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my drawing / mi dibujo |
1 Weekend in Asia: This time the group was consistently the same: Juan Carlos Gibson, Rodrigo and Pamela (his girlfriend). In the night there was going to be a party / concert in Asia Boulevard, the cheapest ticket was like twenty bucks, but Gibson knew the organizers so he got free tickets for all of us. Although I didn't precisely make it to the concert; and I blame my maracuyá sour.
Ximena and Richard Quantrill were having a barbacue right next to the third floor's swimming pool, so I had the opportunity to eat a lot, and I felt like I had to contribute something in return... Ximena loves maracuyá sour, and I had just bought a bottle of pisco. So I quickly turned into a barman, and I made paracuyá sour for everyone, which they enjoyed tremendously and praised quite a bit. So, I got over-enthusiastic about it, and after a while I was a bit drunk. I asked if someone else wanted more alcohol, the answer was affirmative, so what was left of my bottle disappeared in minutes, and then I stayed with Richard and Ximena's friends, I had some wine too, and I had a lot of fun trying to identify songs. Richard had a lot of eighties movies soundtracks in his iPod, so he played one song and we had to guess what movie was it from, I was right at least three times, which positively impressed Richard.
I asked him if he had ever visited Chessington and he said yes, and he even mentioned the zoo. When I was drunk enough I said goodbye to everyone, went downstairs and into the guest room, and I fell asleep immediately. Sunday, as usual, Ximena invited us breakfast and then lunch. Anyway, afterwards I searched with Gibson our numbered beach umbrella, everything is always very organized in Asia's beaches as you'd say, and Gibson as usual made fun of all the ridiculous habits of rich people, and we even had a discussion about exclusiveness and private beaches. Anyway, I don't really like the sand, it gets everywhere and makes me feel dirty, so I left him there and I went back to the house. After a while Gibson returned and asked me if I wanted to go to the clubhouse, we went there and we decided to make a small competition in the big swimming pool, obviously I lost; he said that I was tired because of yesterday's non-stop-drinking, so we stayed there in peace talking about meaningless things. It was so relaxing.
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Renzo Núñez Melgar Vega |
A falta de una hubo dos interesantes muestras esta semana en Dédalo. La primera, el día martes, fue ComprArte organizada por Hecho con Amor. Se trató de una subasta ciega a beneficio de las personas que padecen esclerosis múltiple. Allí se podía adquirir una gran variedad de obras de artistas de renombre como Mariella Agois y Christian Fuchs. De hecho, en esta ocasión, Christian había contribuido con “Der Garten” un magnífico trabajo de composición fotográfica que impresionó a muchos de los concurrentes. Me pasé toda la noche conversando con Marcos Palacios y Paola Tejada, mientras tomábamos unos deliciosos chilcanos cortesía de Pisco Larroca, la marca de Roca Rey.
El día jueves se presentó la segunda muestra, esta vez de joyería: “Espais. Encontres” de Anna Maresma Ribas. Anna Maresma trabaja la plata con pasión, doblando la filigrana, hilvanando trazos argentados y experimentando con una multitud de diseños novedosos. Esta vez me encontré con Maxwell, artífice de El espejo de Maxwell.
Estuvimos conversando largo rato sobre diversos temas, desde cómics hasta películas. Siempre es divertido hacer un recuento de lo que uno publica en esta ‘bitácora virtual’, pero lo más divertido es hacerlo no virtual sino personalmente. Fue un gusto conversar con Maxwell, y ha hecho que me anime a asistir al encuentro de bloggers que se realiza cada año. Me hace mucha ilusión conocer a las otras personas a quienes solamente ‘veo’ a través de sus posts.
Y ahora los dejo con un dibujillo mío. Y, también, con un espectacular cuadro de mi amigo Renzo Núñez Melgar Vega. El año pasado visité el taller que él comparte con Asad López de Castilla en más de una ocasión y tuve la oportunidad de ver, poco a poco, el avance de sus pinturas. Me llamó en especial una que reúne a Miguel Grau, He-Man, Rick Grimes (de The Walking Dead), el Chavo del ocho, Van Gogh, Don Corleone (“El Padrino” interpretado por Marlon Brando), V For Vendetta, Steve Jobs, Darth Vader, Salvador Dalí, entre otros. ¿Qué podría congregar a este variopinto grupo de personajes? La respuesta quizás sea obvia si prestan atención a las cuatro figuras que están en primer plano. El que adivine, que deje un comentario.
Visiten: www.elespejodemaxwell.blogspot.com