November 12, 2021

Kickstarter Campaign - Support the Next Comic by Arcadio Bolaños!

After months of hard work, I finally decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign for my new comic book: Infectious! Although previous comics have been released directly through Comixology (with a very limited print run), I decided to create a campaign for this one. So far our friends at the amazing website Sequart (@Sequart) and Lucas Gattoni (@LetteringBear) have helped us spread the news about Infectious. So of course now it’s my turn to do the same. 

This is basically my take on superheroes fighting (or trying to fight) against Covid and Coronavirus restrictions, mainly inspired on the frustrations and relationship problems I had during the beginning of the pandemic. I'm very proud of the work, and this will also be my first full-length comic (instead of the usual anthology of short stories).

The Kickstarter campaign is running right now and this is the link:

Please check it out and share it with your friends!

Después de meses de arduo trabajo, finalmente decidí lanzar una campaña de Kickstarter para mi nuevo cómic: ¡Infectious! Aunque los cómics anteriores salieron directamente a través de Comixology (con una tirada muy limitada), decidí crear una campaña para este. Hasta ahora, nuestros amigos del asombroso sitio web Sequart (@Sequart) y Lucas Gattoni (@LetteringBear) nos han ayudado a difundir las noticias sobre Infectious. Así que, por supuesto, ahora me toca a mí hacer lo mismo.
Esta es básicamente mi opinión sobre los superhéroes que luchan (o intentan luchar) contra las restricciones de Covid y Coronavirus, la idea está principalmente inspirada en las frustraciones y problemas de relación que tuve durante el comienzo de la pandemia. Estoy muy orgulloso del trabajo, y este también será mi primer cómic de largo aliento (en lugar de la habitual antología de historias cortas).
La campaña de Kickstarter ya está aquí y este es el enlace:

¡Revísenlo y compártanlo con sus amigos!


  1. And I don't know if you've tried it but if you don't get enough from the Kickstarter maybe you can try using Patreon.

  2. That's a good idea, thanks for the suggestion!
    By the way, whatever pledge level you choose I'll automatically upgrade you to the next level for free !

  3. Great news. Wish I had the money to be able to contribute; unfortunately I don't. But I'll be sharing and wishing you the best, of course.

  4. Awesome! Thank you so much !!
