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Rodin Esquejo |
Cover: Jacen Burrows Writer: David Lapham Art: German Nobile David (CROSSED) Lapham delivers another blood drenched chapter in the saga of the most feared Roman Emperor of all time, Caligula! A young boy, once naive to the hedonistic ways of the Roman upper class, finds that the only way to kill a god is to learn all of its secrets. But there is only so much slaughter and suffering that a soul can endure?even one bent on avenging the murder of his parents. A modern master of horror, Lapham will take you into the darkest corners of the soul and reveal the madness within. Hot new talent, German Nobile, illustrates this no-holds-barred ride down the road to Hell. Caligula #5 is available with a Regular cover by Jacen Burrows, a Wraparound cover by series artist German Nobile, and a special Golden age of Rome retailer incentive cover.
Covers: Alex Ross (75%), Paul Renaud (25%), Francesco Francavilla (1-in-10), Wagner Reis (1-in-25) Writer: Eric Trautmann Artist: Daniel Lindro The year is 1934, a time of two-fisted swashbuckling, of fearsome threats and wild adventure-and of ever-growing threats on the horizon. Three valiant humans -- Flash Gordon, Dale Arden and Dr. Hans Zarkov -- are plucked from the Earth, traveling to the distant planet Mongo. Their exploits are legendary, battling the machinations and terror schemes of the dreaded emperor Ming, the All-Seeing Ruler of Mongo. But they did not fight alone? Written by Eric Trautmann (Vampirella, Red Sonja), from a story and designs by Alex Ross (Kingdom Come, Marvels, Project: Superpowers), and illustrated by Daniel Lindro.
Written by KIERON GILLEN Penciled by SALVA ESPIN Cover by OLIVIER COIPEL Variant Cover by GREG HORN 'The Future is a Four-Letter Word' The Fifth Light has destroyed Tokyo, which can't be good for the X-Men and mutant relations in general. Hope and her crew are in terrible trouble and it's looking like Cyclops and Wolverine can't get them out of it. Don't miss the shocking twists and turns of the new X-Book that everyone is talking about!
story ROBERT KIRKMAN art / cover RYAN OTTLEY After all he's done, everything he's lived through... how does Invincible pick up the pieces and continue on as if nothing has changed® The answer is... he can't.
Plot by MARK MILLAR Written by PAUL CORNELL, Keiron Gillen & MORE! Art by FRANK QUITELY, DAVE GIBBONS, JOHN ROMITA JR., LEINIL YU, JOCK, Olivier Coipiel, SEAN PHILLIPS, DUNCAN FERGRADO & MORE! In April 2011, Mark Millar, Frank Quitely, Dave Gibbons, John Romita Jr, Leinil Yu, Paul Cornell, Andy Diggle, Jock, Duncan Fegrado, Sean Phillips and over fifty other comic-book creators joined forces with Kapow to break not one but TWO Guinness World Records - the fastest comic-book ever produced and the biggest number of creators working on a single comic. The Kapow Special stars Superior and was written, penciled, inked and lettered in less than 12 hours. PLEASE NOTE: All proceeds from the sales of this comic will go to Yorkhill Sick Children's Hospital in Scotland and the print-run for this book will be limited to just 10,000 copies. 32 PGS./Rated Mature
KICK-ASS 2 #5 (MR)
Written by mark millar. Pencils & Cover by john romita jr. For Dave Lizewski and the self-made superheroes of NYC, sh*t just got really real. The Red Mist, now known as the Mother****er, has assembled his own team of Toxic Mega-***** and they're striking the heroes where they're most vulnerable: Their loved ones. If Kick-Ass wants to put a stop to the supervillain rampage, he's going to need the help of Mindy McCready, the one and only Hit-Girl.
32 PGS./Mature …$2.99
It’s the first day back at school for Owen Craig, and it’s not going too well. He’s been run over, got detention, and his police officer father has been taken prisoner by armed bank robbers.
And now his body seems to be turning into mud…
Kent Dalian (W), P. C. Cast (W), Kristin Cast (W), Joelle Jones (A), Karl Kerschl (A), Jenny Frison (Cover), and Steve Morris (Variant cover) Until recently, Zoey Redbird was an average high-school student worrying about grades, boys, and breakouts. But priorities have a way of changing when you are marked as a vampyre, enroll in the vampyre academy House of Night, and have to figure out a whole new social hierarchy, affinities for elemental magic, and physiological changes that make you crave blood. o The magical world of New York Times best-selling authors P. C. Cast and Kristin Cast comes to comics! Five million novels sold and legions of loyal fans!
Written by WARREN ELLIS Pencils by MICHAEL LARK Cover by JOHN CASSADAY Marvel Comics 50th Anniversary Variant. RUN THE MISSION. DON'T GET SEEN. SAVE THE WORLD. In the decadent and crumbling city of ANIANA, in the Eastern European country of SYMKARIA, a local drug lord is planning to sell something mysterious to the Shadow Council. The Secret Avengers cannot risk that, or an interception after the fact -- they must get to the drug lord before the handover, and take whatever the goods are. Their covert mission uncovers something utterly unexpected, ancient and terrible and a threat to the entire world... 32 PGS./Rated T+
“STEALING HOME” A young ambitious runaway encounters a travelling salesman with sharp teeth and a hunger for the innocent.
SCOTT SNYDER (American Vampire, Batman, Swamp Thing), SCOTT TUFT and ATTILA FUTAKI (Percy Jackson) are back with 2011’s most terrifying horror series. SEVERED.
Suspended from school for putting a bully in the hospital, Luther spends his days figuring out his newfound abilities and getting to know Petra, his new girlfriend. Unfortunately, it’s not going to last long with The Librarian killing his way toward Luther and those that he loves.
No one can stop Colossus! The Juggernaut has become Kuurth, Breaker of Stone, one of the Worthy. Now more powerful than ever, one of the X-Men’s greatest enemies rampages through San Francisco. To stop him, Colossus makes a deal with the demon lord Cytorrak—the being that imbued Juggernaut with his power. Can this deal be one Colossus can back out of at the fight's end? Prepare for the clash of two unstoppable forces! Part 4 (of 4).
The game-changing, twice-monthly epic called "Tommy Taylor and the War of Words" begins now! Tom Taylor goes to war against the cabal that has tormented, imprisoned and tried to destroy him – and it's far more than just a war of words! To have a hope of winning, Tom must use every weapon he can get hold of, but even storybook magic carries its own risks. And for a story unlike any you've ever seen, one issue a month isn't enough! In the special, standalone .5 issues, Tom's crusade plays out against the backdrop of the cabal's sinister secret history and delves deep into the dark past of some of the series' major players. When it's all over, very little will remain Unwritten."
Andrea still mourns for Dale.
Everything is changing – starting now! It’s all been leading up to this, folks! Nobody is safe. Nothing will ever be the same. The biggest, most explosive story-arc in the history of this series starts right here, in this issue.
It’s all been leading up to this. No one is safe. Not even our hero, Rick Grimes.
The bloodbath continues. No one is safe.
Mother and Child. No one is safe.
Dead and buried.
story BRANDON SEIFERT art / cover LUKAS KETNER It's Dr. Morrow's toughest challenge yet: a magical malpractice hearing! Mystics Without Borders wants answers. Why did the case of the 'Patient from the Black Lagoon' go so wrong® What's the biological secret of the Deep Ones, and their connection to the 'Great Old Infections'® And how do you fight an epidemic that's turning people into fish-people® Find out, in the finale of the debut miniseries from Robert Kirkman's Skybound Originals line! 'WITCH DOCTOR has the potential to be the next great horror story in the comic industry.' - Bloody Disgusting.
¡Cómics de noviembre! Kick-Ass 2 # 5 fue más violento e impactante que el número anterior, pero además Mark Millar escribe un par de momentos realmente conmovedores. Me encantó. El especial Kapow Guinness fue una simpática sorpresa, cada viñeta es ilustrada por un artista diferente, y me divertí mucho indentificando los estilos de docenas de dibujantes. Como siempre, los títulos de Image fueron bastante buenos, así que reseñaré un par de ellos en los próximos días. Mientras tanto, siéntanse libres de sugerir qué títulos debería comentar en primer lugar.
Un nuevo y sangriento capítulo comienza: un joven inocente, desligado de los modos hedonistas de los nobles romanos, descubre que la única manera de matar a un dios es encontrar todos sus secretos.
El año es 1934, una época de aventuras y peleas, de temerarias hazañas y amenazas en el horizonte. Tres valientes humanos -- Flash Gordon, Dale Arden y el doctor Hans ZARKOV van de la Tierra hasta el planeta Mongo.
El futuro es una palabra de cuatro letras… La quinta luz ha destruido Tokio, Hope y los suyos están metidos en un buen lío.
Después de todo lo que ha hecho, todo lo que ha vivido, cómo podrá INVINCIBLE reunir lo que queda y seguir como si nada hubiese pasado.
Más de cincuenta autores participan en este ejemplar, el cómic creado a mayor velocidad de todo el mundo. Todo un récord mundial.
KICK-ASS 2 #5 (MR)
Para Dave y sus colegas de NYC, las cosas se van a la mierda. El némesis de Dave ha reunido un equipo despiadado que ataca a los héroes donde más son vulnerables: sus seres queridos. ¿Ayudará HIT-GIRL a Dave?
Es la hora de huir.
Es el primer día tras su regreso al colegio y a Owen Craig no le está yendo nada bien. Ha sido atropellado, castigado; su padre ha sido tomado prisionero por criminales. Y ahora su cuerpo se está convirtiendo en lodo.
Hasta hace poco, ella era una estudiante de secundaria normal; sus preocupaciones eran las notas, los chicos y las rupturas. Pero las prioridades cambien cuando un vampiro te marca, cuando ingresas a la academia de la Casa de Noche, y cuando tienes que descifrar una nueva jerarquía, afinidades hacia elementos mágicos y cambios fisiológicos.
Cumplir con la misión. No ser vistos. Salvar el mundo. En una decadente y ruinosa ciudad de Europa del Este, un traficante planea vender algo misterioso al Concilio de las Sombras. Los Vengadores deben impedir esta venta, y en esta misión secreta descubrirán más de un secreto.
Un fugitivo joven y ambicioso se encuentra con un vendedor viajante que posee dientes de tiburón y ansias por la carne inocente.
El colegio lo suspende por mandar a un abusivo a un hospital. Luther dedica un día entero a descifrar sus nuevas habilidades y a conocer a Petra, su nueva enamorada. Desafortunadamente, lo bueno durará poco.
¡Nadie puede detener a COLOSSUS! JUGGERNAUT se ha convertido en el destructor de la roca. Ahora, más poderoso que nunca, uno de los más grandes enemigos de los X-MEN devastará San Francisco.
Tommy Taylor y la Guerra de los Mundos comienza ahora. Tommy Taylor se enfrenta contra la cábala que lo ha atormentado, aprisionado y herido. La única esperanza para ganar es utilizar todas las armas posibles, pero incluso la magia de los libros conlleva riesgos.
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my final version / mi versión final |
Andrea todavía está de luto.
Todo está cambiando. Nada permanecerá igual.
Nadie se salvará, ni siquiera Rick.
El baño de sangre continúa.
Madre e hijo están en peligro.
Muerto y enterrado.
Este es el más grande reto del Doctor Morrow: una auditoría mágica sobre mal praxis médica. Los Místicos Sin Fronteras quieren respuestas. ¿Qué salió mal en el caso del Paciente de la Laguna Negra? ¿Cuál es el secreto biológico de las criaturas de lo profundo? ¿Y cómo combatir una epidemia que convierte a la gente en gente-pez?
Estou ansiosamente à espera que saia a compilação deste novo Kick Ass!
ReplyDeleteCom um pouco de sorte fazem uma edição especial de luxo com os dois Kick Ass juntos!
Isso é que era!
¡Hola Bongop! Estoy seguro que, al menos, sacarán una edición en tapa dura con esta nueva etapa.
ReplyDeletemuy buenos comics, pero ¿cosas como the walking dead o invencible no prefieres conseguirlas en tpb?
ReplyDeleteBueno, de hecho conseguir los primeros números de The Walking Dead o Invincible es imposible por una cuestión de precios (tendría que gastar cientos de dólares para los # 1, y 50 dólares para los siguientes cuatro o cinco números). Así que en estos casos tengo tpbs, no me queda otra opción. Claro, si hubiese empezado a coleccionar ambos títulos desde el inicio habría invertido 3 dólares por ejemplar y hoy tendría algunos números sumamente valiosos, mientras que el tpb jamás subirá de precio.