Showing posts with label Iron Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iron Man. Show all posts

May 16, 2016

Civil War # 4-7 - Mark Millar & Steve McNiven

The nature of superheroes rests on some very specific foundations. A superhero is a man or a woman doing the right thing without asking for any sort of reward or compensation. A superhero is often a lonely figure (and most of the time an unmarried one…) focused on their altruistic goals. So obviously the idea of recruiting superheroes and make them follow the government’s orders is very unusual, and yet rich in storytelling possibilities.
Wonder Man, Mr. Fantastic, Tigra, Yellow Jacket, Wasp & Thor
We root for superheroes whenever they beat the hell out of villains. Nonetheless, when superheroes fight each other our perspective changes. And in one way or another, we manifest our preference for one of them instead of the other, basing our decisions solely on our instincts and feelings, and not necessarily on rational thinking. When Civil War came out, hundreds of fans complained about how Tony Stark had usurped the role of the ‘bad guy’. However, I think that Mark Millar managed to maintain a certain balance. If I had to reply the question that became so popular thanks to this saga, “whose side are you on?”, I would have had a hard time coming up with an answer. Both Captain America and Iron Man thought they were doing the right thing, in fact, they were sure of it. And their conviction was so strong that readers had many heated debates in online forums, defending the point of view of the protagonists of Civil War.
Green Goblin, Spider-Man, Venom & Bullseye
As the battle between the heroes goes on, things get out of control. Iron Man’s Machiavellian actions were hard to accept for some fans. The cybernetic replica of Thor and the prison for superheroes located in the Negative Zone are quite sinister plans, but they make sense if we remember that Stark is a recovering alcoholic intent on keeping everything under control, no matter the cost. 
Hercules, Daredevil, Wiccan, Vision, Invisible Woman, Cloak, Captain America, Falco & Human Torch
A pivotal moment in Civil War # 4 (originally published in October 2006) is the death of Bill Foster (AKA Goliath), at the hands of the robotic Thor. That was a clever idea from the Scottish writer since having an android kill one of Captain America’s men diffuses responsibility; the consequence is still shocking, but none of the heroes supporting Iron Man can be accused of murder. And yet Iron Man starts losing support. Spider-Man realizes he’s made a mistake. And even the Fantastic Four, Marvel’s premier superhero family, starts falling apart. Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) pays attention only to his laboratory and his calculations, Ben Grimm decides to take a neutral stance and seeks shelter in Europe, and finally, Johnny Storm and his sister Susan Storm join the resistance. 
Captain America versus Iron Man
Before abandoning her husband, Susan Storm writes him a letter. It’s a heartbreaking farewell, intimate, full of passion and completely true to the Invisible Woman’s essence: “I’m so ashamed of you right now, and ashamed of myself supporting your fascistic plans. I hate what I’ve become, and that’s why I’m joining Cap’s Secret Avengers team […] I’m doing this for the best of reasons and pray that your genius can resolve this thing before one side ends up slaughtering the other”. This separation is of vital importance if we remember that the Fantastic Four are the foundation of the Marvel Universe, and if they can no longer stand united, that is a bad omen. Meanwhile S.H.I.E.L.D. deploys a villain squad to hunt Spider-Man. Exhausted and outnumbered, Peter Parker is defeated, but luckily the Punisher saves his life. 

Reed Richards starts having second thoughts about the superhuman conflict, and Millar portrays him as a vulnerable and fragile character that we can easily relate to. Even Yellow Jacket (Hank Pym), is feeling remorse. Nevertheless, too much has happened already, and used to win every battle with their fists, the heroes on both sides simply don’t know how to stop the fighting. One of my favorite sequences takes place in half a page, when Uatu, The Watcher, is talking with Doctor Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme. “With your great power, you could stop this quarrel with a gesture or a whisper”, affirms Uatu; and Stephen Strange replies “Precisely why I must remain above the fray. There is no right or wrong in this debate. It is simply a matter of perspective, and it is not my place to influence the evolution of the superhuman role”. Doctor Strange has been fastening and meditating for weeks, while his friends and colleagues are attacking each other.
The death of Goliath / la muerte de Goliath

In the final battle, Captain America defeats Iron Man, but he’s unable to strike the final blow. After realizing how much destruction the war has caused, Captain America lowers his indestructible shield and surrenders. An amnesty is offered to the rebel heroes, and Iron Man is appointed as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. by president Bush himself. And the 50 States Initiative begins. 

Steve McNiven’s covers are very expressive and full of life and movement. McNiven’s artwork is an elegant combination of fluid lines, dynamic composition and highly detailed images. I remember that when I first read Civil War I wasn’t familiar with McNiven, but needless to say, I became a fan right away. He had something special, he was able to combine light and darkness in a way that felt eerily fitting for this morally ambiguous story. The suffering of the characters was made real thanks to his pencils, and with the inks of Dexter Vines, John Dell and Tim Townsend everything looks even more spectacular.

Mark Millar’s proposal was so successful because he went as far as he could and turned Civil War into a complex ideological confrontation, a political metaphor and an indictment on real life laws like the Patriot Act, signed by president Bush. In previous works, Millar had criticized sometimes subtly and other times loudly, the Bush administration. And he wasn’t alone. Many Americans were worried about the loss of civil liberties. This isn’t the first comic series that reflects real problems as well as the social upheavals of its time, and it certainly won’t be the last. 

I explained, in the beginning, how 2006 was the year in which I abandoned DC and joined the ranks of Marvel. Like the protagonists of Civil War, I was also forced to choose a side. All editorial orders were blindly obeyed at DC Comics, they were playing it safe, while Marvel was willing to think outside the box, doing an event that defied the expectations of their readership. Obviously, I did what Captain America would have done. I joined the resistance; and I remained a loyal fan (until Disney bought Marvel but, then again, that’s a story for another time). 

La naturaleza de los superhéroes se apoya sobre cimientos muy específicos. Un superhéroe es un hombre o una mujer que hace lo correcto sin pedir ningún tipo de recompensa a cambio. Un superhéroe es a menudo una persona solitaria (y la mayoría de las veces soltero/a...) que se enfoca en objetivos altruistas. Así que, obviamente, la idea de reclutar a los superhéroes para que sigan las órdenes del gobierno es muy inusual y, sin embargo, rica en posibilidades narrativas.
Battle wounds / heridas de batalla

Nos agrada ver a los superhéroes dándole una paliza a los villanos. Sin embargo, cuando los superhéroes luchan entre sí nuestra perspectiva cambia. Y de una manera u otra, manifestamos nuestra preferencia por un personaje en vez de otro, basando nuestras decisiones únicamente en nuestros instintos y sentimientos, y no necesariamente en el pensamiento racional. Cuando Civil War Civil War salió a la venta, cientos de fans se quejaron de Tony Stark, quien había usurpado el papel del 'malo'. Sin embargo, creo que Mark Millar logró mantener un cierto equilibrio. Si yo tuviera que contestar a la pregunta que se hizo tan popular gracias a esta saga, “¿de qué lado estás?”, habría tenido dificultades para dar con una respuesta. Tanto Captain America y Iron Man creen que hacen lo correcto, de hecho, están seguros de eso. Y la convicción de ambos era tan fuerte que los lectores debatieron acaloradamente en los foros en línea, defendiendo el punto de vista de los protagonistas de esta guerra civil.

A medida que la batalla entre los héroes continúa, las cosas se salen de control. Para algunos fans, las maquiavélicas acciones de Iron Man fueron difíciles de aceptar. La réplica cibernética de Thor y la prisión de superhéroes ubicada en la zona negativa fueron planes bastante siniestros, pero tienen sentido si recordamos que Stark es un alcohólico en recuperación, determinado a mantener todo bajo control, sin importar el costo.

Un momento crucial en Civil War # 4 (publicado originalmente en octubre del 2006) es la muerte de Bill Foster (también conocido como Goliath) a manos del Thor robótico. Esta fue una astuta idea de parte del escritor escocés, porque cuando es un androide quien mata a uno de los hombres de Captain America la responsabilidad se hace difusa; la consecuencia sigue siendo impactante, pero ninguno de los héroes que apoya a Iron Man puede ser acusado de asesinato. Y sin embargo, Iron Man empieza a perder apoyo. Spider-Man se da cuenta de que ha cometido un error. E incluso los Cuatro Fantásticos, la primera familia de superhéroes de Marvel, comienza a desmoronarse. Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) sólo presta atención a su laboratorio y a sus cálculos, Ben Grimm decide tomar una postura neutral y busca refugio en Europa, y, por último, Johnny Storm y su hermana Susan Storm se unen a la resistencia.
Final confrontation / la confrontación final
Antes de abandonar a su marido, Susan Storm le escribe una carta. Es una despedida desgarradora, íntima, llena de pasión y totalmente fiel a la esencia de la Mujer Invisible: “Estoy tan avergonzada de ti en este momento, y avergonzada de mí misma por apoyar tus planes fascistas. Odio en lo que me he convertido, y es por eso que me uniré al equipo de los Vengadores Secretos del Capi [...] Estoy haciendo esto por la mejor de las razones y rezo para que tu genio pueda resolver esto antes de que un lado termine masacrando al otro”. Esta separación es de vital importancia si tenemos en cuenta que los Fantastic Four son la base del Universo Marvel, y si ellos ya no pueden estar unidos, eso es un mal presagio. Mientras tanto S.H.I.E.L.D. despliega un equipo de villanos para cazar a Spider-Man. Un agotado Peter Parker es derrotado, pero por suerte Punisher le salva la vida.
Hercules destroys the robotic Thor / Hercules destroza al Thor robótico

Reed Richards comienza a tener dudas sobre este conflicto súper-humano, y Millar lo retrata como un personaje vulnerable y frágil con el que nos podemos identificar fácilmente. Incluso Yellow Jacket (Hank Pym), siente remordimiento. Sin embargo, han pasado demasiadas cosas, y al estar acostumbrados a ganar todas las batallas con sus puños, los héroes de ambos lados simplemente no saben cómo detener el combate. Una de mis secuencias favoritas tiene lugar en media página, cuando Uatu, The Watcher, está hablando con Doctor Strange, el hechicero supremo. “Con tu gran poder, podrías poner fin a esta contienda con un gesto o un susurro”, afirma Uatu; y Stephen Strange responde: “Precisamente por eso debo mantenerme por encima de la refriega. No hay bien o mal en este debate. Es simplemente una cuestión de perspectiva, y no es mi derecho influir en la evolución del rol del superhombre”. Doctor Strange ha estado ayunando y meditando durante semanas, mientras que sus amigos y colegas se atacan entre sí.

En la batalla final,  Captain America vence a Iron Man, pero es incapaz de asestarle el golpe final. Tras darse cuenta de la cantidad de destrucción que la guerra ha causado,  Captain America  suelta su escudo indestructible y se rinde. Una amnistía es ofrecida a los héroes rebeldes, y Iron Man es designado como director de S.H.I.E.L.D. por el presidente Bush. Y comienza la Iniciativa de los 50 Estados.

Las portadas de Steve McNiven son muy expresivas y llenas de vida y movimiento. El arte de McNiven es una elegante combinación de trazos fluidos, composición dinámica e imágenes altamente detalladas. Recuerdo que cuando leí por primera vez Civil War no estaba familiarizado con McNiven, pero de forma inmediata me convertí en uno de sus admiradores. Él tenía algo especial, era capaz de combinar la luz y la oscuridad de una manera que encajaba muy apropiadamente en esta historia moralmente ambigua. El sufrimiento de los personajes se hizo realidad gracias a sus lápices, y con las tintas de Dexter Vines, John Dell y Tim Townsend todo se ve aún más espectacular.
Hero against hero: the end of the Civil War / héroe contra héroe: el final de la guerra civil
La propuesta de Mark Millar fue exitosa porque él llegó tan lejos como pudo llegar en esta guerra civil, convirtiéndola en una confrontación ideológica compleja, una metáfora política y una crítica a las leyes de la vida real como el Acta Patriota, que el presidente Bush firmó. En obras previas, Millar había condenado, a veces sutilmente y otras veces en voz alta, al gobierno de Bush. Y no estaba solo. Muchos estadounidenses estaban preocupados por la pérdida de las libertades civiles. Esta no es la primera serie de cómics que refleja problemas reales, así como los trastornos sociales de la época, y sin duda no será la última.

Expliqué, al principio, cómo en el 2006 abandoné a DC y me uní a las filas de Marvel. Al igual que los protagonistas de Civil War, yo también me vi obligado a elegir una posición. Todas las órdenes de los editores eran obedecidas ciegamente en DC Comics, ellos ya no asumían riesgos, mientras que en Marvel estaban dispuestos a ser más rompedores, haciendo un evento que desafiaba las expectativas de sus lectores. Obviamente, hice lo que habría hecho el Capitán América. Me uní a la resistencia; y permanecí como un fan leal (hasta que Disney compró Marvel pero, claro está, eso es una historia para otra ocasión).

March 15, 2011

February comic books / Cómics de febrero

My Februrary comics (from left to right) as per solicitations:


Mike Mignola (W/Cover), Scott Hampton (A), and Dave Stewart (C) Hellboy is trapped in a dark basement littered with bones and small coffins, and the only way out is through the floating creature of death! For the first time, Mike Mignola teams up with artist Scott Hampton (Batman, The Sandman Presents: Lucifier) for this gothic tale. o Classic vampire horror! o The exciting conclusion! Hellboy: The Sleeping and the Dead™ © 2010 Mike Mignola.


Tim Truman (W), Tomás Giorello (A), José Villarrubia (C), Darick Robertson (Cover), and Gerald Parel (Cover) A thrilling new era begins, as Dark Horse launches its first miniseries devoted entirely to the trials and exploits of Robert E. Howard's King Conan! Timothy Truman, Tomás Giorello, and José Villarrubia-the monthly team behind the critically acclaimed Conan the Cimmerian run-jump many years forward in the barbarian's life to a time when he's already crowned himself ruler of Aquilonia, as they adapt the beloved King Conan story, 'The Scarlet Citadel.' With covers by fan-favorite Darick Robertson, this fast-paced, standalone miniseries is sure to please fans of breathtaking artwork and edge-of-your-seat adventure-and it's a great introduction to Howard's tales of King Conan! o The creative team behind the Conan the Cimmerian run launches Dark Horse's King Conan series! o Covers by fan-favorite Darick Robertson! o A thrilling adaptation of one of Robert E. Howard's most beloved Conan stories! 'Tomás Giorello and José Villarrubia's art is so great here that it's the ultimate selling point . . . it's just beautiful.' -Comic Book Resources King Conan © 2010 Conan Properties International LLC ('CPI'). CONAN, CONAN THE BARBARIAN, THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN, HYBORIA, and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of CPI. All rights reserved.


Steve Niles (w) • Bernie Wrightson (a & a) After conducting experiments to detect artificial ghost hauntings, Doc Macabre and his robot pal, Lloyd, finally track down the culprit. With solid leads and advice from Dead, She Said's Coogan and The Ghoul, young Doc Macabre is ready to confront the Swami of Real Estate. Laughs and horrors abound! Features the concluding prose short by Steve Niles, too! FC • 32 pages


HACK/SLASH returns in all-new ongoing series by the creative team behind the hit HACK/SLASH: MY FIRST MANIAC mini! Cassie Hack, killer of killers, and her partner Vlad hunt a slasher who haunts a small town's Make Out Point. Meanwhile, Cat Curio, Former Teen Detective, searches for the man who put her in a coma and the murderous cult that employed him. What she finds will set up the biggest HACK/SLASH story yet. A great jumping on point for new readers! RETAILER WARNING: MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL AGES


Anthony Del Col, Conor McCreery (w) • Andy Belanger (a & c) Continuing our line of affordable reprints, making it easy for you to jump on and catch up with our greatest titles! Find out why everyone is talking about this brilliant re-imagining of the Bard, and his beloved characters. What Fables does for fairy tales, Kill Shakespeare does with the greatest writer of all time!

ECHOES #3 (OF 5)

(W) Joshua Hale Fialkov (A) Rahsan Ekedal (C) Rahsan Ekedal A Tale of Suspense and Psychological Horror! Detective Robert Neville has been helpful to Brian Cohn, who is finding himself a potential suspect in a missing child case. But when the opportunity presents itself to shift the suspicion to another person will Brian be able to do it? Particularly since he suspects that he may be a serial killer like his father? From acclaimed author Joshua Hale Fialkov (Tumor, Pilot Season: Alibi) and rising star artist Rahsan Ekedal (Creepy) a disturbing story of murder and mystery wrapped in questions of sanity. 32pgs, B&W/GS


“NO WAY OUT” continues! Desperate times call for desperate measures.

NEW YORK FIVE #1 (OF 4) (MR) Signed by Brian Wood!




Written by ROGER STERN Penciled by NEIL VOKES Cover by MARIO ALBERTI A Marvel Masterpiece from deep inside the treasure vaults can now be told! For decades, Doctor Stephen Strange has worked as a practicing sorcerer out of the weird old brownstone at 177A Bleecker Street in Manhattan's Greenwich Village. But what eerie secrets does the building hide? What lurks within its walls? Is it … haunted? Now, at last, the full story of Doctor Strange's first night in his Sanctum Sanctorum stands revealed -- in a tale tastefully told by Roger Stern (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) and dramatically drawn by those Masters of the Comic Arts, Neil Vokes and Jay Geldhof (UNTOLD TALES OF SPIDER-MAN: STRANGE ENCOUNTERS, The Black Forest). 32 PGS./Rated A


Jennifer Blood is a suburban wife and mom by day, and a ruthless vigilante by night! Every day she makes breakfast, takes the kids to school, cleans the house, naps for an hour or two, makes dinner, puts the kids to bed, and kisses her husband goodnight. This suburban punisher is ready to be unleashed in a story that can only be told by the legendary Garth Ennis!


Zoe has everything-looks, popularity, and a perfect GPA. But if you think you know all there is to know about her, think again. The secret she keeps sheds new light on the mysteries of Morning Glory Academy! 'Just as strong as Spencer's writing is Joe Eisma's artwork. Though the style of his art differs considerably from the striking work of the cover artist, Rodin Esquejo, Eisma's efforts in no way suffer from comparison. He utilizes strong, clean lines that provide plenty of detail.' -Ross Haralson,


'(SHE'S GOT A) BRAIN SCRAMBLING DEVICE' The cult-favorite web-series comes to print! S. STEVEN STRUBLE and SINA GRACE present a romance with style points, told with the same lovelorn charm of (500) Days of Summer. In this issue: (Li'l Depressed) Boy meets girl.


IRON MAN 2.0 #1

Written by NICK SPENCER Penciled by BARRY KITSON Covers by SALVADOR LARROCA Variant Covers by MARKO DJURDJEVIC & DHEERAJ VERMA Spinning directly out of INVINCIBLE IRON MAN! New mission! New armor! New Iron Man! Lt. Col. James Rhodes is War Machine…the single most advanced one-man weapon of conventional combat. But wars aren't fought?the way they used to be - and when Rhodey has to face a?mysterious enemy he can't shoot, can't bomb, can't even see, he's going to be forced to evolve…or die. Find out why War Machine becomes Iron Man 2.0 in the 3-part launch arc?of this all-new ongoing series! By breakout sensation Nick Spencer (Morning Glories, Action Comics) and the legendary Barry Kitson (INCREDIBLE HULKS, THE ORDER)! 40 PGS./Rated T+

Mis cómics de febrero (de izquierda a derecha)


Comentario: HELLBOY está atrapado en un oscuro sótano, cubierto de huesos y pequeños ataúdes.


Comentario: Cuando Conan ya se ha coronado a sí mismo como rey de AQUILONIA, deberá desentrañar el misterio de la Ciudadela Escarlata.


Comentario: Mientras el doctor conduce experimentos para detectar fantasmas artificiales, descubre que la casa encantada es una farsa.


Comentario: La asesina de asesinos ha regresado con su socio, listos para emprender un nuevo caso en un pequeño pueblo.


Comentario: Hamlet y Ricardo III unirán fuerzas con Julieta en contra de un taimado hechicero llamado Shakespeare.

ECHOES #3 (OF 5) *Special Discount*

Comentario: El detective Robert ha ayudado a Brian, actualmente un sospechoso en el caso de una niña desaparecida. ¿Será Brian capaz de inculpar a otro si la oportunidad se le presenta? ¿O él es el culpable de todo?


Comentario: En momentos desesperados se recurre a medidas desesperadas.

NEW YORK FIVE #1 (OF 4) (MR) Autografiado por el autor de la serie Brian Wood.




Comentario: Por décadas, STEPHEN STRANGE ha trabajado como hechicero en Manhattan. ¿Pero qué oscuros secretos yacen en su morada? ¿Quién o qué acecha sus muros? ¿Está la vieja mansión habitada por fantasmas?


Comentario: En el día, Jennifer es una típica ama de casa de los suburbios pero durante la noche se transforma en una despiadada vigilante.

MORNING GLORIES #7 (NOTE PRICE) *Special Discount* Limit 2 at 75% off

Comentario: Ella tiene buena apariencia, popularidad y un promedio perfecto, pero guarda un gran secreto relacionado con los misterios de la Academia.


Comentario: El Pequeño Chico Deprimido conoce a una chica muy especial.


IRON MAN 2.0 #1

Comentario: WAR MACHINE regresa con una nueva misión y una nueva armadura. Pero los tiempos han cambiado, y cuando un nuevo tipo de amenaza aparece, el hombre dentro del traje deberá evolucionar o morir.