Showing posts with label Northstar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Northstar. Show all posts

November 20, 2018

The Origins of Alpha Flight - John Byrne

It was the late 70s, and Chris Claremont and John Byrne were responsible for the huge success of The X-Men, and it was in the pages of “Home are the Heroes!” (X-Men # 109, February 1978), in which James Hudson, the Alpha Weapon, made his first appearance. This wasn’t a character created for the story, but rather a hero recycled from a Captain America storyline that never came to fruition. Byrne had originally envisioned Hudson as the Captain Canada that would be powerful enough to stand against the Sentinel of Liberty, and his name was supposed to be Guardian.

“It was, if memory serves, Roger Stern and Mark Gruenwald who came up with Vindicator, a strong but vaguely unsatisfying name. So Vindicator it was, though this might well raise the question as to just what a Canadian super hero would have to vindicate”, explains John Byrne. But it was in the pages of “Wanted Wolverine! Dead or Alive!” (X-Men # 120, April 1979) and “Shoot-Out at the Stampede” (X-Men # 121, May 1979) in which Byrne would introduce the rest of Alpha Flight: Northstar, Aurora, Sasquatch, Shaman and Snowbird. “A group that started as a bunch of ciphers whose sole purpose was to survive a fight with the X-Men became a formidable force in their own right”, affirms Byrne.

In due course, Alpha Flight members were no longer antagonists, and soon they would end up as allies of the X-Men, as can be seen in “...Something Wicked This Way Comes” (X-Men # 139, November 1980) and “Rage” (X-Men # 140, December 1980), furthermore, Alpha Flight also made appearances in titles such as The Incredible Hulk, Machine Man and Marvel Two-In-One. Fans were eager to see more of this group of Canadian mutants, who were living proof that the United States didn’t hold a monopoly on superheroes. And who else could have told stories about them if not the author who created them in the first place?

As Patrick O’Neill points out “At times, it seems as though John Byrne’s career at Marvel has consisted of taking over characters created by others… and turning them into fan favorites”, but that changed when Byrne “designed his own superhero team”. At the same time that Byrne was writing and drawing Fantastic Four, considered by fans and critics alike as one of the best runs in the history of Marvel Comics, he decided to also write and draw Alpha Flight.
Alpha Flight, Beta, Gamma

“Tundra” (originally published in Alpha Flight # 1, August 1983) marks the debut of Canada’s premier superhero team, and as Byrne would clarify later, in order to retain the right to receive royalties, he had to make a few modifications to the group of mutants that had fought against the X-Men, that’s why two new characters are added to the group: Marrina and Puck, who were part of Beta Flight. In this issue, the Canadian mutants fight against a gigantic creature called Tundra. 

In addition to the usual fights against powerful enemies, Byrne really made an effort in fleshing out characters and providing a rich and fascinating background for each one of them. That’s how, in “The Origins of Alpha Flight”, we can see why James Hudson is an unemployed engineer, and a reluctant hero, but we also see the tragic past of Shaman, Aurora’s multiple personality disorder and Northstar’s greatest concerns. 

Jean Paul Beaubier (AKA Northstar) is a ski champion and a Canadian celebrity, however he also has a secret that was still a taboo in the 80s. Jean Paul Beaubier had money and fame, and he would’ve been able to get any woman he wanted “although the women don’t seem to have interested you overmuch”, affirms James Hudson. Much in the same way that Bobby Drake (AKA Iceman) admits that he has no interest in girls in the very first issue of X-Men (only to confess his homosexuality decades later), we can see from the very beginning that Beaubier never pays attention to women. 

When Byrne was writing Alpha Flight he decided to bravely face the censorship of the era by including a gay character: “I had recently read an article in Scientific American on what was then (the early 80s) fairly radical new thinking on just what processes caused a person to be homosexual, and the evidence was pointing increasingly to it being genetic and not environmental factors. So, I thought, it seemed like it was time for a Gay superhero, and since I was being ‘forced’ to make Alpha Flight a real series, I might as well make one of them Gay”. Although nowadays there is a proliferation of LGBT characters both in Marvel and DC books, at the time this was an unprecedented move, and a very bold one. “Of course, the temper of the times, the Powers That Were and, naturally, the Comics Code would not let me come right out and state that Jean-Paul was homosexual, but I managed to ‘get the word out’ even with those barriers”, states Byrne. 

In the end, “John Byrne helped to change the landscape of the Marvel Universe when he created the first gay Marvel superhero, Northstar, in the pages of Alpha Flight”, affirms Brian Cronin, and I completely agree with him. For us, the readers, it’s also very interesting to observe the way such an issue -which was quite controversial back then- was so subtly introduced in the pages of Alpha Flight.

A finales de los 70s, Chris Claremont y John Byrne fueron los responsables del gran éxito de The X-Men, y fue en las páginas de Home are the Heroes! (X-Men # 109, febrero de 1978), en que James Hudson, el Arma Alfa, hizo su primera aparición. Este no era un personaje creado para aquella historia, sino un héroe reciclado de una historia del Capitán América que nunca llegó a publicarse. Byrne había imaginado originalmente a Hudson como un Capitán Canadá que sería lo suficientemente poderoso como para enfrentarse al Centinela de la Libertad, y se suponía que su nombre era Guardián.
Aurora & Northstar

“Fueron, si no me falla la memoria, Roger Stern y Mark Gruenwald quienes idearon a Vindicator, un nombre fuerte pero vagamente insatisfactorio. Así que era Vindicator, aunque esto podría plantear la cuestión de qué tendría que reivindicar un superhéroe canadiense”, explica John Byrne. Pero fue en las páginas de Wanted Wolverine! Dead or Alive!  (X-Men # 120, abril de 1979) y “Tiroteo en la estampida” (X-Men # 121, mayo de 1979) en las que Byrne presentaría el resto de Alpha Flight: Northstar, Aurora, Sasquatch, Shaman y Snowbird. “Un grupo que comenzó como un conjunto de cifras cuyo único propósito era sobrevivir a una pelea con los X-Men se convirtió en una fuerza formidable por derecho propio”, afirma Byrne.

A su debido tiempo, los miembros de Alpha Flight dejaron de ser antagonistas, y pronto terminarían como aliados de los X-Men, como se puede ver en ...Something Wicked This Way Comes (X-Men # 139, noviembre de 1980) e “Ira” (X-Men # 140, diciembre de 1980), además, Alpha Flight también apareció en títulos como The Incredible Hulk, Machine Man y Marvel Two-In-One. Los fanáticos estaban ansiosos por ver más de este grupo de mutantes canadienses, prueba fehaciente de que Estados Unidos no tenía el monopolio de los superhéroes. ¿Y quién más podría haber contado historias sobre ellos sino el autor que los creó en primer lugar?

Como señala Patrick O'Neill “A veces, parece que la carrera de John Byrne en Marvel ha consistido en hacerse cargo de personajes creados por otros... y convertirlos en favoritos de los fans”, pero eso cambió cuando Byrne “diseñó su propio equipo de superhéroes”. Al mismo tiempo que Byrne escribía y dibujaba Fantastic Four, considerado por los fanáticos y críticos como una de las mejores etapas en la historia de Marvel Comics, decidió escribir y dibujar Alpha Flight.

“Tundra” (originalmente publicado en Alpha Flight # 1, agosto de 1983) marca el debut del principal equipo de superhéroes de Canadá, y como Byrne aclararía más adelante, para retener el derecho a recibir regalías, tuvo que hacer algunas modificaciones al grupo de mutantes que había luchado contra los X-Men, es por eso que se agregaron dos nuevos personajes al grupo: Marrina y Puck, que formaban parte de Beta Flight. En este número, los mutantes canadienses luchan contra una criatura gigantesca llamada Tundra.

Además de las peleas habituales contra enemigos poderosos, Byrne realmente hizo un esfuerzo para ahondar en los personajes y proporcionar un trasfondo rico y fascinante para cada uno de ellos. Así es como, en “The Origins of Alpha Flight”, podemos ver por qué James Hudson es un ingeniero desempleado y un héroe reacio, pero también vemos el trágico pasado de Shaman, el trastorno de personalidad múltiple de Aurora y las mayores preocupaciones de Northstar.

Jean Paul Beaubier (alias Northstar) es un campeón de esquí y una celebridad canadiense, sin embargo, también tiene un secreto que todavía era un tabú en los 80s. Jean Paul Beaubier tenía dinero y fama, y habría podido conseguir a cualquier mujer que quisiera “aunque las mujeres no parecen haberle interesado demasiado”, afirma James Hudson. De la misma manera que Bobby Drake (también conocido como Iceman) admite que no tiene interés en las chicas en el primer número de X-Men (solo para confesar su homosexualidad décadas más tarde), podemos ver desde el principio que Beaubier nunca presta atención a las féminas.
Alpha Flight versus Tundra

Cuando Byrne estaba escribiendo Alpha Flight decidió enfrentar valientemente la censura de la época al incluir un personaje gay: “Recientemente había leído un artículo en Scientific American sobre lo que entonces era (a principios de los 80s) un nuevo pensamiento bastante radical sobre qué procesos causaban que una persona fuera homosexual, y la evidencia apuntaba cada vez más a que se trataba de factores genéticos y no ambientales. Entonces, pensé, parecía que era hora de que haya un superhéroe gay, y como estaba siendo 'forzado' a convertir Alpha Flight en una serie real, podría convertir a uno de ellos en Gay”. Aunque hoy en día hay una proliferación de personajes LGBT en los títulos de Marvel y DC, en esa época este fue un movimiento sin precedentes, y muy audaz. “Por supuesto, el temperamento de los tiempos, los Poderes que Eran y, naturalmente, el Código de Cómics no me permitían salir y decir que Jean-Paul era homosexual, pero logré que se 'corriera la voz' incluso con aquellas barreras”, afirma Byrne.

Al final, “John Byrne ayudó a cambiar el horizonte del Universo Marvel cuando creó al primer superhéroe gay de Marvel, Northstar, en las páginas de Alpha Flight”, afirma Brian Cronin, y estoy totalmente de acuerdo con él. Para nosotros, los lectores, también es muy interesante observar la manera tan sutil en que se introdujo ese tema -que era bastante controversial- en las páginas de Alpha Flight.

July 18, 2012

June comic books / cómics de junio

In May I picked Morning Glories # 18 as the best issue of the month. Now this time it’s a tie between Hit-Girl # 1 and Astonishing X-Men # 51. Hit-Girl was really great and I’ll write a full review on this first issue in due time. Astonishing X-Men, on the other hand, was a wonderful surprise. I had never read anything by Marjorie Liu and I absolutely loved her story. The fears and insecurities of Northstar as his wedding day approaches are intense and honest. Discrimination is also made evident as even some of the X-Men refuse to attend this gay wedding. Issue # 51 made me remember everything that I love about X-Men, as well as the whole concept of mutants, prejudice and heroism. Fantastic issue! Hypernaturals # 1 and Extermination # 1 were quite impressive, I’d really like to read more of these titles. The Boys # 67 and Unwritten # 38 were very good too. Finally, I really enjoyed the conclusion of League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Century 2009, it has some amazing moments, like the one in which Mina and Orlando are walking down the streets and Mina says that she was used to poverty and hunger in the Victorian age but what she sees now is something else... people in 2009 feel kike there is no point to anything. And then Orlando says that's what happens when culture becomes irrelevant. That moment right there is just brilliant. I won’t say more because I’m always against spoilers, but let’s just say that I had a lot of fun with June’s comics. And now, without further ado, last month’s list:

(W) Marjorie M. Liu (A) Mike Perkins (CA) Dustin Weaver
The wedding of the century!

BOYS #67 (MR)
(W) Garth Ennis (A) Russell Braun (CA) Darick Robertson
Covers: Darick Robertson Writer: Garth Ennis Artist: Russ Braun Colorist: Tony Aviña  The ghosts of the Legend's past rise to haunt him, and in a way so do MM's- as he catches up with his daughter and finds out much, much more about her recent mistakes than he bargained for. Meanwhile Hughie investigates the recent tragedy and end up in an unexpected showdown... with Monkey? The bodycount mounts in part two of The Bloody Doors Off.

(W) Simon Spurrier (CA) John Cassaday & Various We Lost. They Won. In the wake of an apocalyptic alien invasion, the world's greatest super-heroes and deadliest super-villains must form an alliance to prevent their own extermination. Two arch-enemies, Nox, a driven hero, and Red Reaper, a ruthless villain, form a volatile partnership for the greater good. The enemy of your enemy is your friend - but will they be able to ultimately put aside their bitter past to prevent global genocide? What happens when all the battle lines are redrawn and foes become unlikely allies in a desperate war for the fate of the very planet - and the outcome of a species? Written by Simon Spurrier (X-Club, Fear Itself: The Home Front, Wolverine: Dangerous Games), Extermination is a superhero survival story by an author that boldly explores the dark crevices of an entire genre.

Hit-Girl spins off into her own blood-soaked series by the sales-busting creative team of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr. This story takes place between Kick-Ass Volumes 1 and 2 as Mindy McCready tries to settle into life as a regular school-girl, but wants nothing more than to be dispensing hot justice to the scum of New York City. Her mother and step-father think she's doing her homework, but in reality she's taken Kick-Ass on as her sidekick and is training him up to punch, shoot and stab ... just like Daddy would have wanted. A limited edition variant by Leandro Fernandez will be released for this issue, as will a Variant (artist TBD) & John Romita Jr. Sketch Variant, and a Blank Cover Variant. NOTE: Variant supplies limited. Consult your retailer for availability. Scheduled to ship 06/27/12.

(W) Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning (A) Brad Walker & Various (CA) Francesco Mattina & Various This July...A UNIVERSE TREMBLES. It is the far future; the human race has finally colonized the galaxy, preserving an era of prosperity that's only possible because of The Hypernaturals. They're a celebrated, galaxy-wide superhero task force that keeps the peace. That is, until they all mysteriously vanish. Now, as the galaxy teeters on the brink of chaos, it's up to a group of retired and long forgotten Hypernaturals -- and their novice recruits -- to save the galaxy from complete destruction. Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning, the superstar writing duo behind ANNIHILATION and THE LEGION, launch an all-new original series that takes cosmic super-heroes to a new frontier. Experience the special preview issue of THE HYPERNATURALS this May and pick up the #1 issue this July!

LOEG III CENTURY #3 2009 (MR) (C: 0-0-3)
(W) Alan Moore (A/CA) Kevin O'neill
The narrative reaches its cataclysmic conclusion in London 2009. The magical child whose ominous coming has been foretold for the past century has now been born and has grown up to claim his dreadful heritage. His promised age of unending terror can commence, the world can now be ended, and there is no League, extraordinary or otherwise, to stand in his way. The bitter, intractable war in Q'umar crawls bloodily to its fifth year, away in Kashmir a Sikh terrorist wages a holy war against Islam that must push the world into a nuclear holocaust, and in a London asylum there's a patient who insists she has all the answers.
Astonishing X-Men # 51

Lights Out. Nobody home.
my drawing (pencils and inks) /
 mi dibujo (lápices y tintas)

(W) Chris Claremont, John Byrne (A) John Byrne & Various (CA) John Byrne, Richard Isanove The X-Men had fought many battles, been on adventures spanning galaxies and grappled with enemies of limitless might - but nothing could prepare them for the most shocking struggle they would ever face. One of their own members, Jean Grey, has gained power beyond all comprehension, corrupting her into the Dark Phoenix! Now, the X-Men must decide: Is the life of the woman they cherish worth the existence of the entire universe?! It's the definitive X-Men tale, painstakingly restored for the Marvel Masterworks. Also featuring the seminal 'Nightcrawler's Inferno,' a Wolverine/Wendigo brouhaha guest-starring Alpha Flight, the original version of X-MEN #137 in which Jean Grey lived, and the Claremont/Buscema Phoenix tale from BIZARRE ADVENTURES #27. Collecting X-MEN (1963) #132-140, X-MEN ANNUAL (1970) #4, PHOENIX: THE UNTOLD STORY and BIZARRE ADVENTURES #27.

SAGA #4 (MR)
(W) Brian K. Vaughan (A/CA) Fiona Staples
story BRIAN K. VAUGHAN art / cover  FIONA STAPLES    Welcome to SEXTILLION, a distant planet where even your darkest fantasies become reality.  See why everyone's talking about this hit new ongoing adventure from BRIAN K. VAUGHAN and FIONA STAPLES!

(W) Mike Carey (A) Peter Gross (CA) Yuko Shimizu
The weird cultists who worship Tommy Taylor are the chief suspects in a series of bizarre disappearances - and a young, relentless detective thinks she's found a way to crack the case. Plus, puppetmaster Madame Rausch is on her deathbed - but can she find the strength to pull the final strings?

(W) Robert Kirkman (A/CA) Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn
story ROBERT KIRKMAN art / cover CHARLIE ADLARD & CLIFF RATHBURN  'SOMETHING TO FEAR' CONTINUES! The unthinkable happens, as we all gear up for next month's monumental issue 100!

En mayo elegí Morning Glories # 18 como el mejor cómic del mes. En esta ocasión hay un empate entre Hit-Girl # 1 y Astonishing X-Men # 51. Hit-Girl estuvo increíble y escribiré una reseña sobre este primer ejemplar próximamente. Astonishing X-Men, por otro lado, fue una maravillosa sorpresa. Nunca había leído nada de Marjorie Liu y me encantó la historia. Los miedos y las inseguridades de Northstar conforme se acerca el día de la boda son intensos y honestos. La discriminación también se hace evidente cuando algunos de los X-Men se rehúsan a asistir a esta boda gay. Este # 51 me ha hecho recordar todo lo que siempre me ha encantado de los X-Men, y todo el concepto de los mutantes, el prejuicio y el heroismo. ¡Fantástico número! Hypernaturals # 1 y Extermination # 1 fueron bastante impresionantes, me gustaría leer los siguientes números. The Boys # 67 y Unwritten # 38 estuvieron muy buenos. Finalmente, realmente disfruté con la conclusión de League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Century 2009 y es que tiene momentos asombrosos, como cuando Mina y Orlando caminan por las calles y Mina dice que estaba acostumbrada a la pobreza y al hambre en la era Victoriana pero lo que ve ahora es algo distinto... en el 2009 la gente siente que nada tiene sentido. Y entonces Orlando responde que eso es lo que sucede cuando la cultura se vuelve irrelevante. Es un momento brillante. No diré más para no arruinar sorpresas, basta decir que realmente me divertí con los cómics de junio. Y ahora, sin más preámbulos, la lista del mes pasado:

 El momento más esperado: ¡La boda del siglo!

BOYS #67 (MR)
 Los fantasmas del pasado de la Leyenda lo acosan. Mientras, una inesperada lucha ocurre, y la cuenta de los cadáveres sube.

 La invasión alienígena comienza, y los más grandes súper-héroes y villanos deben formar una alianza para prevenir su propia exterminación.

Por fin, se revela la historia que sucede entre KICK-ASS volumen 1 y volumen 2. Mindy trata de adaptarse a su vida como colegiala, pero lo único que quiere es ajusticiar a la escoria de New York. 

 En un futuro lejano, la humanidad ha colonizado la galaxia, y la prosperidad es mantenida por los Híper-Naturales. Hasta que todos se desvanecen misteriosamente. Ahora que la galaxia está al borde del caos, los Híper-Naturales deberán reclutar y entrenar a un grupo de novicios.

 La narrativa alcanza su impactante conclusión en Londres, en el 2009. La ominosa llegada del niño mágico que fue predicha el siglo pasado ha ocurrido, ahora él ha crecido y reclama su terrible herencia. La era prometida de terror sin fin puede comenzar, el mundo puede terminar, y no hay ninguna Liga, extraordinaria u ordinaria, que pueda enfrentarse a él. 

 Las luces están apagadas. No hay nadie en casa.

 Guión y dibujos de Chris Claremont & John Byrne.

SAGA #4 (MR)
 Bienvenidos a un planeta en el que los deseos se hacen realidad.

 El extraño culto que idolatra a Tommy es el principal sospechoso en una serie de bizarras desapariciones.

 “Algo que temer” continúa. Y lo inesperado sucede.