es CAPTAIN MARVEL y IRON LAD es KANG, el nuevo líder de los Vengadores. Su futuro está ligado con una historia jamás narrada que entremezcla pasado y futuro… los secretos de la Cruzada de los Niños son finalmente revelados.

Neil Gaiman & Charles Vess.

BOYS #28 (MR)
Comentario: Mientras BUTCHER revela a HUGHIE un par de secretos, en la Mansión G, los Hombres G conocen a la figura central del Imperio G.

BOYS #34 (MR)
Comentario: Los súbditos del Tercer Reich hacen acto de aparición.

BOYS #36 (MR)
Comentario: ¿Cuál es la gran tragedia americana?

BOYS #46 (MR)
Comentario: Uno de los más terribles secretos será revelado inesperadamente.

BOYS #47 (MR)
Comentario: La hecatombe exige un sacrificio de sangre.

BOYS #48 (MR)
Comentario: ¿Qué sucedió en la primera reunión con Los Siete? Además, un viejo enemigo regresa, pero todo parece haber cambiado.

BOYS #49 (MR)
Comentario: ¿Qué secreto oculta la primera reunión con Los Siete?

BOYS #52 (MR)
Comentario: ¿Quién fue el primer súper-héroe en la Segunda Guerra Mundial?

Comentario: Los días de la infancia no fueron tan grandiosos. El otrora idílico pueblo está infestado por narcóticos. Pero ¿quién está detrás de todo esto?

Comentario: ¿Qué ha sucedido con la antigua integrante de Los Siete?

Comentario: Alguna vez él fue el preeminente héroe americano. Ahora sólo le importa el sexo. En exceso. Pero una última misión podría marcar su regreso triunfal. ¿Tendrá suerte o esto sóle será es un asunto de relaciones públicas?

Comentario: En una era de depravación, los apetitos de un solo hombre aterrorizaron Roma, su imperio. El imperio romano fue construido sobre sangre, pero este gobernante que empezó como un hombre generoso terminó siendo uno de los más terribles déspotas. El poder corrompe... ¿siempre?

Comentario: Empieza la búsqueda de la enigmática Torre Oscura, en parajes llenos de tecnología antigua y magia mortal.

FF #1
Comentario: ¿Qué sucederá ahora con la primera familia?

Comentario: Jennifer está casada, vive en los suburbios y tiene dos hijos. Pero su vida no es nada normal. En las noches, ella es una despiadada vigilante.

Comentario: Los animales zombis atacan. ¿Cómo defenderse de ellos?

KICK-ASS 2 # 2
Mark Millar & John Romita Jr.

Comentario: ¿Qué es la Academia? ¿Y qué es lo que busca con los nuevos alumnos? ¿Qué misterios conectan a los seis chicos con la escuela?

Comentario: Una serie de brutales e inescrutables asesinatos aterroriza Londres. Entonces, el doctor Watson se da cuenta que hay un hombre capaz de encontrar a los criminales: el joven investigador SHERLOCK HOLMES.

Comentario: Rechazado por sus propios compañeros, un alumno de secundaria llamado Peter Parker ganará extraños poderes. ¿Seguirá siendo objeto de burla en la secundaria? ¿Cómo cambiará su vida?

Comentario: Cuando los muros caen... nadie está a salvo.

Comentario: La nanotecnología lo mantiene vivo. ¿Pero podrá seguir solo?