Showing posts with label Renso Gonzales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Renso Gonzales. Show all posts

April 4, 2011

Inauguración de Sala 58 - Luchar o morir de Renso Gonzales

I am really surprised that I have so easily accepted 3.99 as the normal price for a comic book, I am not saying everything should cost 75 cents like in the 80s, but 2.50 or 2.75 would be very reasonable prices. Anyway, I think that this is a vicious circle. Sure you are selling thousands of comic books a month, but still the amount is not high enough to reduce costs, so you have to increase prices, and as amazing as it may seem, a few more cents are likely to reduce in some small percentage the purchases, and so next time you will have to increase again the cover price to cover all your costs, and you will have less people buying comic books because they keep getting more expensive.

I think it is great that the big two are trying to find new ways to promote their material, but it is a fact that more people would be willing to give comic books a try if they didn't have to spend 3.99 in one issue; think about it, if something is really inexpensive you will have no troubles buying it, if it lets you down you won't get disappointed, but if you feel you have paid more than you should and the product isn't satisfying, you are never going to buy a comic book again. What is going to happen in the future when the normal price is 6 or 7 bucks for an issue? You must be a hardcore fan to keep buying your favorite title, and the amount of total buyers will have decreased tremendously. But this is only speculative economy, and I can't back up half of what I am affirming. If you know that a comic book price is 2.99 you shouldn't pay more than 2.99. But we are willing to pay more. Those bastards know we have an addiction, not much difference between this and the illegal substance traffic.

But I have also realized that it’s not only the price that bothers me. It’s quality or rather a certain lack of quality. Whenever I spend 3 or 4 bucks in a comic book I have certain expectations, and more often than not, I get let down. Last year I bought Vertigo Resurrected which included an extraordinary story by Warren Ellis and Phil Jimenez, it was easily the best comic I read in 2010. Cover price was 7.99, but I would have gladly paid double for such a remarkable story. Same goes with Dark Horse’s Savage Sword, another 7.99 title that is filled mostly with forgettable stories with one exception: Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith collaboration. Now that’s a true gem, and I would have paid any amount of money to have it. So there. perhaps I have too high standards, because clearly not everything can be excellent. But it’s becoming increasingly common for me to feel disappointed with lots of 2.99 and 3.99 titles. What’s going on?


El viernes primero de abril fue una fecha importante por varios motivos. En primer lugar porque regresé a la Católica después de varios meses, acompañando a Augusto Rey y varios integrantes de Tenemos Ganas, sin duda la campaña resultó bastante provechosa, y además de encontrarme con amigos del colegio como Mateo Gamarra, también me encontré con Andrés Hare, a quien no veía hacía mucho tiempo.

Esa misma noche me reuní con mi colega de Viceversa Consulting Alberto Schroth en La Despensa, en Miraflores. Luego de un buen rato de conversación nos despedimos y decidí ir a la inauguración de una nueva galería de arte en Barranco: Sala 58. “Luchar o morir” de Renso Gonzales fue la muestra inaugural, compuesta por una serie de dibujos en blanco y negro. Como dibujante siempre tengo un especial interés por ver trabajos que en cierto modo estén relacionados a lo que hago. El estilo visual de Gonzales es poderoso, se apoya en la tinta china con una destreza envidiable, los espacios negativos, los blancos, la luminosidad y oscuridad están cuidadosamente balanceados en cada uno de sus trabajos; y si a eso le añadimos la temática de su obra resulta imposible permanecer indiferentes frente a estas imágenes.

Me encontré con varios amigos, como Gabriela Ibáñez que estudió literatura conmigo en la PUCP y que actualmente es directora de la editorial Polifonía. También saludé a mi amigo y artista David Rejas. Por suerte hubo whisky, así que pude tomar tranquilo y conversar animadamente hasta con uno de los integrantes de la banda Los Castigos, que tocaron en vivo en el jardín de la galería. Al día siguiente, fui con mi hermano Leonardo al pasacalle organizado por Tenemos Ganas en la plaza San José de Jesús María; estuvimos allí con Augusto Rey y Elohim Monard, y los integrantes de Tenemos Ganas.

A continuación un dibujo mío hecho con estilógrafo. Y finalmente, analizando las estadísticas del blog, compruebo que el grueso de visitantes sigue siendo de procedencia norteamericana, lo que me motiva a seguir manteniendo la mitad del contenido en inglés.