And now, without further ado, here you go: February comics as per solicitations.
AVENGERS 1959 #1 (OF 5)
Written and Penciled by HOWARD CHAYKIN Cover by HOWARD CHAYKIN EXPLODING FROM THE PAGES OF NEW AVENGERS? It's the tail end of the fabulous fifties. NICK FURY and his AVENGERS roar into their secret mission, hunting down NAZI SUPER VILLAINS?men and women relentlessly preparing to unleash hell on a troubled world barely holding onto peace?only to find the Avengers have what appears to be serious competition in their manhunt for these escaped ubermenschen?when their mission is suddenly compromised by interference from an unlikely source. 32 PGS. (each)/Rated T+
Written by CHRISTOS GAGE Pencils & Cover by MIKE McKONE Variant Cover by MIKE McKONE Reptil goes Jurassic on Tigra! When Humberto is elected class leader of Avengers Academy, it should be a dream come true…but instead it's a nightmare! As he struggles with the weight of his repressed grief and anger, added to the responsibility he feels to keep his teammates on the heroic path, something's got to give...and it might just be Reptil's humanity! Plus: more on Quicksilver and Finesse, the villainy of Mentallo, and another Avengers guest appearance in the series that Comic Book Club Live hails as 'All of the fun of '90s New Warriors with a dark side.' 32 PGS./Rated A
In this sweeping adaptation of Robert E. Howard's fan-favorite 'Queen of the Black Coast,' Conan turns his back on the civilized world and takes to the high seas alongside the pirate queen B?lit, setting the stage for an epic of romance, terror, and swashbuckling. This is Conan as you've never seen him, with the combination of one of Robert E. Howard's greatest tales and the most dynamic creative team in comics!
'P.E.,' Part Four
story ANGELO TIROTTO art / cover RICHARD JORDAN 'HOME AGAIN' Dee's life is in turmoil when her parents are killed in a freak tornado. Returning to Kansas for the funeral after five years in LA, Dee discovers Emeraldsville is the same unexciting place it was when she left - until the bizarre unexplained murders begin. With an unknown killer closing in, the events of one night in 1959 begin to unravel as a portal to a world of horror opens, a portal paved with yellow bricks...
SEVERED #7 (OF 7) (MR)
story SCOTT SNYDER & SCOTT TUFT art / cover ATTILA FUTAKI 'HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS' In 1916, a boy runs away from home in search of his father. But along the way he meets a salesman with sharp teeth and a hunger for flesh. SCOTT SNYDER (AMERICAN VAMPIRE, BATMAN, SWAMP THING), SCOTT TUFT and ATTILA FUTAKI (NYT Best-Selling-Artist: PERCY JACKSON) comes the most terrifying horror series of the year. Be there for the thrilling conclusion.
story JUSTIN JORDAN art / cover TRADD MOORE Luther tries to rescue Petra, and things end bloody. Meanwhile, Pete and Luther's Mom are left alone to face something unimaginably worse. Not everyone gets out of this issue alive. The penultimate issue of the hit series.
story ROBERT KIRKMAN & NICK SPENCER art / cover SHAWN MARTINBROUGH Conrad Paulson lives a secret double life as master thief Redmond. There is nothing he can't steal, nothing he can't have... except for the life he left behind. Now, with a grown son he hardly knows, and an ex-wife he never stopped loving, Conrad must try to piece together what's left of his life, before the FBI finally catch up to him... but it appears they are the least of his worries.
Tom has fought his way through to the holy of holies, where the Cabal's high council sits in judgment over the world. But stripped of his magical powers, he's just one man against a vast machine - and against the even more sinister power that lurks behind it.
story ROBERT KIRKMAN art / cover CHARLIE ADLARD & CLIFF RATHBURN They are unprepared for this
Winter Soldier and Black Widow are the super-spies of the Marvel U! • Ex-Russian Sleeper Agents awaken, but under who's control? • Is that Dr. Doom? Uh oh. 32 PGS./Rated T+
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Rodin Esquejo |
Febrero es el mes más corto del año (incluso en un año bisiesto), de todos modos, una docena de cómics llegaron a mi casa justo a tiempo. Realmente disfruté leyendo Avengers Academy y el primer número de Winter Soldier. El nuevo Conan de Dark Horse fue bastante decepcionante, usualmente me gustan los guiones de Brian Wood, pero me parece que no ha sido capaz de encontrar la verdadera voz de Conan como personaje. Y el estilo de Becky Cloonan simplemente no encaja con el cimerio. Nuevamente, los cómics clásicos son muchísimo mejores que las versiones actuales. Nuevamente Morning Glories y Unwritten llegan con buenos momentos. Y Severed tiene un final tremendo. Strange Talent of Luther Strode fue muy violento y, por supuesto, muy entretenido.
Y sin más que decir, aquí está la lista de los cómics de febrero.
AVENGERS 1959 #1 (OF 5)
Estamos en los fabulosos cincuentas. NICK FURY y su grupo de Vengadores cazarán a villanos nazis, capaces de abrir las puertas del averno.
Reptil se vuelve Jurásico. Cuando Humberto es elegido líder de la clase en la Academia de los Vengadores, debería ser como un sueño… pero en lugar de eso es una pesadilla. Ahora, deberá lidiar con su ira reprimida.
Una nueva adaptación de “La Reina de la Costa Negra”. Conan le da la espalda al mundo civilizado y llega al mar, al lado de la pirata BELIT.
Educación física, cuarta parte.
Su vida se tambalea luego de que sus padres murieron a causa de un tornado. De vuelta en Kansas para el funeral, luego de 5 años en Los Ángeles, su pueblo sigue siendo tan aburrido como siempre. Hasta que bizarros e inexplicables asesinatos empiezan a suceder.
SEVERED #7 (OF 7) (MR)
El hogar está donde está el corazón. Aquí concluye todo.
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signed edition / edición autografiada |
Luther intenta rescatar a Petra, y las cosas salen mal. Mientras tanto, la madre de Luther y Pete deben enfrentarse a algo inimaginable.
Él vive una vida secreta como un ladrón experto. No hay nada que no pueda robar, nada que no pueda tener, excepto el tiempo perdido. Ahora, con un hijo grande que apenas conoce, y una ex esposa a la que sigue queriendo, debe solucionar su vida antes que el FBI lo alcance.
Tom se ha abierto paso a través del santuario, donde está el alto concilio de la Cábala. Pero sin sus poderes mágicos, él es solamente un hombre en contra de la máquina y de los poderes siniestros que lo acechan.
No están preparados para esto.
WINTER SOLDIER y BLACK WIDOW son espías infalibles. ¿Pero qué pasa cuando el ex agente ruso despierta bajo el control de DOOM?