March 21, 2011


My constant interest has been to write, freely and relentlessly. To write is such a simple and comforting activity, sometimes able to mitigate our daily pains. There have been moments were I wasn’t sure whether if I was writing the history of my life in weekly chapters or a rather real novel, weekly and honestly speaking, that was based upon my life and experiences.

I admit that I don’t have a good memory, that’s why it helps to have everything written down. Sometimes I just remember people when I read about them, when I find them in a page that I wrote three years ago, for example, just before finishing high school and with no resolved destiny. And sometimes, also, because memory is unstable, I haven’t been able to let go of someone’s image. Besides writing I love to read. I have always loved to read. Reading has been, since I was a child, the ideal refugee; and I believe that too many times it was a much needed refugee. Why? I have no idea. I haven’t been able to find reasons, barely motives. Causes of movement. Like a warm voice or the way someone walks can be the motives of love. We simply don’t know.

At some point in my life I was starting to feel desperate. Getting my first story published  last year saved my life. It has made me realize that perhaps not everything was lost, that despite achieving no real literary success in my life I still had a chance. But getting published gets too old, way too quickly. I had begun feeling a bit discouraged lately, without enthusiasm and energy. Today, however, I have regained my vitality. Thanks to a friend of mine that is running for congress I have found out that there is always hope, even in such a shameful scenario as Peruvian politics… I’ve spent a lot of hours yesterday and today in political campaign, and it has been one of the best experiences ever. Writing can be a very selfish act, after all it requires only a writer and nothing else, the readers come later, if they come. But this has been a completely new experience and it has all been about people. This is still a blog about art, comic books and good films, but today I just had to share this with all of you. Thank you.


¿Qué hacemos para cambiar el mundo? ¿O, más concretamente, qué hacemos para cambiar aquellas cosas en nuestro país o ciudad que simplemente no funcionan? A menudo, nos convertimos en seres complacientes y hasta cómplices de un status quo deficiente. Estamos absolutamente acostumbrados a que nuestros políticos sean corruptos y estafadores, estamos convencidos de que sólo la deshonestidad garantiza el éxito.

He ahí el motivo detrás de mi desgano y desinterés en las votaciones anteriores. Nada hubiera cambiado en estas elecciones si no fuera por un pequeño detalle. Porque las cosas cambian poco a poco y a menudo todo lo que se necesita es una persona, una idea, una propuesta: y es ahí donde entra en escena Augusto Rey.

¿Quién es Augusto? La respuesta más obvia consistiría en explicar que se trata de un candidato al congreso, concretamente el número 20 de la lista de Fuerza Social (FS es, por cierto, el partido de Susana Villarán). Pero también es alguien que ha decidido independizarse del cómodo refugio de la vida exitosa, es decir, del triunfo profesional, para dedicarse a desarrollar las ideas y propuestas necesarias para crear el cambio. Lo acompañé ayer y también hoy aquí en Barranco, y tuve la oportunidad de hablar con muchísima gente durante varias horas y explicarles qué significa la iniciativa de Augusto. Fue una experiencia realmente extraordinaria.

¿He caído alguna vez en la tentación del refugio fácil? Ciertamente: cuando trabajé en Advance durante poco más de seis meses ganaba plata y compraba lo que quería. Pero sentía que mi trabajo, mi actividad laboral, era algo absolutamente inservible y monótono. No soy el único que piensa así, a menudo nos metemos en un círculo vicioso del que no podemos escapar, la trampa del triunfo se convierte en un imperativo que nos hace perder de vista preocupaciones más esenciales. No escribí ni dibujé nada durante ese medio año. Ignoro si Augusto empezaba a sentirse aletargado en su estudio de abogados, pero algo sí es seguro: hacía años que no se sentía tan vivo y tan lleno de energía. Ha vuelto a ser ese chico que conocí hace quince años, con un liderazgo y una simpatía natural que le abrían todas las puertas; pero a esas virtudes básicas hoy se le suman la experiencia y el conocimiento adquiridos con el estudio y el trabajo. Verlo en acción y escucharlo conversando con la gente ha sido inspirador. Personas como Augusto nos demuestran que el cambio sí es posible, que por más que estemos a punto de ceder en el conformismo algo nos salva y nos rescata de la mediocridad. Ya era hora que, en un escenario político tan desprestigiado como el peruano, apareciese una nueva opción. Una verdadera alternativa. Alguien que sí merece nuestro voto.

March 17, 2011

BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH / Nani Cárdenas- Galería Yvonne Sanguineti

I’ve never been a fan of rankings or top ten charts… but in recent times I’ve come to accept that, somehow, these lists have a certain meaning and relevance. I’ve read thousands of comic books in my life, from European publications to Japanese manga and beyond. However, for some reason, I have sort of specialized in American comic books. There are artists in the American comic book industry that can easily be identified as the best in any given decade… for example in my opinion Will Eisner would be the best artist of the 40s; now other people could probably consider Milton Caniff and Jack Kirby as the most representative artists of the 50s and 60s, respectively. Perhaps partly because of sentimental reasons, John Byrne would be the man of the 80s. In the 90s the best artist could be Geof Darrow. My favorite artist in the first decade of the 21st century would be John Cassaday.

But if I had to choose one artist for the 70s that man would be BARRY WINDSOR-SMITH. I had the chance to read some of the first Conan the Barbarian issues 20 years ago and even as a child I absolutely loved the art. In recent years I’ve been buying the Chronicles of Conan trade paperbacks and Barry Windsor-Smith’s entire Conan run is included in the first 4 volumes. It has been such a delight to admire all that amazing and extraordinary pages. And turns out that Dark Horse’s first issue of the new Savage Sword included a reprint from the 70s. It wasn’t Conan but it was another barbarian known as Bran Mak Morn. And the art is absolutely beautiful. A truly hidden gem.


La primera inauguración del año en la Galería Yvonne Sanguineti reúne delicados e intricados trabajos en alambres de Nani Cárdenas, en un escenario que agrupa varios personajes de tamaño real. Adicionalmente, unas impecables fotos de otros trabajos de la artista complementan la muestra.

La cantidad de público fue mayor que en otras ocasiones; y como en muchas otras ocasiones, me quedé conversando hasta el final del evento con mi amigo Marcos Palacios, artista que de hecho participó en la muestra colectiva de la galería en febrero. Alternando entre copas de vino tinto y blanco, pasé un par de horas conversando con varios amigos y conocidos, hasta que finalmente acompañé a Marcos hasta el Juanito, famoso local barranquino que a medianoche andaba repleto.

March 15, 2011

February comic books / Cómics de febrero

My Februrary comics (from left to right) as per solicitations:


Mike Mignola (W/Cover), Scott Hampton (A), and Dave Stewart (C) Hellboy is trapped in a dark basement littered with bones and small coffins, and the only way out is through the floating creature of death! For the first time, Mike Mignola teams up with artist Scott Hampton (Batman, The Sandman Presents: Lucifier) for this gothic tale. o Classic vampire horror! o The exciting conclusion! Hellboy: The Sleeping and the Dead™ © 2010 Mike Mignola.


Tim Truman (W), Tomás Giorello (A), José Villarrubia (C), Darick Robertson (Cover), and Gerald Parel (Cover) A thrilling new era begins, as Dark Horse launches its first miniseries devoted entirely to the trials and exploits of Robert E. Howard's King Conan! Timothy Truman, Tomás Giorello, and José Villarrubia-the monthly team behind the critically acclaimed Conan the Cimmerian run-jump many years forward in the barbarian's life to a time when he's already crowned himself ruler of Aquilonia, as they adapt the beloved King Conan story, 'The Scarlet Citadel.' With covers by fan-favorite Darick Robertson, this fast-paced, standalone miniseries is sure to please fans of breathtaking artwork and edge-of-your-seat adventure-and it's a great introduction to Howard's tales of King Conan! o The creative team behind the Conan the Cimmerian run launches Dark Horse's King Conan series! o Covers by fan-favorite Darick Robertson! o A thrilling adaptation of one of Robert E. Howard's most beloved Conan stories! 'Tomás Giorello and José Villarrubia's art is so great here that it's the ultimate selling point . . . it's just beautiful.' -Comic Book Resources King Conan © 2010 Conan Properties International LLC ('CPI'). CONAN, CONAN THE BARBARIAN, THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN, HYBORIA, and related logos, characters, names, and distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks or registered trademarks of CPI. All rights reserved.


Steve Niles (w) • Bernie Wrightson (a & a) After conducting experiments to detect artificial ghost hauntings, Doc Macabre and his robot pal, Lloyd, finally track down the culprit. With solid leads and advice from Dead, She Said's Coogan and The Ghoul, young Doc Macabre is ready to confront the Swami of Real Estate. Laughs and horrors abound! Features the concluding prose short by Steve Niles, too! FC • 32 pages


HACK/SLASH returns in all-new ongoing series by the creative team behind the hit HACK/SLASH: MY FIRST MANIAC mini! Cassie Hack, killer of killers, and her partner Vlad hunt a slasher who haunts a small town's Make Out Point. Meanwhile, Cat Curio, Former Teen Detective, searches for the man who put her in a coma and the murderous cult that employed him. What she finds will set up the biggest HACK/SLASH story yet. A great jumping on point for new readers! RETAILER WARNING: MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR ALL AGES


Anthony Del Col, Conor McCreery (w) • Andy Belanger (a & c) Continuing our line of affordable reprints, making it easy for you to jump on and catch up with our greatest titles! Find out why everyone is talking about this brilliant re-imagining of the Bard, and his beloved characters. What Fables does for fairy tales, Kill Shakespeare does with the greatest writer of all time!

ECHOES #3 (OF 5)

(W) Joshua Hale Fialkov (A) Rahsan Ekedal (C) Rahsan Ekedal A Tale of Suspense and Psychological Horror! Detective Robert Neville has been helpful to Brian Cohn, who is finding himself a potential suspect in a missing child case. But when the opportunity presents itself to shift the suspicion to another person will Brian be able to do it? Particularly since he suspects that he may be a serial killer like his father? From acclaimed author Joshua Hale Fialkov (Tumor, Pilot Season: Alibi) and rising star artist Rahsan Ekedal (Creepy) a disturbing story of murder and mystery wrapped in questions of sanity. 32pgs, B&W/GS


“NO WAY OUT” continues! Desperate times call for desperate measures.

NEW YORK FIVE #1 (OF 4) (MR) Signed by Brian Wood!




Written by ROGER STERN Penciled by NEIL VOKES Cover by MARIO ALBERTI A Marvel Masterpiece from deep inside the treasure vaults can now be told! For decades, Doctor Stephen Strange has worked as a practicing sorcerer out of the weird old brownstone at 177A Bleecker Street in Manhattan's Greenwich Village. But what eerie secrets does the building hide? What lurks within its walls? Is it … haunted? Now, at last, the full story of Doctor Strange's first night in his Sanctum Sanctorum stands revealed -- in a tale tastefully told by Roger Stern (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) and dramatically drawn by those Masters of the Comic Arts, Neil Vokes and Jay Geldhof (UNTOLD TALES OF SPIDER-MAN: STRANGE ENCOUNTERS, The Black Forest). 32 PGS./Rated A


Jennifer Blood is a suburban wife and mom by day, and a ruthless vigilante by night! Every day she makes breakfast, takes the kids to school, cleans the house, naps for an hour or two, makes dinner, puts the kids to bed, and kisses her husband goodnight. This suburban punisher is ready to be unleashed in a story that can only be told by the legendary Garth Ennis!


Zoe has everything-looks, popularity, and a perfect GPA. But if you think you know all there is to know about her, think again. The secret she keeps sheds new light on the mysteries of Morning Glory Academy! 'Just as strong as Spencer's writing is Joe Eisma's artwork. Though the style of his art differs considerably from the striking work of the cover artist, Rodin Esquejo, Eisma's efforts in no way suffer from comparison. He utilizes strong, clean lines that provide plenty of detail.' -Ross Haralson,


'(SHE'S GOT A) BRAIN SCRAMBLING DEVICE' The cult-favorite web-series comes to print! S. STEVEN STRUBLE and SINA GRACE present a romance with style points, told with the same lovelorn charm of (500) Days of Summer. In this issue: (Li'l Depressed) Boy meets girl.


IRON MAN 2.0 #1

Written by NICK SPENCER Penciled by BARRY KITSON Covers by SALVADOR LARROCA Variant Covers by MARKO DJURDJEVIC & DHEERAJ VERMA Spinning directly out of INVINCIBLE IRON MAN! New mission! New armor! New Iron Man! Lt. Col. James Rhodes is War Machine…the single most advanced one-man weapon of conventional combat. But wars aren't fought?the way they used to be - and when Rhodey has to face a?mysterious enemy he can't shoot, can't bomb, can't even see, he's going to be forced to evolve…or die. Find out why War Machine becomes Iron Man 2.0 in the 3-part launch arc?of this all-new ongoing series! By breakout sensation Nick Spencer (Morning Glories, Action Comics) and the legendary Barry Kitson (INCREDIBLE HULKS, THE ORDER)! 40 PGS./Rated T+

Mis cómics de febrero (de izquierda a derecha)


Comentario: HELLBOY está atrapado en un oscuro sótano, cubierto de huesos y pequeños ataúdes.


Comentario: Cuando Conan ya se ha coronado a sí mismo como rey de AQUILONIA, deberá desentrañar el misterio de la Ciudadela Escarlata.


Comentario: Mientras el doctor conduce experimentos para detectar fantasmas artificiales, descubre que la casa encantada es una farsa.


Comentario: La asesina de asesinos ha regresado con su socio, listos para emprender un nuevo caso en un pequeño pueblo.


Comentario: Hamlet y Ricardo III unirán fuerzas con Julieta en contra de un taimado hechicero llamado Shakespeare.

ECHOES #3 (OF 5) *Special Discount*

Comentario: El detective Robert ha ayudado a Brian, actualmente un sospechoso en el caso de una niña desaparecida. ¿Será Brian capaz de inculpar a otro si la oportunidad se le presenta? ¿O él es el culpable de todo?


Comentario: En momentos desesperados se recurre a medidas desesperadas.

NEW YORK FIVE #1 (OF 4) (MR) Autografiado por el autor de la serie Brian Wood.




Comentario: Por décadas, STEPHEN STRANGE ha trabajado como hechicero en Manhattan. ¿Pero qué oscuros secretos yacen en su morada? ¿Quién o qué acecha sus muros? ¿Está la vieja mansión habitada por fantasmas?


Comentario: En el día, Jennifer es una típica ama de casa de los suburbios pero durante la noche se transforma en una despiadada vigilante.

MORNING GLORIES #7 (NOTE PRICE) *Special Discount* Limit 2 at 75% off

Comentario: Ella tiene buena apariencia, popularidad y un promedio perfecto, pero guarda un gran secreto relacionado con los misterios de la Academia.


Comentario: El Pequeño Chico Deprimido conoce a una chica muy especial.


IRON MAN 2.0 #1

Comentario: WAR MACHINE regresa con una nueva misión y una nueva armadura. Pero los tiempos han cambiado, y cuando un nuevo tipo de amenaza aparece, el hombre dentro del traje deberá evolucionar o morir.

March 13, 2011

“Chicamatic” de Natalia Pilo-Pais (Galería Cecilia González)

This Wednesday I was in the inauguration of “Chicamatic” by Natalia Pilo-Pais in Cecilia Gonzalez Gallery. The artistic works remind us of past decades, in which the objectified woman was also the woman with objects, namely a fridge from a certain brand or other kitchen appliances. Have things really changed for women nowadays? In Peruvian publicity only women with bikinis appear on beer TV ads, and there is also the typical laundry commercial in which a man lectures the woman (yes, the same woman who’s been in charge of laundry her entire life) on which cleaning product is the best. I found the Baudrillard quotation in the official gallery text quite interesting, as it make us remember the inconstancy of that which Lacan denominated the object a, which is so aptly represented in marketing.

And since the focus is in feminine consumerism, dictated by hegemonic male control, I decided to include a weapon of mass destruction, which perhaps is a male object in itself. I painted it with watercolors and keeping in mind that I haven’t colored anything in years, I think the result is not bad.

And I also got the first Morning Glories trade paperback. I might re-read the first 6 issues next week.



El día miércoles estuve en la inauguración de “Chicamatic” de Natalia Pilo-Pais, en la Galería Cecilia González. Esta original muestra nos retrotrae a décadas pasadas, en donde la mujer-objeto era concebida a través de la mujer-con-el-objeto; es decir, la ama de casa ideal tenía una plancha de esta marca, una refrigeradora de esta otra marca, etc. ¿Vivimos en tiempos en los que la mujer se encuentra absolutamente emancipada? No necesariamente, la publicidad de cerveza parece confiar solamente en las mujeres en bikinis y no existen detergentes para el público masculino (recordemos el esquema típico, la ama de casa que lava ropa todo el tiempo pero que ni siquiera es capaz de elegir un producto que deja la ropa blanca “de verdad” y una persona, curiosamente un hombre, le enseña qué marca comprar). Interesante la cita sobre Baudrillard que se encuentra en el texto oficial de la muestra, porque nos remite finalmente a la inconstancia de eso que Lacan llamaba el objeto a, nunca mejor explicitado que a través del marketing.

Y teniendo en cuenta que toda la muestra gira en torno a los objetos de consumo femeninos, dictados por una hegemónica mente masculina, decidí incluir algo que, suponemos, es un objeto masculino en sí mismo, por el simple hecho de ser un arma de destrucción masiva. Pinté este dibujo con acuarelas, y para ser la primera vez que uso color en muchos años creo que no quedó tan mal.

March 11, 2011


Last night I visited Lucía de La Puente Gallery and also Dédalo. Throughout the evening I said hello to María Elena Fernández, Eduardo Lores, Ramiro Llona, etc.; and I also talked with Gabriela Gastelumendi and Dare Dovidjenko. After several glasses of Johnnie Walker black label I decided to go home, I had to wake up early the next day to have lunch with a friend I used to see every day and now only twice a year.

Along with one of my drawings (penciled and inked version), there is a pic of the 3 issues I signed for my friends. Enjoy.

By the way, is anyone else following Morning Glories?


Ayer en la noche, después de un merecido mes de vacaciones totales, la Galería Lucía de la Puente presentó dos muestras paralelas. La primera, Texturas instantes de Ivana Ferrer, consiste en la captura de pequeños detalles, texturas casi accidentales que oportunamente nos traen a una realidad más física. Además de los cuadros en formato grande y a colores, también hay otros en blanco y negro, más pequeños, aunque sumamente atractivos. En Estructural José Luis Martinat reflexiona sobre el sujeto y su mortalidad, y ahonda en distintos referentes –finamente trabajados en madera- que nos hacen pensar ya no en mortalidad sino en mortandad; especialmente destacables son las placas de metal que narran, a manera de acápite periodístico, asesinatos ocurridos casi diariamente durante un mes en nuestra ciudad.

Aprovechando la corta distancia, también visité la muestra que se llevaba a cabo en Dédalo In Illo Tempore de Lorena Quincot. Además de saludar a María Elena Fernández y a Eduardo Lores, me encontré con mi amiga Gabriela Gastelumendi; y, por supuesto, mientras hablábamos no dudé en hacerle propaganda al número 20 de Fuerza Social. De regreso a Lucía de la Puente le di la mano a Ramiro Llona, aunque me había demorado algunos segundos en reconocerlo debido a su nuevo corte de pelo. Con bastante orgullo le comenté a Dare Dovidjenko que ya había sido publicado mi segundo cómic en USA, The Gathering. Después de varios vasos de Johnnie Walker etiqueta negra, regresé a mi casa para poder levantarme temprano al día siguiente y almorzar con un amigo a quien antes veía todos los días y ahora sólo veo dos veces al año.

Hablando de The Gathering me pareció simpático mostrar juntas las tres ediciones autografiadas y con mis bocetos. Finalmente, para no perder el ritmo, un dibujo mío a lápiz y versión definitiva entintada con estilógrafo.