Legendary artist Gil Kane is the penciler of “Distant Fires”, and this was one of his last works. Kane worked for Marvel and DC, illustrating the adventures of the most famous superheroes. He always had a very particular style, his elegant lines and his special ability to create dynamic sequences turned him into a respected and beloved artist. Kevin Nowlan inks Kane’s pencils, and his sober approach perfectly complements the lines of the veteran illustrator.
“Just a few days ago I could see everything... hear everything. Today the silence of the empty, dead city is deafening [...] as far as I know, I'm it. The sole survivor of a holocaust... for the second time in my life”, whispers a defeated Superman. In the opening sequence, Superman buries the body of Lois Lane next to the improvised graves of Perry White and Jimmy Olsen. Metropolis is now in ruins, covered by bodies and radiation. In this unlikely scenario, Superman wanders around the lifeless city, slowly losing his mind and talking to himself, remembering a past that seemed to be so bright and promising.
There is nothing left in the city for Superman so he decides to walk away from it. For him this is a long journey with no clear goal in mind. It will take him days at first, and then weeks, and then months, but finally he will run into one of his old colleagues: the Amazonian Warrior known as Wonder Woman. It’s only fitting that two of the most powerful superheroes would be able to survive a nuclear fallout.
Wonder Woman takes Superman to the last remains of civilization: a small village in which all the surviving superheroes and villains have been gathered. And things have changed: those who were evil in the past now seem to be peaceful members of this new society and some of those who were the greatest heroes are now angry and bitter men, and have embraced a newfound darkness. All of this is made evident when J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter, is ridiculed for his peaceful statements by no other than Billy Batson, AKA Captain Marvel.
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Metropolis |
“I worry about Batson. We were never close in the old days... And I've always felt, behind that friendly smile... that he concealed a mountain of resentment for me”, explains Superman. And that’s true; in fact, Mark Waid used this rivalry as the narrative foundation for Kingdom Come, another Elseworld’s tale in which Superman and Captain Marvel fight each other to the death.
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Superman, Wonder Woman & Flash |
Como suele suceder, las historias sobre líneas temporales alternativas, especialmente aquellas sobre futuros post-apocalípticos, tienden a ser bastante populares. La idea de un conflicto nuclear y la destrucción de nuestro mundo se ha explorado en comics y películas muchas veces. Y en esta novela gráfica del sello Elseworld, la propuesta de Howard Chaykin es una guerra nuclear que Superman no podrá evitar. A pesar de tener tanto poder, incluso el Hombre de Acero es impotente ante la destrucción masiva causada por las bombas atómicas que caen sobre la superficie del planeta. Y así es como comienza “Fuegos distantes”.
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The death of Wonder Woman / la muerte de Wonder Woman |
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Remembering the dead / recordando a los muertos |
No queda nada en la ciudad para Superman, por eso decide marcharse. Para él, este es un largo viaje sin un objetivo claro en mente. Le tomará días al principio, y luego semanas, y luego meses, pero finalmente se encontrará con una de sus viejas colegas: el guerrero amazónico conocido como la Mujer Maravilla. Es lógico que dos de los superhéroes más poderosos puedan sobrevivir a una lluvia nuclear.
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Superman versus Captain Marvel |
Incluso en esta sociedad fragmentada, Superman todavía tiene esperanza, por lo que se casa con Wonder Woman. Tienen un hijo y lo llaman Bruce (en honor a Bruce Wayne, Batman). Vivir en una sociedad sin enemigos debería ser el sueño de todos, sin embargo, las diferencias políticas convierten a los viejos aliados en rivales.
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Earth's last survivor / el último superviviente de la Tierra |
En la historia de Chaykin, el Capitán Marvel es un hombre consumido por los celos y también un traidor. Él asesina a Wonder Woman a sangre fría y usa los poderes mágicos de Shazam de tal manera que el núcleo del planeta se vuelve inestable y está a punto de explotar. Aunque para algunos lectores la confrontación final es anti-climática, tal vez Chaykin quería que fuese así a propósito. Debido a que el resultado de la batalla es irrelevante, lo que más importa es que la Tierra está condenada: "Y sé que sobreviví al Holocausto para poder convertirme en mi padre", afirma Superman mientras envía a su único hijo en una nave espacial en dirección a una galaxia lejana.