Showing posts with label The Walking Dead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Walking Dead. Show all posts

May 28, 2011

April comic books / Cómics de abril

It's comic book time! April comics, that is. And here they are (along with one of my drawings) as per solicitations:
(W) Alan Moore, Antony Johnston (A) Jacen Burrows Alan Moore, teams up with brilliant artist Jacen Burrows, to unleash this timeless tale of Lovecraftian psychological horror. Aldo Sax has an amazing service record with the FBI. His legendary skills at piercing together the most baffling of cases has gotten him assigned to what may be his most confusing case yet. Several murders from the most unlikely of suspects just don't add up. And what few leads there are, all point to The Courtyard. This special color edition features an introduction by Garth Ennis.

Written by ALLAN HEINBERG Pencils & Cover by JIM CHEUNG THE SCARLET WITCH WAR IS ON!  Latveria becomes a battle-ground as Magneto battles Doctor Doom -- and the Young Avengers take on the Avengers -- to determine the ultimate fate of the Scarlet Witch.  But the mysterious reappearance of the time-traveling Iron Lad unleashes Wanda's reality-altering powers upon the timestream itself, changing the game, and the Marvel Universe, forever. 32 PGS./Rated T+

BOYS #44 (MR)
(W) Garth Ennis (A/C) Darick Robertson BELIEVE: Part 1 (of 4)-As the greatest religious festival on the superhero calendar gets under way in New York, the Homelander finds himself front and centre, very much against his will. But so does Annie, whose heightened public profile leads her to get something terrible off her chest. Meanwhile, Butcher ponders what to do about 'the Hughie situation', and MM makes his own feelings known... just when everything was going so well...

Frank Miller (W/A/Variant Cover), Harlan Ellison (W), Howard Chaykin (W/A), Neal Adams (W/A), Richard Corben (W/A), Carla Speed McNeil (W/A), Michael T. Gilbert (W/A), Randy Stradley (W), Paul Chadwick (W/A), David Chelsea (W/), Patrick Alexander (W/A), and others The legendary, premiere anthology is back! The 80-page spectacular, Dark Horse Presents returns with all-new stories by Neal Adams, Howard Chaykin, and Richard Corben; a new Concrete story by Paul Chadwick, a new Crimson Empire story from the Star Wars universe, and an exclusive sneak peek of Frank Miller's highly-anticipated prequel to 300, Xerxes! The celebration continues with a brand-new, all-color Finder story by Carla Speed McNeil, a prose piece from science fiction legend Harlan Ellison, the return of Michael T. Gilbert's Mr. Monster, and much, much more!

ECHOES #4 (OF 5) (O/A) (MR)
(W) Joshua Hale Fialkov (A) Rahsan Ekedal (Cov) Rahsan Ekedal  A Tale of Suspense and Psychological Horror! Brian Cohn is living a nightmare. His recently deceased father, who Brian shares the disease of schizophrenia with, confessed to being a serial killer of little girls on his death bed. Now Brian is racing to solve the mystery of a missing child in his town, all the while feeling his condition taking a deeper and deeper grip on his psyche and his mind beginning to unravel.  From acclaimed author Joshua Hale Fialkov (Tumor, Pilot Season: Alibi) and rising star artist Rahsan Ekedal (Creepy) a disturbing story of murder and mystery wrapped in questions of sanity.  'This is an absolute buy.  I can't recommend it enough.' - Graphic Policy

ECHOES #5 (OF 5) (O/A) (MR)
(W) Joshua Hale Fialkov (A) Rahsan Ekedal (Cov) Rahsan Ekedal A Tale of Suspense and Psychological Horror! Brian Cohn has reached his breaking point. He has also figured out who is following in his father's footsteps. Unfortunately, the stress of dealing with his father's legacy has taken its toll and Brian worries it may too late.  From acclaimed author Joshua Hale Fialkov (Tumor, Pilot Season: Alibi) and rising star artist Rahsan Ekedal (Creepy) a disturbing story of murder and mystery wrapped in questions of sanity.

Written by MATT FRACTION Pencils & Cover by STUART IMMONEN Variant Covers by STEVE McNIVEN & STUART IMMONEN Fantastic Four Anniversary Variant by PAOLO RIVERA Blank Variant Cover Also Available DO YOU FEAR...TOMORROW? In this time of global anxiety, of economic turmoil and mass hysteria, Sin, the new Red Skull, has made an awesome discovery...a shameful secret that will rock the foundations of the Marvel Universe! A revelation that will divide father and son, turn friend against friend, and herald the rise of Fear personified. HE IS RETURNING...and the world has nothing to fear but FEAR ITSELF. Matt Fraction and Stuart Immonen bring fans the biggest Marvel the biggest Marvel event since CIVIL WAR! 56 PGS./Rated T+

A riveting tale of loss and horror. In the forgotten town of Green Wake, a string of grisly mutilations leads Morley Mack on the trail of a young woman named Ariel, who is the prime suspect. But when a stranger with startling connections to Ariel arrives under mysterious circumstances, Morley unravels a dark plot with a shocking link to his past.

The members of Hack/Slash, Inc., are left to defend Eminence, Indiana, against an onslaught of animal zombies without Cassie and Vlad! Cat Curio, Samhain, and Pooch will have to team with murderous traitor Sheriff Maggie in a brutal battle guaranteed to send undead fur flying!

Written by MATT FRACTION Pencils & Cover by OLIVIER COIPEL Variant Cover by TRAVIS CHAREST Variant Cover by WALT SIMONSON Blank Variant Cover also available Thor Movie Variant also available It's a shining, golden, new age for the Thunder God and Matt Fraction and Olivier Coipel are back to lead the charge! Thor and Sif dive deep into the heart of the fractured World Tree to reclaim an artifact from beyond time and space, an artifact that attracts the attention of the Silver Surfer. And when a herald such as he arrives on Earth, the arrival of his master is certain to follow. Prepare for the return of the World Eater…prepare for the return of Galactus! Fans can't miss an all new behind the scenes look at the highly anticipated major motion picture with a sneak peek at some of the art! 32 PGS./Rated T+

Since the detention issue, readers have been asking: What happened to Jun that fateful night he sneaked out of the dorms? And who was that he ran into? The answer to these questions and more in this action-packed, reveal-heavy chapter!

(W) Eric Trautman (A) Walter Geovani (C) Paul Renaud (50%), Geovani (50%) Acclaimed writer, Eric (Action Comics) Trautmann takes over Red Sonja as she goes on another magical adventure. This is a great entry point for everyone's favorite She-Devil With a Sword! Don't miss out on another epic adventure!

ALL-NEW FROM ROBERT KIRKMAN & JASON HOWARD! This is where it begins! The Evil Max Maximus wants to get to Inner-Earth! He wants the dinosaurs that live there! He wants the powerful DynOre mineral that originates there! SUPER DINOSAUR and DEREK DYNAMO are the only ones who can stop him! The fate of the world rests on the shoulders of a ten year-old kid and his best friend, a nine-foot tall Tyrannosaurus Rex who loves to play video games.

Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS & MARK MILLAR Penciled by ADAM KUBERT Cover by BRYAN HITCH The Ultimate Universe at long last gets the fourth corner of its foundation as the World's Greatest Comic Magazine finally makes its long-awaited Ultimate debut! Witness the birth of The Four - Reed Richards, Johnny Storm, Susan Storm & Ben Grimm - superhero icons for the new century! High school genius Reed Richards invites his friends to join him on the journey of a lifetime - and the Ultimate Universe will never be the same! It's a series about science, high adventure and above all else FAMILY, set in the most dynamic and unpredictable Universe in the comic book world! 32 PGS./ALL AGES

'NO WAY OUT' continues. What is left but surrender?

NO WAY OUT concludes.  Could this be the end?


Y aquí están todos mis cómics correspondientes al mes de abril (más un dibujo mío):

Una serie de misteriosos asesinatos aparentemente desconectados llamarán la atención del más brillante y eficaz detective del FBI.

Los Vengadores versus los Jóvenes Vengadores. ¿Cuál será el destino de la Bruja Escarlata? ¿Y cuál será el papel de IRON LAD?

BOYS #44 (MR) 
Es el más grande festival religioso del calendario súper-heroico.

Antología con algunos de los más influyentes autores del cómic USA.

ECHOES #4 (OF 5) (O/A) (MR)
Brian intenta solucionar el misterio de una niña desparecida. Pero, mientras su condición esquizofrénica empeora se preguntará si él mismo es el asesino.

ECHOES #5 (OF 5) (O/A) (MR)
Concluye esta historia de suspenso y terror psicológico.

En una época de ansiedad globalizada, inestabilidad económica e histeria en masa, el nuevo Cráneo Rojo ha descubierto cómo vencer a todos los súper-héroes. Todos aprenderán a temerle al mismo miedo.

El horror y la pérdida llegan a un pueblito olvidado. Una mujer es acusada de causar extrañas mutilaciones hasta que un extraño llega al pueblo.

Indiana está bajo el ataque de animales zombis.

Es un nuevo comienzo para el hijo de Odín. Thor buscará un artefacto que se encuentra más allá del espacio y del tiempo, pero en su búsqueda chocará con SILVER SURFER. ¿Regresará GALACTUS a la Tierra?

¿Qué sucedió la noche en que June se escapó de los dormitorios? ¿Y con quién se encontró? Todas las respuestas están aquí.

Una nueva aventura traerá sorpresas inesperadas.

El malvado Máximo quiere los dinosaurios de la Tierra. El destino de la Tierra descansa en los hombros de un niño de 10 años y un tiranosaurio.

El súper genio de la secundaria invita a sus amigos al viaje del siglo. ¡Y todo en el universo cambiará para siempre!

“Sin salida” continúa. ¿La única alternativa es rendirse?

“Sin salida” concluye. ¿Podría esto ser el fin?

May 26, 2011

El tesoro de la juventud

It happens all the time. People go to see Spider-Man or X-Men and then forget all about it. I guess they don’t care enough. But not this time, as soon as The Walking Dead aired here on Peru (and only a day after the original release date) people started caring about it. All of a sudden, a lot of my friends were asking me if it was based on a comic book and if I was collecting it.

I felt then as ashamed as I feel now to confess this: I wasn’t following it. Growing up reading mostly European comics I have learned to love the black and white… as long as it’s a comic from France or Spain. I’ve always thought that b&w looks artificial on American comics. And that alone (I know, it’s such a poor excuse) prevented me from getting TWD.

Not anymore. As soon as I watched the first episode of the series I ordered the first trade, and after reading that I added TWD to my DCBS pull list. And believe me, I’ve had quite a ride. I had heard fans talking on message boards, saying that no one is safe in TWD, but I never suspected the true length of this affirmation. Rick’s son getting shot in the eye has got to be one of the most intense and powerful moments I’ve read in a long time. But not only that, “No Way Out” has been a terrific arc for many reasons, chief among them Kirkman’s ability to surprise and shock the audience. 

Oh yes, and now I’m also buying Super Dinosaur. Damn you Kirkman, my budget will become unbalanced once I start picking up Invincible’s trades.

Y, para terminar con la muestra El tesoro de la juventud, actualmente en exhibición en el Centro Cultural de España, adjunto algunas obras más que me llamaron la atención, entre ellas una ilustración magnífica de Sheila Alvarado. El día de hoy se realiza la última charla sobre Oswald Reynoso en el CCE, y el 28 cierra la muestra. También incluyo un link para que puedan ver el video de Diego Lama

Hoy en la tarde mi hermano estará en la plaza Dos de Mayo, en la manifestación en contra de la candidata de Fuerza 2011. Estas elecciones presidenciales han sido realmente desalentadoras, pasaron a segunda vuelta las dos peores opciones, y aunque mucho presuman de tener una actitud pragmática que los orientaría en una u otra dirección, tal vez lo más sensato sea contribuir con las arcas fiscales, es decir, pagar la multa para no ir a votar. El papel de El Comercio en estos meses ha sido un tanto deslucido; nadie duda de la veracidad y confiabilidad del periódico más importante del país, pero así como Julio César demandaba que “la mujer del César no sólo debe ser honesta sino parecerlo”, creo que la neutralidad e imparcialidad de la prensa se ha diluido en estas semanas. No pienso descontinuar mi suscripción al Comercio, pero además de ser veraz también debe parecerlo, o de lo contrario terminaría empujando a personas que se abstienen de votar a apoyar precisamente al candidato que el diario no favorece. 

Finalmente invito a los que se animen a entrar a para que pueden seguir los webcomics semanales. Pronto haré algunos anuncios sobre mis futuras colaboraciones para The Gathering, así que estén atentos y siéntanse con total libertad de dejarme preguntas o comentarios.
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