Showing posts with label Pablo Alayza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pablo Alayza. Show all posts

February 13, 2014

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada - MAC (Barranco)

Get Real (1998) 
Directed by Simon Shore 

"Be realistic, demand the impossible". Why not? Sometimes being realistic means, indeed, to have no creative freedom and above all no real desire to escape ideological imprisonment.

When Steven, a 16 year old student, starts frequenting public toilets hoping to hook up and have random sex with unknown men, he looks aloof and somehow emotionally unattached. His only confident is Linda, a girl somewhat ostracized because of her weight, and they come to a conclusion: no matter how hard they've tried, love has not been a part of their lives.

One day, in one of those public toilets the British seem so keen on visiting, he runs into John, another student from his high school. Except that John is not just another student, he happens to be the Golden Boy, not only is he the best athlete and the most handsome boy, he is also rich and very popular. Of course, John neutralizes possible misunderstandings by explaining that he just happened to be there. When Steven, disappointed and embarrassed, decides to depart, John asks him if his parents are home.

In Steven's home, the game commences, or rather, what was already there comes to the surface. When John makes fun of a teddy bear in Steven's room, that soon leads into physical contact as Steven tries to retrieve the object from John's hands. Then, after being on top of each other, breathing hard and unmistakably excited, John proceeds to unbutton Steve's trousers and when they're about to kiss things get interrupted.

The interruption is a symptom of society's intervention, which in this case does not take the form of an angry mob but rather the moral constraints that are deeply rooted in John's mind. If the gaze of the other defines us completely, then what must we do to be successfully inserted in society? For traditional psychoanalysis homosexuality has been a perversion, a mental illness, a condition that could be remedied, but it has also been the abject, id est, the vilest, the very lowest of the human condition. 
my drawing / mi dibujo 

I would like to believe that much time has passed since then, but it's undeniable that some people, perhaps more than I would care to admit, continue to think as if they had been raised in the Victorian age.

On the contrary, Steven has come to terms with his sexuality since he was 11. He has no doubts, no regrets. He feels only angry at the prejudiced people surrounding him at home, at school and everywhere in between. As his relationship with John progresses, they thrive to keep the secrecy, but the clandestine rendezvous and the constant hiding takes a toll on Steven. As John explains to him, they can do anything they want as long as no one else knows about it.

Although at first this is hardly a limitation, soon the nature of the relationship will demand openness. Steven wants John to feel proud of them, of their relationship, he demands John to acknowledge him in school, not only outside. How long can they go keeping the secret? And is it really impossible to declare their love to everyone else? Be realistic, sometimes the impossible simply cannot be demanded for the very reason that it shouldn't have been deemed impossible in the first place.

As the impossibility of accepting homosexuality is firmly placed in John's head, things will not be easy. But when other school kids start making enquiries and deductions, the entire relationship could come apart. Does this couple have what it takes to surmount seemingly unconquerable obstacles or was this a doomed affair from the very beginning? 
Marquesa Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

Esta ha sido, sin duda, una noche atípica. ¿Por qué? Porque se inauguraron dos muestras imperdibles. Por un lado, Agatha Ruiz de la Prada engalanó la sala del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo con sus vestidos ultra-contemporáneos. 

Como le comenté a Érika Beleván mientras me entrevistaba para Polizontes, hace falta ser una persona extraordinaria (es decir, fuera de lo ordinario) y sumamente audaz para usar la ropa que usa Agatha Ruiz de la Prada; quizá su título nobiliario le otorga automáticamente una osadía de la que pocos podrían presumir, pero lo cierto es que sus diseños de ropa son todo menos ordinarios. 

Y eso lo pude comprobar en la atiborrada sala del MAC, en la que cientos de individuos se fotografiaban con los atuendos de Ruiz dela Prada.

No obstante, la enorme afluencia de público me hizo sentir claustrofóbico, así que luego de media hora decidí retirarme a la inauguración de “Kinésica” de Daniela Carvalho en Dédalo, allí saludé a Pedro Casusol, a María Elena Fernández, y me quedé charlando un largo rato con Mónica Cuba y con Isabelle Decencière

Con dibujos asombrosos, Carvalho transmite una intensidad y una expresividad que pocos artistas son capaces de alcanzar. Sus vívidos retratos de rostros incompletos nos llenan de asombro, y la delicadeza de su trazo nos reconcilia con el arte en mayúsculas. Sin lugar a dudas, se trata de una de las mejores muestras que he visto en el transcurso del 2014.
Daniela Carvalho

En el transcurso de la noche me encontré con Luis Piccini, Pablo Alayza, Eduardo y Gabriel Lores, etc. Quizás me extralimité en la cantidad de copas de espumante que bebí, pero lo cierto es que me divertí como no me divertía en meses. ¡Salud!

November 23, 2013

Dédalo - Exponatale 2013

"Barranco a pie" - Ramiro Llona
Years ago I had the chance to read a marvelous novel: “The Tunnel” by Ernesto Sábato. I have no intention of synthesizing the book. I’ll just try to recreate one paragraph. The protagonist is obsessed with a girl. He knows where she works. One day he starts thinking about going to her office. He considers his options. Hi, could be a rather informal presentation, therefore, the girl could assume that he is an unreliable person and that would be an inconvenience. Good afternoon sounds awkward and tantalizingly formal, therefore, she could think that he is older than he looks and that would be disastrous. Hello could be the right answer, if she feels comfortable enough she could make a weather comment, and he could answer that comment with something else; then he starts analyzing the possible consequences of his comments, the weather may be too impersonal, too vague whereas an explanation of how he tracked her down could render him as a maniac stalker; must be something else, maybe a compliment about her dress, properly done could make her smile if she doesn’t consider it rude or grotesque. 

Galería Pepe Cobo
Then again the protagonist keeps thinking in advance what could she possibly say and what should he answer; it is a very special kind of torture, he thinks that maybe she hates compliments because she considers them as refined lies, and he thinks that probably she likes mature men so he would better say good afternoon, but what happens if she wants somebody spontaneous enough to say hi instead of hello, and what happens if hello wasn’t the right choice, and what could be the combinations of the answers considering the other options. 

The protagonist goes on and on as he suffers tremendously analyzing and thinking all the possibilities. Finally, as you can see, there is an immobilization. You think so much about what should you be doing or what is the good voice and the bad voice that at the end you are not moving. 

I started documenting my life in 1999. I have over six hundred pages written in Times New Roman 10. I have never read it all again, but sometimes I do search for a specific name or word and then I remember what was going on in 2001 or 2004. I think it is always good to have a record of all these things; if only to know they are there. Unless, of course, having too much information ends up paralyzing you.


probably one of my worst drawings /
probablemente uno de mis peores dibujos

Si bien la semana anterior fue pobre en eventos, esta semana ha sido todo lo contrario. El día miércoles asistí a la inauguración de "Barranco a pie" en el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, una extraordinaria selección de 500 fotografías tomadas por Ramiro Llona; el talentoso artista plástico demuestra tener una mirada privilegiada no sólo para la pintura sino también para captar imágenes de su entorno. El recorrido visual que Ramiro ofrece fue particularmente agradable para mí, algo lógico si tenemos en cuenta que he vivido en este distrito por veinte años.

En el MAC me encontré con mi amigo David Rejas, que presentará sus cuadros en el Antica Trattoria de Barranco, el próximo lunes; también saludé a Carmen Alegre y Marcos Palacios. Tony Abello estuvo presente en la barra de pisco Larroca, preparando incansablemente cientos de chilcanos; además de disfrutar con varios tragos bien heladitos, también comí quesitos y jamones, cortesía de Otto Kunz. 

Luego de una hora, Marcos y yo nos fuimos a Lucía de la Puente, allí se inauguraban dos muestras: "Ignoto" de Jorge Cabieses, un verdadero despliegue de creatividad geométrica y "Estudios de Pliegue", originales trabajos de Kenji Nakama. 

Sin embargo, lo más sorprendente de la noche fue la Galería Pepe Cobo. Este es un espacio nuevo que recién abría sus puertas. “Siluetas y retratos de mujer” reúne obras de importantes artistas europeos y peruanos, entre ellos Ahtila, Balkenhol, Espaliú, Gamarra, Picabia, Polke, Ruscha, Saura y ¡Picasso! Movido por la curiosidad, consulté la lista de precios y la aguada de Picasso que estaba en exhibición se vendía por la friolera de 250,000 dólares, otros cuadros de la sala superaban los 300,000 dólares. La galería de José Cobo Romero quizá sea la única sala de Lima con tantos millones de dólares de arte por metro cuadrado.

"Ignoto" - Jorge Cabieses

Me produjo una sensación muy extraña tomar mi copa de cava al lado de un cuadro que valía más que mi casa. José Medina comentó que seguramente estos cuadros no habían pagado impuestos al ingresar a nuestro país, y tras una inspección un poco más detallada, descubrimos que, en efecto, habían sido enviados directamente a la Embajada de España y por lo tanto, probablemente no habían pasado por aduanas. 

Finalmente, después de las copas de vino, de espumante y de pisco, caí en el pecado de la gula y terminé tomando vodka en el evento de Absolut realizado en Domingo Laboratorio Creativo. Allí me encontré con Gabriel Lama, quien me dio una muy triste noticia sobre un amigo muy querido.

Y, contra todo pronóstico, al día siguiente la fiesta continuó. Hay un evento anual que he comentado desde que existe este blog (y si quieren pueden revisar mis posts de 2010, 2011 y 2012). Estoy hablando de la Exponatale de Dédalo. 

La Exponatale fue, una vez más, una auténtica fiesta. El jardín de esta hermosa casona barranquina se vio atiborrado de hombres y mujeres rebosantes de ánimo y ganas de celebrar. Saludé a María Elena Fernández, a Eduardo Lores, a Sebastián Lores y a Hugo Alegre. Empecé la noche con un riquísimo chilcano de pisco Larroca y después pasé a una copa de vino Navarro Correas, luego un vodka tonic de Danzka, y así sucesivamente. Conversé un largo rato con Isabelle Decencière y disfruté al máximo el concierto realizado por Pablo Alayza, y Kuno Vollprecht. Sin duda, fue una noche fabulosa.

April 20, 2013

Mamamia Dédalo

17 years ago a friend of mine showed me something that I had not seen before: The Death of Superman in a brasilian edition, obviously in Portuguese. Since I have always been interested in this sort of curiosities he gave me that rare edition.

Superman: 75 years of uninterrupted publication / Superman: 75 años de publicación ininterrumpida

I drew this 3 years ago / dibujé esto hace 3 años

I was already a Superman fan but I had stopped reading the adventures of the Man of Steel after Byrne left the title. The saga of the death and consequent resurrection of the most famous superhero in the world brought me back. And that was good because that's how I discovered Mark Millar, after all, he wrote "Superman: Red Son", which in my opinion is one of the best Superman stories ever.

I started reading comics with Byrne’s Superman, and to know that everything he made in the title was revamped, dismissed and / or forgotten made me feel as angry as the Hulk in a bad day. 

If I talk about Superman I think of Byrne and everything the writer did with the character in the 80’s. Byrne always said that his approach was the same he had with FF and other titles: “back to the basics”, he wanted to explore what was great about Superman, he wanted to incorporate as much elements from his past as possible and then write his own story / history; the author's work was very respectful and at the same time original and valuable. What I see now is no respect for what he did and a complete lack of editorial direction. And so I stopped reading Superman. I haven't read Superman in years. But in a way, I'm always there. Byrne, Millar, Moore, Busiek so many great authors have created unforgettable stories about the last son of Krypton.

On April 18th every comic fan has celebrated the 75th anniversary of Action Comics # 1, Superman's first historical appearance. Surely, the world has changed a lot in 75 years but Superman continues to be an icon, an ideal of nobility and heroism. Let's make a toast to commemorate this date. Long Live Superman!

Ayer jueves se inauguró Mamamia, en Dédalo. Al tratarse de una de las muestras más importantes del año, el evento fue a todo dar. Hubo un gran número de invitados, y fue también la ocasión perfecta para encontrarme con mi amigo Andreé Ferro. Salí de COSAS un poco más tarde de lo que había planeado, pero igual llegué a tiempo para coincidir con él. 

La muestra de este año presenta una enorme variedad de objetos preciosos, en una cuidada selección que nos impulsa a comprar de todo. Tal como le dije a Erika Beleván cuando me entrevistaba para “Polizontes”, dar regalos a una madre suele ser una tarea complicada, pero gracias a la nutrida oferta de Dédalo ya sé qué regalar el segundo domingo de mayo. También me encontré con Gonzalo Pazos Navarro, y conversamos brevemente. Gonzalo es amigo de Pablo Alayza y Kuno Vollprecht, un grupo de chicos del Pestalozzi que se han hecho conocidos como músicos al haberse presentado en Dédalo ya tantas veces. Por supuesto, le dije a Erika que Gonzalo se moría de ganas de ser entrevistado, así que de inmediato Erika lo abordó y le hizo todo tipo de preguntas curiosas. Esperemos que ese divertido segmento se emita en el próximo capítulo del programa de Plus TV.

Mientras Andreé se reencontró con una amiga de su colegio, yo saludé a María Elena Fernández, Eduardo Lores, Gabriel Lores, Sebastián Lores y Sofía Lores, quien tuvo la gentileza de acercarse y tomarnos un par de fotos. También hablé brevemente con Pedro Casusol, y conversé muchísimo rato con el artista Hugo Salazar, que por fin se animó a salir por una noche del circuito artístico sanisidrino para entrar al barranquino. En el transcurso de la noche saludé a Rhony Alhalel, Ilse Rehder, Pablo Villaizán, John Chauca, entre otros. 

Como siempre, fue un gusto haber asistido a la inauguración de Mamamia, me divertí muchísimo y además, después de tantas horas de trabajo en la oficina, le di la bienvenida a los cocteles de Aperol, las copas de champagne y los vasos de chilcano, cortesía de Pisco Larroca. ¿Y ustedes ya decidieron qué regalos van a hacer por el día de la madre?

November 23, 2012

Dédalo - Exponatale 2012

Pablo Patrucco
I have a friend that upholds a rather controversial theory: “No one is able to love, all the persons have the same biological needs of reproduction and that’s it”. I still remember our discussions. We began to stray, then, into a question of whether or not love was a simple biological need or something more wondrous and uncanny. To him, love was a lie, the merest trifle by comparison with biology or the will of the body, as he so aptly put it. This point did sit festering in the back of my mind, though. While I was not prepared, on initial hearing, to acknowledge there might be any iota of truth in my friend’s assertion, I found myself coming back to the point over and over, much in the same way you might find your tongue constantly probing a loose tooth, no matter how painful. Was it possible? Was it possible that love was just a lunatic creation that writers have perpetuated throughout the ages, from the dawn of time? I recall those words, that sometimes the things that may or may not be truth, are the things that a man needs to believe in the most. And therein lies the ultimate test.
Pablo Patrucco

I would like to think that to fall in love with someone means that you are not only admiring a body, but a soul, a mind and a heart. Everything combined, for a person is a whole, not only skin or hair. Sure, some people have their way with a gorgeous body and that’s it. But I do not accept that a relationship could be possible with a person that only has a good body, a good surface. And as for love at first sight, I guess it could be possible provided that you fall in love for more than one reason. I found a very enlightening phrase in Constantino Carvallo’s book: “For a long time now I don’t believe in reasons. Why we do the things we do?, how do we choose the things we choose? One can search in successive phases the reasons of one’s acts and find, many years later, new explanations that will answer the never ending question of why, why did you take that decision, why did you do that? Why did I study philosophy? What am I doing in this place? What forces me to do what I do? Why do I commit myself with something that is not interesting for others? Why am I like this?, who silences me when I want to speak and, sometimes, who speaks when I am hearing my voice? These are interrogations not worthy of a place in the great gold book of philosophy; but to me are a mystery, the mystery of life itself and the search of that interior place where decisions are taken. Who rules in men? Reason? Emotions? The key question is Why. Men are influenced by sometimes incomprehensible factors. These incomprehension is full of reasons, and many believe in those reasons with conviction, and they proclaim them so much that they end up believing in them. But seduction barely gives you motives, never reasons. Causes of movement. Like some dark eyes, a certain grace in the way of walking, or a warmness in the voice can be the motive of love. We don’t know”.

When we really like someone, we have thousand of details in our mind, small things, but essential things. At first we might admire the other person’s body, but then we learn to love and cherish all these details. No one in the world could persuade you in admiring qualities that are not there. Makes one think, doesn’t it?

Ayer se realizó el evento anual más importante de Dédalo, la XVII Exponatale. Quedé fascinado por la enorme creatividad de todos los artistas y diseñadores que han elaborado un sinfín de objetos preciosos justo a tiempo para la temporada navideña. 

Apenas llegué me encontré con Rossella Di Paolo, importantísima poeta peruana que fue mi profesora en la PUCP. Nos quedamos conversando un rato, la última vez que la vi fue en Lucía de la Puente, y antes de eso en el salón de clases de la facultad de literatura, en el ya lejano 2008.

Después me encontré con Louise Böttcher, la mamá de Joshua, uno de mis mejores amigos del colegio. Nos quedamos hablando un buen rato, recordando las épocas en las que todavía Joshua y yo estábamos en el colegio. No veía a Louise desde el 2011, porque Joshua estuvo todo un año en Cerro de Pasco haciendo su SERUM (Servicio Rural y Urbano Marginal de Salud). En un par de semanas es cumpleaños de Joshua así que ahí nos veremos nuevamente.
my drawing / mi dibujo

Durante la noche saludé a muchos de los visitantes asiduos de Dédalo, pero fue especialmente gratificante encontrarme con Arturo José Valdés Hamann, uno de mis grandes amigos que, según me cuenta, acaba de tener una hija. Qué duro debe ser asumir la paternidad a los 25 años, pero Arturo José se veía feliz a pesar de los retos que lo esperan. 

Luego de tomarme un vodka tonic, un vodka con jugo de naranja y un maracuyá sour (que estaba tan delicioso como los que hago yo), saludé a Alonso Cueto, a Pepe Tudela (gerente de programación de Plus TV a quien conocí en el canal), a Fernando Carvallo, a Sebastián Lores, a Eduardo Lores, a María Elena Fernández. Y quedé encantado con el Cuarteto Morella, un grupo de chicos de 17 años del colegio Pestalozzi que se encargaron de hacer de la música el punto central de esta Exponatale. Al final felicité a Pablo Alayza y a Kuno Vollprecht por tanta buena música.