The gem of the month, without a doubt, is Woody Allen’s You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger (2010), a tragicomic tale about couples in London: an old, bereft woman is on the verge of suicide after her husband leaves her, and thus the only way for her to cope with this emotional turmoil is submitting to the divinatory arts of a woman that claims to have the power of prediction. The ex husband, played by Anthony Hopkins is a somewhat callous man, who soon finds pleasure and comfort in the arms of a young and very expensive prostitute. Naomi Watts interprets the daughter of the former couple, and she’s in a futureless relationship with a washed out writer that hasn’t written a successful book in years. The hefty dynamics between parents and children, men and women, love and hate, are never what they appear to be at first thanks to the director’s cleverness. If you’ve been reading my blog for over a month then you already know that I’m a huge fan of Woody Allen, and I really enjoyed You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger.
Indian Summer (1996) AKA Alive and Kicking is an intense drama about a group of male dancers that are HIV positive. In recent years, and one by one, the best dancers have died. Now, it’s up the one of the youngest and most promising of the bunch to give one final grand performance before the disease becomes too overwhelming for him. Buffering (2011) is quite the opposite, as it depicts the middle class life of a gay couple in a comedy that deals with internet porn, unfaithfulness and, of course, online gay sex. The Resident (2011) is about a woman who becomes the new tenant in an old building that is being remodeled by its owner, a man that has serious psychological problems. This movie has suspense and some disturbing moments but there are too many plot holes to take it seriously.
Eloy de la Iglesia’s El pico 2 (1984) is the sequel to “El pico”, the protagonist, a teenager, hasn’t been able to overcome his addiction to heroin, and his father decides to take him to Madrid, searching appropriate medical attention. However, in the 80s there was no such thing as heroin rehabilitation clinics, and not before long the kid lands in jail, where he has no choice but to allow himself to be sexually abused in order to get a few grams of heroin. José Luis Manzano was a very talented actor, and it’s not without irony that his death was provoked by the same drugs he could never get away from in these movies.
Out of the short films, my favorite was El reloj (2008) a story about two high school kids that miss the bus and decide to head home in a taxi. They don’t know each other, but they start talking and somehow one of them asks the other to sleepover in his house. As the two inexperienced boys start undressing and get into bed, a sexual tension arises between them, director Marco Berger’s scenes are of a very erotic and yet ambiguous nature. Connected (2008) recounts the relationship and subsequent breakup of a gay couple. I Want Your Love (2010) answers to a very common question: why (or why not) would you have sex with your best friend? We Once Were Tide (2011) is a heartfelt combination of loneliness and love. When a young man is forced to deal with his mother’s Alzheimer, his only consolation is the support of his boyfriend. Set in a rural town, the loneliness of the characters are contrasted by the abandonment experienced by the protagonist.
And now beware readers, for in yonder virtual valleys lies unfathomably pseudo-intellectual discourse; sufficient in our private thought that these opinions spilled delinquent out of our mouths are naught but mere ideas. Since long forgotten decades to still vibrant years, entire decades are herein comprised thus. From 1 to 100, I have selected all deserving works. Bereaved, shirk from the world of critics, I present thee my true considerations. Set me to thy bidding as thou would (and if you fancy a look at my previous top 100 you shall find it right here:
Drive (2011)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
Sala samobójców (2011)
J. Edgar (2011)
Noordzee, Texas (2011)
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2011)
Hodejegerne (2011)
Ausente (2011)
La piel que habito (2011)
Take Shelter (2011)
Best of 2011:
TOP 100
1. THE HOURS (2002) Stephen Daldry
2. THE FOUNTAIN (2006) Darren Aronofsky
3. STARDUST MEMORIES (1980) Woody Allen
5. LA CENA (1998) Ettore Scola
6. Morte a Venezia (1971) Luchino Visconti
7. Requiem for a Dream (2000) Darren Aronofsky
8. Billy Elliot (2000) Stephen Daldry
9. Fellini - Satyricon (1969) Federico Fellini
10. Manhattan (1979) Woody Allen
11. Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975) Pier Paolo Pasolini
12. Todo sobre mi madre (1999) Pedro Almodóvar
13. Lost in Translation (2003) Sofia Coppola
14. A Clockwork Orange (1971) Stanley Kubrick
15. Psycho (1960) Alfred Hitchcock
16. The Sixth Sense (1999) M. Night Shyamalan
17. Elephant (2003) Gus Van Sant
18. Abre Los Ojos (1997) Alejandro Amenábar
19. The Great Dictator (1940) Charles Chaplin
20. The Squid and the Whale (2005) Noah Baumbach
21. Un Lugar en el Mundo (1992) Adolfo Aristarain
22. Amarcord (1973) Federico Fellini
23. My Own Private Idaho (1991) Gus Van Sant
24. Mysterious Skin (2004) Gregg Araki
25. C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) Jean-Marc Vallée
26. Ladri di biciclette (1948) Vittorio De Sica
27. Igby Goes Down (2002) Burr Steers
28. Volver (2006) Pedro Almodóvar
29. Match Point (2005) Woody Allen
30. Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Jonathan Dayton & Valerie Faris
31. Funny Games U.S. (2007) Michael Haneke
32. Unbreakable (2000) M. Night Shyamalan
33. Hana-bi (1997) Takeshi Kitano
34. La Pianiste (2001) Michael Haneke
35. The Remains of the Day (1993) James Ivory
36. Låt den rätte komma in (2008) Tomas Alfredson
37. Broken Flowers (2005) Jim Jarmusch
38. The Others (2001) Alejandro Amenábar
39. Dogville (2003) Lars von Trier
40. The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) Woody Allen
41. The Ice Storm (1997) Ang Lee
42. Memento (2000) Christopher Nolan
43. Krampack (2000) Cesc Gay
44. Amores Perros (2000) Alejandro González Iñárritu
45. Twelve and Holding (2005) Michael Cuesta
46. Magnolia (1999) Paul Thomas Anderson
47. Running with scissors (2006) Ryan Murphy
48. Being John Malkovich (1999) Spike Jonze
49. Wonder Boys (2000) Curtis Hanson
50. Signs (2002) M. Night Shyamalan
51. The Silence of the lambs (1991) Jonathan Demme
52. Sideways (2004) Alexander Payne
53. Stay (2005) Marc Forster
54. Sala samobójców (2011) Jan Komasa
55. Love Actually (2003) Richard Curtis
56. The Girl in the Café (2005) David Yates
57. Brick (2005) Rian Johnson
58. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) Wes Anderson
59. Celebrity (1998) Woody Allen
60. Burn after reading (2008) Ethan Coen & Joel Coen
61. Sommersturm (2004) Marco Kreuzpaintner
62. Paris je t’aime (2006) Gus van Sant, Alexander Payne et al.
63. La Stanza del Figlio (2001) Nanni Moretti
64. Kill Bill vol. 1 (2003) Quentin Tarantino
65. Kill Bill vol. 2 (2004) Quentin Tarantino
66. Pay it forward (2000) Mimi Leder
67. Far From Heaven (2002) Todd Haynes
68. Small time crooks (2000) Woody Allen
69. Otto; or, Up with Dead People (2008) Bruce La Bruce
70. A Single Man (2009) Tom Ford
71. Mystic River (2003) Clint Eastwood
72. Total Eclipse (1995) Agnieszka Holland
73. Días de Santiago (2004) Josué Méndez
74. Goodbye Lenin (2003) Wolfgang Becker
75. Catch me if you can (2002) Steven Spielberg
76. The Godfather (1972) Francis Ford Coppola
77. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Michel Gondry
78. Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001) John Cameron Mitchell
79. Donnie Darko (2001) Richard Kelly
80. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) James Cameron
81. Apt Pupil (1998) Bryan Singer
82. Children of Men (2006) Alfonso Cuarón
83. Diary of the Dead (2007) George A. Romero
84. Klass (2007) Ilmar Raag
85. Alien (1979) Ridley Scott
86. The Good Life (2007) Stephen Berra
87. Léon (1994) Luc Besson
88. 28 Days Later (2002) Danny Boyle
89. The Fifth Element (1997) Luc Besson
90. Night of the Living Dead (1968) George A. Romero
91. The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) Anthony Minghella
92. Den osynlige (2002) Bergvall & Sandquist.
93. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Peter Jackson
94. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Peter Jackson
95. Titanic (1997) James Cameron
96. The Dreamers (2003) Bernardo Bertolucci
97. The Dark Knight (2008) Christopher Nolan
98. Mars Attacks (1996) Tim Burton
99. The Last Action Hero (1993) John McTiernan
100. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) Jim Sharman
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my pencils / mis lápices |
El 2011 ya terminó. Me las arreglé para ver bastantes películas interesantes en el año, aunque este último mes estuve bastante ocupado, así que la lista de diciembre es la más breve de todas: 5 películas y 4 cortometrajes.
Lo mejor del mes, sin duda, es "You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger" (2010) de Woody Allen, una historia tragicómica sobre parejas en Londres: una anciana desesperada tras su divorcio confía en una supuesta adivina que le asegura predecir el futuro; su ex esposo, interpretado por Anthony Hopkins es un hombre un tanto frío que pronto encuentra placer en los brazos de una muy joven aunque muy costosa prostituta. Naomi Watts es la hija de esta pareja divorciada, y está en una relación sin futuro con un escritor fracasado que no ha escrito un libro exitoso en años. La compleja dinámica entre padres e hijos, hombres y mujeres, amor y odio, nunca son lo que parecen a simple vista gracias a la astucia del director. Los que leen mi blog con regularidad sabrán que soy un gran fan de Woody Allen.
"Indian Summer" (1996) también conocida como "Alive and Kicking" es un intenso drama sobre un grupo de bailarines que tienen sida. En años recientes, uno por uno, los mejores del grupo han muerto. Ahora, le toca a uno de los más jóvenes y talentosos hacer una última presentación, antes que la enfermedad lo deje postrado. Al ser una comedia, "Buffering" (2011) se encuentra en el extremo opuesto, retrata la vida de una pareja gay de clase media y las visicitudes del porno en internet, la infidelidad y, desde luego, el sexo gay en línea. "The Resident" (2011) es sobre la nueva inquilina de un viejo edificio que está siendo remodelado por su propietario, un hombre con serios problemas psicológicos. La cinta tiene suspenso y algunos momentos logrados, pero en última instancia no convence.
"El pico 2" (1984) de Eloy de la Iglesia es la secuela de “El pico”, el protagonista, un adolescente, no ha logrado superar su adicción a la heroína, y su padre decide llevarlo a Madrid en busca de un tratamiento médico adecuado. No obstante, en los 80 no existían clínicas de rehabilitación para heroinómanos, y en poco tiempo el chaval termina en prisión; allí, su única opción es permitir ser abusado sexualmente para conseguir algunos gramos de heroína. José Luis Manzano fue un actor muy talentoso, y no deja de ser irónico que su muerte fuera provocada por las mismas drogas de las que nunca se pudo alejar en estas películas.
Entre los cortometrajes, mi favorito fue "El reloj" (2008), una historia sobre dos muchachitos de secundaria que pierden el bus y deciden compartir un taxi. No se conocen, pero empiezan a hablar y uno de ellos le sugiere al otro que se quede a dormir en su casa. Cuando los inexperimentados chicos se desvisten y se echan en la cama, surge una tensión sexual entre ambos, las escenas de Marco Berger son de una naturaleza erótica y a la vez ambigua. "Connected" (2008) narra la relación y subsecuente ruptura de una pareja gay. "I Want Your Love" (2010) responde a una pregunta habitual: ¿tendrías sexo con tu mejor amigo? "We Once Were Tide" (2011) es una tierna combinación de soledad y amor. Cuando un joven debe lidiar con el Alzheimer de su madre, su único consuelo es el apoyo de su enamorado. En un ambiente rural, la soledad de los personajes es contrastada por el abandono que experimenta el protagonista.
Y, finalmente, mi top 100, actualizado (pueden ver la versión anterior aquí
Drive (2011)
Midnight in Paris (2011)
Sala samobójców (2011)
J. Edgar (2011)
Noordzee, Texas (2011)
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2011)
Hodejegerne (2011)
Ausente (2011)
La piel que habito (2011)
Take Shelter (2011)
Lo mejor del 2011:
TOP 100
1. THE HOURS (2002) Stephen Daldry
2. THE FOUNTAIN (2006) Darren Aronofsky
3. STARDUST MEMORIES (1980) Woody Allen
5. LA CENA (1998) Ettore Scola
6. Morte a Venezia (1971) Luchino Visconti
7. Requiem for a Dream (2000) Darren Aronofsky
8. Billy Elliot (2000) Stephen Daldry
9. Fellini - Satyricon (1969) Federico Fellini
10. Manhattan (1979) Woody Allen
11. Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma (1975) Pier Paolo Pasolini
12. Todo sobre mi madre (1999) Pedro Almodóvar
13. Lost in Translation (2003) Sofia Coppola
14. A Clockwork Orange (1971) Stanley Kubrick
15. Psycho (1960) Alfred Hitchcock
16. The Sixth Sense (1999) M. Night Shyamalan
17. Elephant (2003) Gus Van Sant
18. Abre Los Ojos (1997) Alejandro Amenábar
19. The Great Dictator (1940) Charles Chaplin
20. The Squid and the Whale (2005) Noah Baumbach
21. Un Lugar en el Mundo (1992) Adolfo Aristarain
22. Amarcord (1973) Federico Fellini
23. My Own Private Idaho (1991) Gus Van Sant
24. Mysterious Skin (2004) Gregg Araki
25. C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) Jean-Marc Vallée
26. Ladri di biciclette (1948) Vittorio De Sica
27. Igby Goes Down (2002) Burr Steers
28. Volver (2006) Pedro Almodóvar
29. Match Point (2005) Woody Allen
30. Little Miss Sunshine (2006) Jonathan Dayton & Valerie Faris
31. Funny Games U.S. (2007) Michael Haneke
32. Unbreakable (2000) M. Night Shyamalan
33. Hana-bi (1997) Takeshi Kitano
34. La Pianiste (2001) Michael Haneke
35. The Remains of the Day (1993) James Ivory
36. Låt den rätte komma in (2008) Tomas Alfredson
37. Broken Flowers (2005) Jim Jarmusch
38. The Others (2001) Alejandro Amenábar
39. Dogville (2003) Lars von Trier
40. The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985) Woody Allen
41. The Ice Storm (1997) Ang Lee
42. Memento (2000) Christopher Nolan
43. Krampack (2000) Cesc Gay
44. Amores Perros (2000) Alejandro González Iñárritu
45. Twelve and Holding (2005) Michael Cuesta
46. Magnolia (1999) Paul Thomas Anderson
47. Running with scissors (2006) Ryan Murphy
48. Being John Malkovich (1999) Spike Jonze
49. Wonder Boys (2000) Curtis Hanson
50. Signs (2002) M. Night Shyamalan
51. The Silence of the lambs (1991) Jonathan Demme
52. Sideways (2004) Alexander Payne
53. Stay (2005) Marc Forster
54. Sala samobójców (2011) Jan Komasa
55. Love Actually (2003) Richard Curtis
56. The Girl in the Café (2005) David Yates
57. Brick (2005) Rian Johnson
58. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) Wes Anderson
59. Celebrity (1998) Woody Allen
60. Burn after reading (2008) Ethan Coen & Joel Coen
61. Sommersturm (2004) Marco Kreuzpaintner
62. Paris je t’aime (2006) Gus van Sant, Alexander Payne et al.
63. La Stanza del Figlio (2001) Nanni Moretti
64. Kill Bill vol. 1 (2003) Quentin Tarantino
65. Kill Bill vol. 2 (2004) Quentin Tarantino
66. Pay it forward (2000) Mimi Leder
67. Far From Heaven (2002) Todd Haynes
68. Small time crooks (2000) Woody Allen
69. Otto; or, Up with Dead People (2008) Bruce La Bruce
70. A Single Man (2009) Tom Ford
71. Mystic River (2003) Clint Eastwood
72. Total Eclipse (1995) Agnieszka Holland
73. Días de Santiago (2004) Josué Méndez
74. Goodbye Lenin (2003) Wolfgang Becker
75. Catch me if you can (2002) Steven Spielberg
76. The Godfather (1972) Francis Ford Coppola
77. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) Michel Gondry
78. Hedwig and the Angry Inch (2001) John Cameron Mitchell
79. Donnie Darko (2001) Richard Kelly
80. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) James Cameron
81. Apt Pupil (1998) Bryan Singer
82. Children of Men (2006) Alfonso Cuarón
83. Diary of the Dead (2007) George A. Romero
84. Klass (2007) Ilmar Raag
85. Alien (1979) Ridley Scott
86. The Good Life (2007) Stephen Berra
87. Léon (1994) Luc Besson
88. 28 Days Later (2002) Danny Boyle
89. The Fifth Element (1997) Luc Besson
90. Night of the Living Dead (1968) George A. Romero
91. The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) Anthony Minghella
92. Den osynlige (2002) Bergvall & Sandquist.
93. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Peter Jackson
94. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Peter Jackson
95. Titanic (1997) James Cameron
96. The Dreamers (2003) Bernardo Bertolucci
97. The Dark Knight (2008) Christopher Nolan
98. Mars Attacks (1996) Tim Burton
99. The Last Action Hero (1993) John McTiernan
100. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) Jim Sharman
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my final version / mi versión final |
A excepción de CELEBRITY, DONNIE DARKO y TITANIC, todas las películas (que vi) de tu lista me gustaron. Es cierto que es tiempo de listas, y la tuya me deja más que conformes. Además, veo algunas de mis favoritas, mis "diez", como STAY, THE FOUNTAIN, THE DREAMERS, A CLOCKWORK ORANGE, para mencionar algunas.
Hola Rodrigo, gracias; por cierto, ahora que pasé por tu blog noté que coincidíamos en bastantes películas, incluso en aquellas que son poco conocidas (como Stay).
ReplyDeleteVery well done. I would agree with most of this.
ReplyDeleteThanks BragonDorn!
ReplyDeleteGood movies!
ReplyDeleteHave a Wonderful New Year!
ReplyDeleteMy 2 Pesos: some of them are quite good, indeed.
ReplyDeleteHARRYGOAZ: Thank you, happy 2012 for you too!
Great work! Must've taken you a while to write this piece! Check out my blog!
ReplyDeleteWell, it did take me some time.
ReplyDeleteI'll check your blog right away, Schafer.
I have always liked Woody Allen's movies. "Take the Money and Run" is a favorite of mine.
ReplyDeletenice blog man, keep posting!! (:
ReplyDeletegenial blog, tienes un uevo seguidor, gracias por la lista!
ReplyDeleteJimmy: Woody Allen is definitely one of my favorite filmmakers.
ReplyDeleteAnonblog: Thank you, you have a very good blog too.
Orang3: De nada, ya visité tu blog. Saludos.
¡¿como ningun film de kevin smith?!
ReplyDelete¿En diciembre o en el top 100?
DeleteLo último que vi de Kevin Smith fue Red State, y me pareció bastante interesante y original (y así lo comenté). Por ahí debe estar en algún lugar del blog.
en el top pense que te gustaria persiguiendo a amy , por lo menos a mi me parecio muy buena, lamentablemente no vi red state, pero e escuchado buenos comentarios, como malos comentarios.
ReplyDeleteNo he visto Chasing Amy. Si puedes mira Red State, es bastante distinta a otras películas de Kevin Smith.