Showing posts with label Lukas Ketner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lukas Ketner. Show all posts

November 25, 2012

Witch Doctor - Brandon Seifert & Lukas Ketner

Lukas Ketner
“Preventative medicine -- for the apocalypse?”. In a world in which magic and science coexist, the only way to prevent the planet’s destruction is by following the instructions of the doctor… of Witch Doctor. But who is this man and why has he been chosen to cure Earth? Doctor Vincent Morrow is a Sorcerer General, someone who combines the best of two worlds, the cold rationality of science with the uncanny spells of magic. In the best tradition of characters such us Doctor Strange (Marvel Comics Sorcerer Supreme who studied medicine before learning the mystic arts), Doc Macabre (IDW’s specialist in the arcane) or even Doctor House (the best analytic mind and an incomparable talent for figuring out a patient’s personality as well as their illnesses), Vincent Morrow is a man fighting against demons, vampires or monsters, using his intellect and his ability to solve impossible medical mysteries.

Writer Brandon Seifert decided to “show you the monsters you’re familiar with in ways you’ve never seen– by grafting the weirdest stuff in the natural world to them”. Inspired by the most peculiar aspects of biology, Brandon does an extraordinary creative exercise, treating monsters as real living organisms; and combining all that with Vincent Morrow’s ability to get rid of any nasty diseases. Every supernatural threat out there is considered a disease, that can be affected by the Earth’s immune systems (sunlight will turn a vampire into ashes, trolls will turn to stone, gargoyles into dust, and so on), but sometimes a medical intervention is necessary, and that’s when Witch Doctor comes in: to destroy the supernatural menaces that nobody else could defeat.

In Witch Doctor # 0 (published as a backup feature in The Walking Dead # 85 in May 2011), we see Doctor Vincent Morrow callously experimenting on a parasitoid vampire, much to the chagrin of his helper, the paramedic Gast. What kind of substances could we find in a vampire’s fang? Brandon has the answer: “vasodilator, anticoagulant, and an anesthetic”. All of these elements would be necessary for a vampire to immobilize his prey and suck their blood. All the scientific explanations are skillfully balanced with black humor… so when Gast complains about the doctor’s heartless methods he gets accused of being a post-mortem rights activist. 

In the four issue miniseries Witch Doctor fights against demonic possession, fairies hatching their eggs and creatures of the Black Lagoon. We’ve all seen films like “The Exorcist”, but when Vincent Morrow is dealing with possession he has a rather medical approach to it. For him, a demonic possession is akin to an infection, and he has more than one way to fix that, even when he finds a case of super-parasitism “one host, more than one parasite”.

For all intents and purposes, this is our world, except that every monster and demonic creature exist here. But there is something else, there are creatures of indecipherable nature that not even the doctor can fully comprehend, such is the case of Penny Dreadful, the girl / entity that works for the doctor as his anesthesiologist. Two minds coexist within her, one comes from the netherworld and one has still some traces of human rationality. In order for her to survive she must feed on all the mythical creatures that the doctor sees on a daily basis. 

The origin of all this supernatural evil is partly based on H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos; Brandon states that millions of years ago gigantic alien creatures known as the Archaeons landed on our planet, their sole presence was enough to cause a cataclysm that meant the extinction of the dinosaurs, and for millions of years these Archaeons have been hibernating, although just like with any living creature, the microscopic organisms that resided in them had enough biological independency to keep on living. And all supernatural beings are somehow linked to these primordial extraterrestrial bacteria. There are some who think the Archaeons might awaken in our era, and that would certainly mean the end of the world. 
Lukas Ketner

I found especially fascinating how Brandon affirms certain theories about the Archaeons and the fact that they are much more powerful than gods: “gods metabolize worship, awe, fear”, and if you think about it, it’s true. Every religion consists necessarily on at least one -if not all- of these sine qua non conditions: you worship a god, or you admire a god or you fear a god. Gods need that, they need human souls and worshipping to exist. The Archaeons are so powerful that they need none of that.  

Issues # 0, 1 and 2 are great self-conclusive stories that tell us everything we need to know about this world while making us feel intrigued and seduced by the characters. Issues # 3 and 4 are a 2-part story that delves into the fish people (creatures that resemble the classical monster from the Black Lagoon), here we learn more about the Archaeons and Vincent Morrow’s destiny. After the miniseries, there was a one-shot titled “Resuscitation” which starts by mimicking a very well-known urban legend: a man wakes up in a bathtub filled with ice and he has in incision… he’s probably missing a kidney. Except, in this case, we see a man that has had one kidney replaced by a mummified kidney extracted from an old Egyptian deity that has been embalmed for centuries. 

Brandon is a great writer with a lot of imagination. He has truly created an entire world, and that’s no easy task. Better yet, he has created a very fascinating universe and he has reconciled magic with science. And that’s what I said in the letter that was published in the Resuscitation one-shot: “I’m fascinated by a whacky world in which science and magic can coexist, in which eerie creatures and sinister doctors can quarrel in the most unexpected ways”. 

Brandon Seifert and Lukas Ketner work so good together that at moments it is evident they are close friends. Obviously they share the same interests and passions. Personally, I can’t possibly imagine another artist in charge of Witch Doctor. Lukas Ketner is also new in the business, but he has more talent than a lot of pencilers working for the big two. For starters, he has done something that isn’t always easy for an artist: he has exceled doing both, interior art and covers. Some artists are great doing covers but not so good on interior art, and vice versa. Lukas, however, does a superb job in every of the six covers of Witch Doctor. We have to admire the creepy expression of Witch Doctor on issue # 0 and the riveting designs of his medical artifacts, instead of a stethoscope he has a mystic eye and instead of a regular injection he has a golden needle with jewels in the shape of a skull. There is so much thought and beauty in Lukas designs, he manages to give weight to elements that, due to their fantastic nature, would probably float away. In his hands, the sword Excalibur is real, and even an umbrella made of angels and devils desiccated flesh is real too. 

In the four covers of the miniseries Lukas plays with white backgrounds to enhance the impact of what we see in the foreground. In the first cover we have the contorted body of a boy possessed by a demon and the doctor trying to figure out what’s going on. This is a cover so strong that you would buy the book based solely on that image. And that’s what covers should accomplish, and that’s what many artists forget nowadays. The second cover is so beautifully inked that it could work perfectly as a black and white illustration; surely Lukas Ketner has been influenced by masters such as Bernie Wrightson and other legendary creators. In the third cover we see the doctor performing an autopsy, I absolutely love the way Lukas pays homage to the Creature of the Black Lagoon (plus, the gooey consistency of what the doctor is holding in his hands is awesome). In the fourth cover, we see the doctor holding Excalibur and a group of silhouettes that force us to imagine what kind of monstrosities he has to fight against. Finally, the Resuscitation one-shot is really amazing. The human skeleton and all his inner organs and veins are exposed, we can see what’s inside of us and that is always very discomforting (unless, of course, you’re in med school), the bandages in the corners are also a very nice touch.
Parasitoid vampire / vampiro parasitoide
There’s so much thought put into every drawing Lukas does. I know this project was years in the making, and that really shows. No detail has been overseen, no design is simplistic. I’ve heard other authors talking about their projects using the expression “years in the making” and after reading those comics I feel like they’ve been wasting their time, because for some people “years in the making” means not paying attention to an idea for a long time. For Brandon and Lukas it’s the opposite, it’s an example of how one can develop an idea over a long period of time. And the result, like a good wine, had to go through a maturing process before being released. This month a new miniseries of Witch Doctor begins. Will it be just as great as the previous issues? Hell yeah!

Demonic possession / posesión demoníaca
"¿Medicina preventiva -- para el apocalipsis?". En un mundo en el que la magia y la ciencia coexisten, el único modo de prevenir la destrucción del planeta es seguir las instrucciones del doctor... del Doctor Brujo. ¿Pero quién es este hombre y por qué ha sido elegido para curar la Tierra? El doctor Vincent Morrow es un gran hechicero, alguien que combina lo mejor de dos mundos, la fría racionalidad de la ciencia con los extraños conjuros de la magia. En la mejor tradición de personajes como Doctor Strange (el Hechicero Supremo de Marvel, quien estudió medicina antes de aprender las artes místicas), Doc Macabre (el especialista de lo arcano en IDW) o incluso Doctor House (la mejor mente analítica y un incomparable talento para descifrar la personalidad de un paciente así como sus enfermedades), Vincent Morrow es un hombre que lucha contra demonios, vampiros o monstruos, usando su intelecto y su habilidad para resolver imposibles misterios médicos.
Fairy / Hada

El escritor Brandon Seifert decidió "mostrarte los monstruos que te son familiares en formas que nunca has visto- insertando en ellos las cosas más extrañas del mundo de la naturaleza". Inspirado por los más peculiares aspectos de la biología, Brandon realiza un extra-ordinario ejercicio creativo, tratando a los monstruos como organismos vivientes reales; y combinando todo ello con la habilidad de Vincent Morrow para deshacerse de las enfermedades fastidiosas. Cada amenaza sobrenatural es considerada una enfermedad, que puede ser afectada por el sistema inmunológico de la Tierra (la luz del sol convertirá a un vampiro en cenizas, a los trolls en piedra, a las gárgolas en polvo, etc.), pero a veces la intervención médica es necesaria, y esa es la tarea del doctor: destruir las amenazas sobrenaturales que nadie más podría derrotar. 

En Witch Doctor # 0 (publicado en las páginas finales de The Walking Dead # 85 en mayo del 2011), vemos al doctor Vincent Morrow experimentando cruelmente con un vampiro parasitoide, algo que enerva a su ayudante, el paramédico Gast. ¿Qué tipo de substancias podríamos encontrar en el colmillo de un vampiro? Brandon tiene la respuesta: "vasodilatador, anticoagulante y un anestésico". Todos estos elementos serían necesarios para que un vampiro pueda inmovilizar a su presa y chuparle la sangre. Todas las explicaciones científicas están hábilmente balanceadas con humor negro... así que cuando Gast se queja de los métodos insensibles del doctor, es acusado de ser un activista a favor de los derechos post-mortem.
Penny Dreadful eating / Penny Dreadful comiendo

En la miniserie de cuatro capítulos de "Witch Doctor", él lucha contra posesiones demoníacas, hadas que incuban sus huevos y criaturas de la Laguna Negra. Hemos visto películas como "El exorcista", pero cuando Vincent Morrow se encarga de una posesión tiene un enfoque bastante médico. Para él, una posesión demoníaca es afín a una infección, y tiene más de un modo de curarlas, incluso cuando encuentra un caso de súper-parasitismo "un huésped, más de un parásito".

Se debe resaltar que este es nuestro mundo, excepto que cada monstruo y criatura demoníaca existen aquí. Pero hay algo más, hay criaturas de naturaleza indescifrable que ni siquiera el doctor puede comprender del todo, tal es el caso de Penny Dreadful, la chica / entidad que trabaja con el doctor como su aneste-sióloga. Dos mentes coexisten en ella, una viene del inframundo y la otra aún tiene algunos restos de racionalidad humana. Para que ella sobreviva, debe alimentarse de las criaturas míticas que el doctor ve a diario.

El origen de todo el mal sobrenatural se basa en parte en los Mitos de Cthulhu de H. P. Lovecraft; Brandon señala que hace millones de años, gigantescas criaturas alienígenas conocidas como los Archaeons aterrizaron en nuestro planeta, su sola presencia causó el cataclismo que significó la extinción de los dinosaurios, y por millones de años estos Archaeons han estado hibernando, aunque como pasaría con cualquier criatura viva, los organismos microscópicos que residían en ellos tenían suficiente independencia biológica para seguir viviendo. Y todos los seres sobrenaturales están de algún modo vinculados a estas bacterias extraterrestres primordiales. Algunos piensan que los Archaeons podrían despertar en nuestra era, y eso significaría el fin del mundo.
Creatures of the Black Lagoon / criaturas de la Laguna Negra

Me pareció fascinante cómo Brandon afirma ciertas teorías sobre los Archaeons y el hecho de que son más poderosos que los dioses: "los dioses metabolizan la adoración, el asombro, el miedo", y si lo piensan es cierto. Toda religión consiste necesariamente en al menos una -si no todas- de estas condiciones sine qua non: adoras un dio, o lo admiras o le temes. Los dioses necesitan eso, necesitan almas humanas y adoración para existir. Los Archaeons son tan poderosos que no necesitan nada de eso.

Los números 0, 1 y 2 son historias auto-conclusivas de gran nivel que nos dicen todo lo que necesitamos saber sobre este mundo mientras que nos hace sentir intrigados y seducidos por los personajes. Los números 3 y 4 son una historia de 2 partes que explora a la gente pez (criaturas que se asemejan al clásico monstruo de la Laguna Negra), aquí averiguamos más cosas sobre los Archaeons y el destino de Vincent Morrow. Luego de la miniserie hay un número especial titulado "Resucitación" que empieza imitando una bien conocida leyenda urbana: un hombre despierta cubierto de hielo en una tina con una incisión... es probable que le falte un riñón. Excepto, en este caso, vemos a un hombre a quien le han reemplazado un riñón con un riñón momificado extraído de una antigua deidad egipcia que ha sido embalsamada hace siglos.

Brandon es un escritor grandioso con mucha imaginación. Ha creado un mundo entero, algo que no es una tarea fácil. Mejor aún, ha creado un universo muy fascinante y ha reconciliado magia con ciencia. Y eso es lo que dije en mi carta que fue publicada en Resucitación “Estoy fascinado por un mundo loco en donde la ciencia y la magia coexisten, en donde criaturas tenebrosas y doctores siniestros pueden luchar de las formas más inesperadas”.
Mummified kidney / riñón momificado

Brandon Seifert y Lukas Ketner trabajan tan bien juntos que por momentos se hace evidente que son buenos amigos. Obviamente comparten los mismos intereses y pasiones. Personalmente no me puedo imaginar a otro artista a cargo de Witch Doctor. Lukas Ketner también es nuevo en el negocio, pero tiene más talento que muchos de los dibujantes que trabajan para Marvel y DC. Para empezar, ha hecho algo no siempre es fácil para el artista: he demostrado excelencia tanto en el arte interior como en las portadas. Algunos artistas son buenos haciendo carátulas pero no tan buenos en el arte interior, y viceversa. Lukas, sin embargo, hace un trabajo soberbio en cada una de las seis portadas de Witch Doctor. Tenemos que admirar la expresión macabra en Witch Doctor # 0 y el cautivador diseño de sus artefactos médicos, en vez de un estetoscopio tiene un ojo místico y en vez de una inyección tiene una aguja dorada con joyas en forma de cráneo. Hay tantas ideas y belleza en los diseños de Lukas, él se las arregla para darle peso a elementos que, por su naturaleza fantástica, probablemente flotarían. En sus manos, la espada Excalibur es real, e incluso el paraguas hecho con carne disecada de ángeles y demonios es también real.

En las cuatro portadas de la miniserie, Lukas juega con un fondo blanco para resaltar el impacto de lo que vemos en un primer plano. En la primera portada tenemos el cuerpo contorsionado de un niño poseído por un demonio y al doctor intentando resolver la situación. Esta es una portada tan fuerte que podrían comprar el cómic sólo gracias a esta imagen. Y eso es lo que las portadas deben hacer, y eso es lo que muchos artistas olviden hoy en día. La segunda portada está tan bien entintada que podría funcionar a la perfección como una ilustración a blanco y negro; sin duda, Lukas Ketner ha sido influenciado por maestros como Bernie Wrightson y otros creadores legendarios. En la tercera portada vemos al doctor realizando una autopsia, me encanta el modo en el que Lukas rinde homenaje a la Criatura de la Laguna Negra (además, la consistencia viscosa de lo que el doctor sujeta en sus manos es tremenda). En la cuarta portada, vemos al doctor sujetando Excalibur y un grupo de siluetas que nos obliga a imaginar qué tipo de monstruosidades está por enfrentar. Por último, el especial "Resucitación" es más que asombroso. El esqueleto humano y todos sus órganos internos y venas están expuestos, podemos ver lo que está dentro de nosotros y eso siempre es algo incómodo (a menos, por supuesto, que estudiemos medicina), las vendas en las esquinas son un buen toque.

Hay mucho pensamiento en cada uno de los dibujos de Lukas. Sé que este proyecto estuvo en proceso durante años, y eso es algo que se ve. Ningún detalle ha sido descuidado, ningún diseño simplificado. He escuchado a otros autores hablar sobre sus proyectos usando la expresión "años en proceso" y luego de leer esos cómics siento que han estado desperdiciando su tiempo, porque para algunos "años en proceso" significa no prestarle atención a una idea por mucho tiempo. Para Brandon y Lukas es lo opuesto, es un ejemplo de cómo una idea se puede desarrollar en un periodo largo de tiempo. Y el resultado, como un buen vino, tenía que pasar por un proceso de maduración antes de salir a la venta. Este mes comienza una nueva miniserie de Witch Doctor. ¿Será tan grandiosa como los números previos? Sí, demonios.

December 17, 2011

November comic books / cómics de noviembre

Rodin Esquejo
And now it’s time to talk about November comic books: Kick-Ass 2 # 5 was even more violent and shocking than the previous issue, but that didn’t prevent Mark Millar from writing a couple of very moving moments. I loved it. The Kapow Guinness special was also a pleasant surprise, each frame has been illustrated by a different artist, and I had so much fun recognizing the styles of dozens of pencilers. As usual, Image titles have been quite good, and I’ll be reviewing a couple of them in the following days. Meanwhile, feel free to make suggestions about the titles that I should review first. And now without further ado, here you have November comics as per solicitations.

Cover: Jacen Burrows Writer: David Lapham Art: German Nobile  David (CROSSED) Lapham delivers another blood drenched chapter in the saga of the most feared Roman Emperor of all time, Caligula!  A young boy, once naive to the hedonistic ways of the Roman upper class, finds that the only way to kill a god is to learn all of its secrets.  But there is only so much slaughter and suffering that a soul can endure?even one bent on avenging the murder of his parents.  A modern master of horror, Lapham will take you into the darkest corners of the soul and reveal the madness within.  Hot new talent, German Nobile, illustrates this no-holds-barred ride down the road to Hell.  Caligula #5 is available with a Regular cover by Jacen Burrows, a Wraparound cover by series artist German Nobile, and a special Golden age of Rome retailer incentive cover.

Covers: Alex Ross (75%), Paul Renaud (25%), Francesco Francavilla (1-in-10), Wagner Reis (1-in-25) Writer: Eric Trautmann Artist: Daniel Lindro The year is 1934, a time of two-fisted swashbuckling, of fearsome threats and wild adventure-and of ever-growing threats on the horizon. Three valiant humans -- Flash Gordon, Dale Arden and Dr. Hans Zarkov -- are plucked from the Earth, traveling to the distant planet Mongo. Their exploits are legendary, battling the machinations and terror schemes of the dreaded emperor Ming, the All-Seeing Ruler of Mongo. But they did not fight alone? Written by Eric Trautmann (Vampirella, Red Sonja), from a story and designs by Alex Ross (Kingdom Come, Marvels, Project: Superpowers), and illustrated by Daniel Lindro.

Written by KIERON GILLEN Penciled by SALVA ESPIN Cover by OLIVIER COIPEL Variant Cover by GREG HORN 'The Future is a Four-Letter Word' The Fifth Light has destroyed Tokyo, which can't be good for the X-Men and mutant relations in general. Hope and her crew are in terrible trouble and it's looking like Cyclops and Wolverine can't get them out of it. Don't miss the shocking twists and turns of the new X-Book that everyone is talking about!

story ROBERT KIRKMAN art / cover RYAN OTTLEY After all he's done, everything he's lived through... how does Invincible pick up the pieces and continue on as if nothing has changed® The answer is... he can't.

Plot by MARK MILLAR Written by PAUL CORNELL, Keiron Gillen & MORE! Art by FRANK QUITELY, DAVE GIBBONS, JOHN ROMITA JR., LEINIL YU,  JOCK, Olivier Coipiel, SEAN PHILLIPS, DUNCAN FERGRADO & MORE! In April 2011,  Mark Millar, Frank Quitely, Dave Gibbons, John Romita Jr, Leinil Yu, Paul Cornell, Andy Diggle, Jock, Duncan Fegrado, Sean Phillips and over fifty other comic-book creators joined forces with Kapow to break not one but TWO Guinness World Records - the fastest comic-book ever produced and the biggest number of creators working on a single comic. The Kapow Special stars Superior and was written, penciled, inked and lettered in less than 12 hours. PLEASE NOTE: All proceeds from the sales of this comic will go to Yorkhill Sick Children's Hospital in Scotland and the print-run for this book will be limited to just 10,000 copies. 32 PGS./Rated Mature

KICK-ASS 2 #5 (MR)
Written by mark millar. Pencils & Cover by john romita jr. For Dave Lizewski and the self-made superheroes of NYC, sh*t just got really real. The Red Mist, now known as the Mother****er, has assembled his own team of Toxic Mega-***** and they're striking the heroes where they're most vulnerable: Their loved ones. If Kick-Ass wants to put a stop to the supervillain rampage, he's going to need the help of Mindy McCready, the one and only Hit-Girl.
32 PGS./Mature …$2.99


It’s the first day back at school for Owen Craig, and it’s not going too well. He’s been run over, got detention, and his police officer father has been taken prisoner by armed bank robbers.
And now his body seems to be turning into mud…

Kent Dalian (W), P. C. Cast (W), Kristin Cast (W), Joelle Jones (A), Karl Kerschl (A), Jenny Frison (Cover), and Steve Morris (Variant cover) Until recently, Zoey Redbird was an average high-school student worrying about grades, boys, and breakouts. But priorities have a way of changing when you are marked as a vampyre, enroll in the vampyre academy House of Night, and have to figure out a whole new social hierarchy, affinities for elemental magic, and physiological changes that make you crave blood. o The magical world of New York Times best-selling authors P. C. Cast and Kristin Cast comes to comics! Five million novels sold and legions of loyal fans!

Written by WARREN ELLIS Pencils by MICHAEL LARK Cover by JOHN CASSADAY Marvel Comics 50th Anniversary Variant. RUN THE MISSION. DON'T GET SEEN. SAVE THE WORLD. In the decadent and crumbling city of ANIANA, in the Eastern European country of SYMKARIA, a local drug lord is planning to sell something mysterious to the Shadow Council.  The Secret Avengers cannot risk that, or an interception after the fact -- they must get to the drug lord before the handover, and take whatever the goods are.  Their covert mission uncovers something utterly unexpected, ancient and terrible and a threat to the entire world... 32 PGS./Rated T+

“STEALING HOME” A young ambitious runaway encounters a travelling salesman with sharp teeth and a hunger for the innocent.
SCOTT SNYDER (American Vampire, Batman, Swamp Thing), SCOTT TUFT and ATTILA FUTAKI (Percy Jackson) are back with 2011’s most terrifying horror series. SEVERED.

Suspended from school for putting a bully in the hospital, Luther spends his days figuring out his newfound abilities and getting to know Petra, his new girlfriend. Unfortunately, it’s not going to last long with The Librarian killing his way toward Luther and those that he loves.

No one can stop Colossus! The Juggernaut has become Kuurth, Breaker of Stone, one of the Worthy. Now more powerful than ever, one of the X-Men’s greatest enemies rampages through San Francisco. To stop him, Colossus makes a deal with the demon lord Cytorrak—the being that imbued Juggernaut with his power. Can this deal be one Colossus can back out of at the fight's end? Prepare for the clash of two unstoppable forces! Part 4 (of 4).

The game-changing, twice-monthly epic called "Tommy Taylor and the War of Words" begins now! Tom Taylor goes to war against the cabal that has tormented, imprisoned and tried to destroy him – and it's far more than just a war of words! To have a hope of winning, Tom must use every weapon he can get hold of, but even storybook magic carries its own risks. And for a story unlike any you've ever seen, one issue a month isn't enough! In the special, standalone .5 issues, Tom's crusade plays out against the backdrop of the cabal's sinister secret history and delves deep into the dark past of some of the series' major players. When it's all over, very little will remain Unwritten."

Andrea still mourns for Dale.

Everything is changing – starting now! It’s all been leading up to this, folks! Nobody is safe. Nothing will ever be the same. The biggest, most explosive story-arc in the history of this series starts right here, in this issue.

It’s all been leading up to this. No one is safe. Not even our hero, Rick Grimes.

The bloodbath continues. No one is safe.

Mother and Child. No one is safe.

Dead and buried.

story BRANDON SEIFERT  art / cover LUKAS KETNER  It's Dr. Morrow's toughest challenge yet: a magical malpractice hearing!  Mystics Without Borders wants answers.  Why did the case of the 'Patient from the Black Lagoon' go so wrong® What's the biological secret of the Deep Ones, and their connection to the 'Great Old Infections'® And how do you fight an epidemic that's turning people into fish-people® Find out, in the finale of the debut miniseries from Robert Kirkman's Skybound Originals line! 'WITCH DOCTOR has the potential to be the next great horror story in the comic industry.' - Bloody Disgusting.


¡Cómics de noviembre! Kick-Ass 2 # 5 fue más violento e impactante que el número anterior, pero además Mark Millar escribe un par de momentos realmente conmovedores. Me encantó. El especial Kapow Guinness fue una simpática sorpresa, cada viñeta es ilustrada por un artista diferente, y me divertí mucho indentificando los estilos de docenas de dibujantes. Como siempre, los títulos de Image fueron bastante buenos, así que reseñaré un par de ellos en los próximos días. Mientras tanto, siéntanse libres de sugerir qué títulos debería comentar en primer lugar.

Un nuevo y sangriento capítulo comienza: un joven inocente, desligado de los modos hedonistas de los nobles romanos, descubre que la única manera de matar a un dios es encontrar todos sus secretos.

El año es 1934, una época de aventuras y peleas, de temerarias hazañas y amenazas en el horizonte. Tres valientes humanos -- Flash Gordon, Dale Arden y el doctor Hans ZARKOV van de la Tierra hasta el planeta Mongo.

El futuro es una palabra de cuatro letras… La quinta luz ha destruido Tokio, Hope y los suyos están metidos en un buen lío.

Después de todo lo que ha hecho, todo lo que ha vivido, cómo podrá INVINCIBLE reunir lo que queda y seguir como si nada hubiese pasado.

Más de cincuenta autores participan en este ejemplar, el cómic creado a mayor velocidad de todo el mundo. Todo un récord mundial.

KICK-ASS 2 #5 (MR)
Para Dave y sus colegas de NYC, las cosas se van a la mierda. El némesis de Dave ha reunido un equipo despiadado que ataca a los héroes donde más son vulnerables: sus seres queridos. ¿Ayudará HIT-GIRL a Dave?

Es la hora de huir.

Es el primer día tras su regreso al colegio y a Owen Craig no le está yendo nada bien. Ha sido atropellado, castigado; su padre ha sido tomado prisionero por criminales. Y ahora su cuerpo se está convirtiendo en lodo.

Hasta hace poco, ella era una estudiante de secundaria normal; sus preocupaciones eran las notas, los chicos y las rupturas. Pero las prioridades cambien cuando un vampiro te marca, cuando ingresas a la academia de la Casa de Noche, y cuando tienes que descifrar una nueva jerarquía, afinidades hacia elementos mágicos y cambios fisiológicos.

Cumplir con la misión. No ser vistos. Salvar el mundo. En una decadente y ruinosa ciudad de Europa del Este, un traficante planea vender algo misterioso al Concilio de las Sombras. Los Vengadores deben impedir esta venta, y en esta misión secreta descubrirán más de un secreto.

Un fugitivo joven y ambicioso se encuentra con un vendedor viajante que posee dientes de tiburón y ansias por la carne inocente.

El colegio lo suspende por mandar a un abusivo a un hospital. Luther dedica un día entero a descifrar sus nuevas habilidades y a conocer a Petra, su nueva enamorada. Desafortunadamente, lo bueno durará poco.

¡Nadie puede detener a COLOSSUS! JUGGERNAUT se ha convertido en el destructor de la roca. Ahora, más poderoso que nunca, uno de los más grandes enemigos de los X-MEN devastará San Francisco.

Tommy Taylor y la Guerra de los Mundos comienza ahora. Tommy Taylor se enfrenta contra la cábala que lo ha atormentado, aprisionado y herido. La única esperanza para ganar es utilizar todas las armas posibles, pero incluso la magia de los libros conlleva riesgos.

my final version / mi versión final
Andrea todavía está de luto.

Todo está cambiando. Nada permanecerá igual.

Nadie se salvará, ni siquiera Rick.

El baño de sangre continúa.

Madre e hijo están en peligro.

Muerto y enterrado.

Este es el más grande reto del Doctor Morrow: una auditoría mágica sobre mal praxis médica. Los Místicos Sin Fronteras quieren respuestas. ¿Qué salió mal en el caso del Paciente de la Laguna Negra? ¿Cuál es el secreto biológico de las criaturas de lo profundo? ¿Y cómo combatir una epidemia que convierte a la gente en gente-pez?

October 19, 2011

September comic books / Cómics de setiembre

So I finally finished reading September comic books, and I was pleasantly surprised. Big Lie was so good that deserved its own review, but so were Action Comics, Brilliant and Severed. So in the next days, expect to see these titles reviewed. Kick Ass 2 # 4 was a very intense, powerful issue (I’ll review the whole series once it’s done); Nick Spencer’s Ultimate Comics X-Men # 1 was the best first issue from Marvel Comics that I’ve read in over a year. Witch Doctor continues to be a really fascinating miniseries (deserves its own review too). And, of course, Avengers the Children’s Crusade is still my favorite limited series from Marvel (besides Jim Cheung’s art is top notch). The Boys and Walking Dead Weekly are great (yeah, I know these are technically not September 2011 material). So without further ado, here they are, as per solicitations.

Written by GRANT MORRISON Art by RAGS MORALES and RICK BRYANT Cover by RAGS MORALES Variant cover by JIM LEE and SCOTT WILLIAMS The one and only Grant Morrison (ALL-STAR SUPERMAN) returns to Superman, joined by sensational artist Rags Morales (IDENTITY CRISIS), to bring you tales of The Man of Steel unlike any you've ever read! This extra-sized debut issue is the cornerstone of the entire DC Universe! Retailers: This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for more information.

Written by ALLAN HEINBERG Pencils & Cover by JIM CHEUNG IT'S THE AVENGERS VERSUS THE X-MEN - with the Young Avengers and X-Factor caught in the crossfire -- as all four teams battle to determine who will hold the Scarlet Witch responsible for her crimes. Plus, when the origin of the Scarlet Witch's godlike powers - and the secret history of her murderous rampage in 'Avengers:  Disassembled' -- are finally revealed, the truth creates a rift among the members of the Young Avengers that the team may not survive. 32 PGS./Rated T+

story RICK VEITCH art RICK VEITCH & GARY ERSKINE cover THOMAS YEATES  A lab tech travels back in time on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 to try and get her husband out of the world trade center before it falls, but will the facts convince him before it's too late® A riveting tale of 9/11 by award winning master storyteller RICK VEITCH that exposes 'The Big Lie!'

BOYS #9 (M)
By Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson The most talked about comic of the year continues from Dynamite Entertainment, writer/co-creator Garth Ennis, and artist/co-creator Darick Robertson! The game is afoot as Hughie and Butcher's murder investigation delves deeper into the Tek-Knight's background. The deeper they dig, though, the bigger the mystery. And what dark secret does Hughie have about the Tek-Knight and his headquarters?

BOYS #18 (MR)
By Garth Ennis & Darick Robertson 'Good For The Soul' concludes with a bang - or a splat! - as a reluctant Hughie takes on the resurrected Blarney Cock in a no-holds barred brawl for it all! Annie January tells A-Train the long and the short of things, Mother's Milk continues to mystify, and Butcher provides some much-needed advice on funeral arrangements. And will Hughie ever be allowed to forget his 'facial incident'?

BOYS #27 (MR)
By Garth Ennis, Darick Robertson & John Higgins New York turns emerald green as Saint Patrick's Day strikes, and Hughie gets to see the G-Wiz boys at their very worst. He also sits down for a pow-wow with Butcher, who lets a couple of secrets slip- to Hughie's extreme discomfort. And back at the G-Mansion, the G-Men face the most vocal component of the G-Empire... in We Gotta Go Now, part five.

BOYS #29 (MR)
Writer: GARTH ENNIS Penciller/Inker: DARICK ROBERTSON Desperate times result in extremely desperate measures, as the foulest secrets of the G-Men are revealed and Hughie leads the Boys to battle. We Gotta Go Now reaches its incendiary conclusion... and things will never be the same. Featuring two covers split 50/50 - one by co-creator Darick Robertson and the other by legendary creator David Lloyd!

BOYS #30 (MR)
Garth Ennis (W) Darick Robertson (A) In the grim aftermath of 'We Gotta Go Now', everyone takes a much needed pause for breath. Vought-American tidy up the loose ends, Mother's Milk delivers some bad news, and the Frenchman makes one last appeal for reason- unfortunately, it's to the Female. Meanwhile, Hughie's not sure he can go on at all, in light of what he's witnessed, and Butcher goes to visit Rayner- with anything but romance on his mind... All under a set of covers, one by Robertson and the other a special alternate cover by Jim Lee! Plus, a select group of artists provides a special gallery of Boys pin-ups! Issue #30 is the biggest and best yet!

BOYS #31 (MR)
Writer: GARTH ENNIS Penciller/Inker: CARLOS EZQUERRA It had to happen sooner or later: the supes get mad enough to go after the Boys. One of the world's most powerful superteams decides to hit our heroes, all guns blazing, and the Female is the first to fall into their lethal trap. Meanwhile, Hughie is still plagued with doubt, and Annie finds herself on the receiving end of the worst new look ever- in THE SELF-PRESERVATION SOCIETY, part one. And this special four issue story arc is drawn by legendary artist and Judge Dredd co-creator - Carlos Ezquerra!

BOYS #32 (MR)
Written by GARTH ENNIS Art by CARLOS EZQUERRA With the Female gone and the survivors left reeling, the Boys find out who's after them the hard way- walking straight into a nightmarish trap. Pulping teenage supes is one thing, but how will our heroes fair against a front-rank supe team of unimaginable power? Blood flies and bones shatter, as Butcher decides to meet fire with fire... in The Self-Preservation Society, part two.

BOYS #35 (MR)
Origins time. In the first of the two part 'Nothing Like It In The World', Mother's Milk tells Hughie the story of his life to date- his upbringing in Harlem, the secret of his massive strength, the catastrophe that struck his family, and the unforgettable boxing championship disaster that led him to join The Boys. Recommended for Mature Readers.

Created by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS & MARK BAGLEY Written by BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS Pencils & Cover by MARK BAGLEY Variant Covers by DAVID MACK & MICHAEL AVON OEMING The first creator-owned book by ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN co-creators Brian Michael Bendis and Mark Bagley, BRILLIANT tells the story of a handful of college-age geniuses who challenge each other to solve the mystery of superpowers. Can the best and brightest change science fiction into science fact? And if so, how will the world at large react? BRILLIANT is a thriller of the highest order. It is a story of how true power can either destroy or protect the strongest of friendships. It is the story of how the world will react when our true potential is finally unlocked. This fast-talking, whip-smart new series will thrill fans of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN, POWERS and SCARLET. The first award-winning collection of Bendis and Bagley's ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN has sold well over one million copies. 40 PGS./Mature

(W) George R.R. Martin, Daniel Abraham (A) Tommy Patterson (C) Alex Ross (main), Mike Miller (1-in-10) George R.R. Martin has been called 'the American Tolkien' by Time Magazine, and now his landmark fantasy series is being adapted to a graphic format, starting with the first book of the series: A Game of Thrones. The premiere issue introduces readers to George's world, adapting the prologue and first three chapters of the novel, and bringing onto the graphic stage such iconic characters as Eddard and Catelyn Stark, Jon Snow, young Bran Stark, and Daenerys Targaryen. This novel has also been adapted as a major miniseries by HBO - with HBO's highest ratings to date, since having premiered on April 17, 2011!

KICK-ASS 2 #4 (MR)
Written by MARK MILLAR Pencils & Cover by JOHN ROMITA JR. Red Mist takes on a new identity too vulgar for print and issues a command to all his super-bastards on Twitter to wreak havoc on New York. Meanwhile, the cops are cracking down on all costumed activity and tracing the secret identities of all the heroes. Could Dave get a knock on his door, and has enough spit hit the fan for Hit-Girl to pick up her sword again?

(W) Kurt Busiek (A) Jack Herbert, Alex Ross (C) Alex Ross (main), Ryan Sook (1-in-10) The explosive cosmic world-changing event picks up speed! As Silver Star, Captain Victory and the Glory Knights form an uneasy alliance, their foes unite as well -- and make their move to claim the all-powerful Proto-Seed. Meanwhile, young Kirby discovers the secrets of the Phantom Continent -- and comes face-to-face with the Primals! And what's the Wanderer's role in all this?

story NICK SPENCER art JOE EISMA cover RODIN ESQUEJO With a slew of unexpected deaths rocking the very foundations of the academy, the faculty are on high alert - and suspicions arise among the Glories as they learn there may be a killer in their midst. The stage is set for the action-packed third arc right here!

story SCOTT SNYDER & SCOTT TUFT art / cover ATTILA FUTAKI  'NEW SKIN' Jack learns the road is full of swindlers. And in Chicago, the most devious one awaits him: a travelling-salesman with shark-like-teeth who craves the flesh of the innocent.  SCOTT SNYDER (American Vampire, Detective Comics), SCOTT TUFT and ATTILA FUTAKI ("Percy Jackson") are back with 2011's most terrifying horror series. SEVERED.

Written by NICK SPENCER Penciled by PACO MEDINA Cover by KAARE ANDREWS (POLYBAGGED) Variant Cover by Paco Medina The biggest mutant cover-up has gone public as the true history of the x-gene is revealed. As an identity crisis rocks the mutant world, the mistrust between man and x-man gets deeper. But a bigger question remains: who are the X-Men? Nick Spencer and Paco Medina make their thunderous Ultimate debut in one of the most anticipated series yet!

Story: Robert Kirkman Art/Cover: Charlie Adlard & Cliff Rathburn  The ninth month begins...

Story: Robert Kirkman Art/Cover: Charlie Adlard & Cliff Rathburn  Preparation for war.

Story: Robert Kirkman Art/Cover: Charlie Adlard & Cliff Rathburn  BIRTH.

story BRANDON SEIFERT  art / cover LUKA KETNER  It's Dr. Morrow's biggest case yet: 'The Patient From The Black Lagoon!'  What's the secret of the Deep Ones® How do they fit in with the Relapse, the Extinction Event that's coming for humankind® And why are Morrow and his medical staff at each other's throats®  'Basically, I'm jealous.  Bastards!' -- Ben Templesmith


Ya me leí todos mis cómics de setiembre, y he quedado gratamente sorprendido. “Big Lie” fue tan bueno que merecía su propia reseña, pero también lo fueron “Action Comics”, “Brilliant” y “Severed”. Así que en los próximos días verán reseñas de estos títulos. “Kick Ass 2” # 4 fue un número intenso (comentaré toda la serie cuando esté completa); “Ultimate Comics X-Men” # 1 de Nick Spencer ha sido el mejor primer número de todo lo que he leído de Marvel Cómics en el último año. “Witch Doctor” sigue siendo una miniserie fascinante (también merece su propia reseña). Y, por supuesto, “Avengers the Children’s Crusade” todavía es mi serie limitada favorita de Marvel (además, el arte de Jim Cheung es de primera). “The Boys” y “Walking Dead Weekly” están muy bien (y sí, ya sé que técnicamente no son de Setiembre de 2011). Y sin más que decir, aquí está la lista.

Es… el Hombre de Acero como nunca antes lo habéis visto.

¡AVENGERS versus X-MEN! Con los Jóvenes Vengadores y X-Factor atrapados en el fuego cruzado… todos luchan para determinar quién juzgará a SCARLET WITCH por sus crímenes. Además, se revelará el origen de su casi ilimitado poder así como la historia detrás de sus asesinatos.

Una laboratorista viaja en el tiempo hasta la mañana del 11 de setiembre de 2001, para intentar rescatar a su marido de las Torres Gemelas.

BOYS #9 (M)   
La investigación prosigue pero el misterio sigue sin resolverse.

BOYS #18 (MR)  
Conclusión de la saga “Bueno para el alma”.

BOYS #27 (MR) 
En el día Saint Patrick, New York está de color verde. Y HUGHIE ve a los integrantes de G-WIZ caer a su punto más bajo. 

BOYS #29 (MR) 
Comentario: Tiempos desesperados, medidas desesperadas. Los secretos más sórdidos de los Hombres G son revelados.

BOYS #30 (MR) 
Tras los recientes acontecimientos, todos los integrantes del equipo necesitan un merecido descanso.

BOYS #31 (MR) 
Los más poderosos súper equipos deciden perseguir a THE BOYS. ¿Y qué papel juega la Sociedad de la Auto-Preservación?

BOYS #32 (MR) 
¿Quiénes son los perseguidores? ¿Qué trampas han preparado?

BOYS #35 (MR) 
El origen secreto de uno de los protagonistas es revelado.

Ellos son un puñado de genios que estudian en la universidad y  se retan a sí mismos para resolver el misterio de los súper poderes. ¿Podrán los mejores y más brillantes convertir la ciencia ficción en ciencia a secas? ¿Y si lo logran, cómo reaccionaría el mundo? ¿El poder los corromperá?

Adaptación del prólogo y los tres primeros capítulos de la novela de George R. R. Martin, Juego de Tronos.

KICK-ASS 2 #4 (MR)
RED MIST asume una nueva identidad tan vulgar que no puede ser comentada, mientras que convoca a todos sus secuaces usando redes sociales. Mientras, la policía investiga la identidad de los enmascarados.

SILVER STAR, CAPTAIN VICTORY y GLORY KNIGHTS forman una difícil alianza al mismo tiempo que sus enemigos se unen. Mientras tanto, el joven Kirby descubre los secretos del continente fantasma y sus habitantes.

La cantidad de muertes inesperadas afecta a la academia, la facultad está alerta – y las sospechas se dirigen a los nuevos alumnos.

Jack descubre que la carretera está llena de charlatanes. Y en Chicago está el más retorcido de todos: un vendedor, un viajante, con dientes filudos como los de un tiburón, en busca de carne inocente.

El más grande encubrimiento de los mutantes se ha hecho público. La verdad del gen X ha sido revelada. El mundo mutante entra en crisis, y la desconfianza entre la gente y los X-MEN aumenta.

Empieza el noveno mes.

Preparación para la guerra.


El caso más importante del doctor Morrow: El paciente de la Laguna Negra. ¿Cuál es el secreto de estas criaturas de lo profundo? ¿Cómo se relacionan con el Evento Extinción que amenaza a la humanidad?