Showing posts with label Iceman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iceman. Show all posts

March 4, 2016

The X-Men # 1 & 2 - Stan Lee & Jack Kirby

Life is movement, change and constant evolution, but fewer times does that become clearer than when we leave childhood behind to enter into the uncharted territory of adolescence. Change becomes something very tangible and impossible to hide, the body is altered, mutated so to speak, and so is the personality. Teenagers are suddenly ready to confront parental authority, to defy rules and to do the kind of irresponsible and immature things that we can find amusing only years later, after having learned a few lessons.
Jack Kirby
Stan Lee was well aware of this when he started writing the adventures of the X-Men “the most unusual teen-agers of all time”, and of course it was only fitting that evolution would play a major role in his proposal. The X-Men marked a departure from previous works, unlike the first Marvel superheroes, the X-Men weren’t the result of a scientific experiment or a fortuitous technological accident. They were born Homo Superior instead of mere Homo Sapiens (like the rest of us); extra powers and abilities were a part of their DNA and these usually manifested as they reached puberty. 
Professor X (Charles Xavier)

That’s the reason why the X-Men need so desperately the guidance of Professor X, because they have all this incredible potential within them but they do not know how to develop it, and only Professor Charles Xavier can help them. Xavier’s mansion is the only school in the world that has only mutants as students, and the Professor’s ideology of humans and mutants coexisting peacefully is as noble as it is inspiring. In September 1963, the first issue of the X-Men hit the stands, and it revolutionized the comic industry, once again guaranteeing the success of Marvel Comics.  Stan Lee “emphasized strong characterization, crisp dialogue and breakneck pacing”, and all this can be observed in the pages of the X-Men’s debut. 

In issue # 1, Jean Grey arrives to the school, becoming Professor X’s newest pupil. She is the only girl in this male-centric environment, and obviously the boys are very excited to meet her, all save Bobby Drake (AKA Iceman). As one might expect, these hot-blooded, hormones-driven teens immediately start lusting after the red-haired girl, but 16-year-old Iceman simply walks away from his friends, explaining that he doesn’t consider girls “a big deal”. Warren Worthington III (AKA Angel) doesn’t pay attention to Bobby and is simply happy to have one less competitor. 

However, what is exactly going on in this particular scene? Why is Bobby the only one in the group not interested in girls at all? That was certainly the kind of question that could only be hinted at back in the 60s, but never fully answered. It would take decades until, in the hands of Brian Michael Bendis, Iceman would finally come out of the closet. This pivotal moment would take place in All-New X-Men #40 (April 2015), a surprisingly touching tale that reminds us that adolescents can have a hard time dealing with their feelings, and that understanding what they want or who they love, can be one of the hardest challenges ever. In the foreword of volume one of “Marvel Masterworks: The X-Men”, Stan Lee shares his opinion about Bobby Drake: “And then there was Iceman. I was really worried about how the readers would accept him”. In a world that fears and hates mutants, one can only imagine how difficult it was for Iceman to accept his true sexual orientation, risking even further discrimination.
Panel 1: all the boys are excited to meet Jean Grey, except Bobby Drake /
Viñeta 1: los chicos están entusiasmados por ver a Jean Grey, excepto Bobby Drake

The X-Men were a wonderful metaphor of all the doubts and self-loathing one might experience at that age. They already had plenty of personal problems to deal with and if that wasn’t enough, their first adversary was Magneto, who took over a military base in order to deploy its nuclear arsenal. The master of magnetism proves to be a powerful enemy, and although the X-Men rescue the soldiers and reclaim the base, they cannot capture Magneto. 

“No One Can Stop the Vanisher” (originally published in The X-Men # 2, November 1963) is the kind of fun and lighthearted adventure that was most typical in this era, but it also has a few interesting moments. When the X-Men are unable to defeat the Vanisher, an odd-looking mutant with the power of teleportation, Professor X enters into the arena and quickly subdues this foe with his mental powers. As a reader, and perhaps more importantly, as a fan, I’ve always said that Charles Xavier is the most powerful mutant on Earth, his telepathic powers make him invincible but that can be a problem in narrative terms. Because Xavier can easily act as a ‘Deus ex machina’, always saving his students in the proverbial nick of time.

The first issues were penciled by Jack ‘King’ Kirby and inked by Paul Reinman. Kirby’s covers are absolutely stunning, classic images that have inspired countless of artists in the past 50 years. With dynamic illustrations and very creative designs, Kirby “defined the super hero as never before – or since. This was the inimitable Marvel Style that set the tone, that became the standard by which all other comic art in America was judged”.

La vida es movimiento, cambio y constante evolución, quizás esto sea aún más evidente cuando dejamos atrás la niñez para entrar al inexplorado territorio de la adolescencia. El cambio se convierte en algo muy tangible e imposible de ocultar, el cuerpo se altera, muta por así decirlo, y también la personalidad. Los adolescentes repentinamente están listos para enfrentarse a la autoridad de los padres, a desafiar las reglas y a hacer el tipo de cosas irresponsables e inmaduras a las que sólo les encontramos la gracia años más tarde, después de haber aprendido algunas lecciones.

Stan Lee era muy consciente de esto cuando empezó a escribir las aventuras de los X-Men “los más inusuales adolescentes de todos los tiempos”, y por supuesto era lógico que la evolución jugase un papel fundamental en su propuesta. Los X-Men se distancian de proyectos anteriores, a diferencia de los primeros superhéroes de Marvel, los X-Men no fueron el resultado de un experimento científico o un inesperado accidente tecnológico. Nacieron Homo Superior en lugar de meramente Homo Sapiens (como el resto de nosotros); los poderes y las habilidades extras eran parte de su ADN, y se manifestaban generalmente en la pubertad.

Por esta razón, los X-Men necesitan tan desesperadamente la guía del Profesor X, porque ellos tienen todo este increíble potencial en su interior, pero no saben cómo desarrollarlo, y sólo el Profesor Charles Xavier puede ayudarlos. La mansión de Xavier es la única escuela en el mundo que sólo tiene mutantes como alumnos; y la ideología del profesor, humanos y mutantes coexistiendo pacíficamente, es tan noble como inspiradora. En septiembre de 1963, la primera edición de los X-Men salió a la venta, y revolucionó la industria del cómic, garantizando una vez más el éxito de Marvel Comics. Stan Lee “hizo hincapié en una caracterización fuerte, un diálogo ingenioso y una narrativa trepidante”, y todo esto se puede observar en el debut de los X-Men.

En el primer número, llega a la escuela Jean Grey, la nueva estudiante del Profesor X. Ella es la única chica en este entorno exclusivamente masculino, y obviamente los chicos están muy excitados por su presencia, todos, excepto Bobby Drake (más conocido como Iceman). Como era de esperarse, estos adolescentes impulsados por las hormonas y el ardor propio de la juventud, inmediatamente se sienten atraídos por la chica pelirroja, pero Iceman, a sus 16 años, simplemente se aleja de sus amigos, explicando que para él las chicas “no tienen nada de especial”. Warren Worthington III (más conocido como Angel) no le presta atención a Bobby y simplemente se alegra de tener un competidor menos.

Sin embargo, ¿qué es lo que está sucediendo exactamente en esta escena? ¿Por qué Bobby es el único en el grupo que no se interesa por las chicas? Esta era, sin duda, el tipo de pregunta que apenas podía ser insinuada en los 60s, pero que jamás podía ser contestada. Se necesitarían décadas hasta que, en manos de Brian Michael Bendis, Iceman finalmente saliera del closet. Este punto de inflexión ocurrirá en All-New X-Men # 40 (abril de 2015), un relato sorprendentemente conmovedor que nos recuerda que los adolescentes pueden tener dificultades para enfrentarse a sus sentimientos, y que comprender qué es lo que quieren o qué es lo que les gusta, puede ser uno de los retos más difíciles. En el prólogo del volumen uno de  Obras Maestras de Marvel: X-Men, Stan Lee comparte su opinión acerca de Bobby Drake: “Y luego estaba Iceman. Yo estaba muy preocupado por la aceptación que tendría entre los lectores”. En un mundo que teme y odia a los mutantes, uno puede imaginarse lo difícil que era para Iceman aceptar su verdadera orientación sexual, y arriesgarse a ser doblemente discriminado.

Los X-Men fueron una maravillosa metáfora de todas las dudas y complejos que uno podría experimentar a esa edad. Ellos ya tenían un montón de problemas personales con los que lidiar, y por si esto no fuera poco, su primer adversario fue Magneto, quien se apoderó de una base militar con el fin de desplegar su arsenal nuclear. El maestro del magnetismo demuestra ser un poderoso enemigo, y aunque los X-Men rescatan a los soldados y recuperan la base, no pueden capturar a Magneto.

“Nadie puede detener a Vanisher” (publicado originalmente en The X-Men # 2, noviembre de 1963) es el tipo de aventura divertida y desenfadada tan típica de esta época, pero también presenta algunos momentos interesantes. Cuando los X-Men no son capaces de derrotar a Vanisher, un mutante de aspecto extraño con el poder de la teletransportación, el Profesor X entra al ruedo y rápidamente somete a este enemigo con sus poderes mentales. Como lector, y quizás más importante, como fan, siempre he dicho que Charles Xavier es el más poderoso mutante de la Tierra, sus poderes telepáticos lo hacen invencible, pero esto puede ser un problema en términos narrativos. Porque Xavier puede terminar siendo un 'Deus ex machina', salvando siempre a sus estudiantes en el último segundo.

Los primeros números son dibujados a lápiz por Jack 'King' Kirby y entintados por Paul Reinman. Las portadas de Kirby son absolutamente impresionantes, imágenes clásicas que han inspirado a un sinnúmero de artistas en los últimos 50 años. Con ilustraciones dinámicas y diseños muy creativos, Kirby “definió al superhéroe como nunca antes. Este fue el inimitable estilo Marvel que marcó la pauta, que se convirtió en el estándar con el que se juzgaba al resto del arte del cómic en Estados Unidos”.

June 24, 2015

May comic books / cómics de mayo

May is always one of my favorite months, and I think it is because I get free comics. I’m talking, of course, about Free Comic Book Day, and now, for third year in a row, my favorite was 2000AD, with 48 thrilling pages plus free digital comics, this certainly has been the most generous offering of the season. Another great FCBD title was Mercury Heat, I’ll certainly be reading the next issue in a month or so. And I loved Alex Ross cover for Secret Wars! Jupiter’s Circle continues to impress me, but perhaps the biggest surprise this time was All-New X-Men #40, an issue that made it into the headlines of every comic news website, the reason? Bobby Drake, AKA Iceman, founding member of the X-Men, admits that he’s gay, we owe this wonderful coming-out-of-the-closet issue to Brian Michael Bendis. Finally, the best issue of the month was Alan Moore’s Providence. And now, without further ado, here are May comics as per solicitations:

BRIAN MICHAEL BENDIS (W) MAHMUD ASRAR (A) ANDREA SORRENTINO (CA) Who are the Utopians? And what secret do they hold that pertains to the future of mutantkind? The All-New X-Men may regret finding out!

(W) Mark Millar (A/CA) Sean Murphy. From ancient Rome to the roaring twenties to the 1980s music scene, Corbin and Danny-the world's first time travelers-continue to wreak havoc with the time-stream, and get into more hijinks with some of history's most notorious figures! And it's all happening while the world-and their bosses-are watching! 

Prepare yourself for the final days of the Marvel Universe as you know it as the march to the biggest comic event of the year continues! From the ashes of a decimated cosmos rises…Battleworld! Amid the strange, patchwork realm, refugees from thousands of obliterated universes struggle for survival. Even if they can endure the horrors of Battleworld - the home they knew has been destroyed! Time has run out, and the opening salvo of Secret Wars has been fired. But can anything restore the Marvel Universe that once was?

The galaxy's greatest Eisner-nominated SF anthology returns to Free Comic Book Day with a 48 page zarjaz line-up of stories. In Through the Out Door, a brand new story from Matt Smith and Norm Breyfogle, Judge Dredd uses the iron fist of the law to settle a block dispute; in 3000 AD some jobs are murder, as proved by The Traveller from Mick McMahon; galactic frontiersman Ajax Bloodthirsty meets his match on the astronomical object of oblivion known as the Death Rock in a new tale from Ben Willsher and Barry Krishna; the Grand Master of Termight is sickened to find that his final resting place has been defiled by the legendary alien freedom fighter, Nemesis the Warlock in Tomb of Torquemada by Pat Mills and Kevin O'Neill; wizened master of the occult, Doctor Sin returns to pass on his mantle (and battle a demon) in Don't Call It A Comeback by Rob Williams and Luca Pizzari; pilot of the future, Dan Dare, discovers an alien satellite in Star Slayer by Dave Gibbons and Gerry-Finley Day; Celtic warrior Sláine acquaints more enemies with his axe in A Simple Killing by Pat Mills and Simon Davis; Judge Dredd upholds the law in some classic Dredd newspaper strips by John Wagner, Alan Grant and Ron Smith; and Prepare your mind to be melted by Tharg's Alien Invasions from supreme craz-o-naut Henry Flint. If this wasn't enough each strip comes with a FREE digital story attached!

Back in print for the first time in two decades! Lady Justice FCBD edition reprints issue #1 of Neil Gaiman's lost comics classic.

Working with industry-leading talent such as Grant Morrison, Frazer Irving, Matt Wagner, Simon Bisley, Judd Winick, Geoff Shaw, Jonathan Hennessey and Shane Davis, we've created an ever-growing library of thrilling sagas including Annihilator, Epochalypse, A Town Called Dragon, The Harvester, The Tower Chronicles: DreadStalker and more, alongside cinematic tie-ins such as Godzilla: Awakeningand the best-selling Pacific Rim: Tales from Year Zero. Join us this Free Comic Book Day as we unveil an exclusive first look at the exciting next chapter of Legendary Comics.

Kieron Gillen blasts into Free Comic Book Day with an exclusive preview introduction to his all-new sci-fi series, Mercury Heat! Over the last few years, Gillen's work has gained a massive following from titles like Uber, The Wicked and the Divine, and Iron Man. Now Gillen takes you to Mercury, a slow turning planet where you can outrun the sunrise. Along with the blistering heat it brings. This is the new frontier of space, where humanity's insatiable need for energy is being fueled by Mercury. It's a tough environment and it attracts a rough crowd. So Luiza is bringing her own heat as a cop on Mercury, since she's just a bit too intense to be one on Earth. This special issue features the first chapter of this ongoing saga, a special introduction to the World of Mercury Heat, and a look at the ships, designs, and making of this epic. The future is here with this primer and first chapter of 2015's biggest sci-fi title!

(W) Robert Kirkman (A/CA) Ryan Ottley. THE WALKING DEAD CREATOR ROBERT KIRKMAN WRITES INVINCIBLE!!! A new beginning for INVINCIBLE as things take a turn down a dark path. Everything changes as Invincible is betrayed by one of his own. You won't want to miss this explosive issue #1... 1... 1! It packs the punch of THREE relaunched number one issues! IN ONE BOOK!

(W) Mark Millar (A) Wilfredo Torres (CA) Frank Quitely. It's 1958 America, and Dr. Richard Conrad is a superhero and celebrated surgeon...with another identity that he struggles to keep hidden from his trusted teammates. When the director of the FBI threatens to reveal his secret, Richard is forced to make an impossible decision, all while his team battles to keep the world safe.

PROVIDENCE #1 (of 12) (MR)
(W) Alan Moore (A/CA) Jacen Burrows. The most important work of 2015 begins here with the long-awaited arrival of Alan Moore's breathtaking epic PROVIDENCE with his artistic partner Jacen Burrows. In his most carefully considered work in decades, Moore deconstructs all of Lovecraft's concepts, reinventing the entirety of his work inside a painstakingly researched framework of American history. Both sequel and prequel to NEONOMICON, PROVIDENCE begins in 1919 and blends the mythical visions of HPL flawlessly into the cauldron of racial and sexual intolerance that defined that era on the East Coast of America. Every line from artist Jacen Burrows is perfectly honed to complete this immersive experience. The result is a breathtaking masterpiece of sequential art that will define modern horror for this generation. Invoking a comparison it to a prior literary masterpiece is not something to be handled lightly, but in scope, importance and execution: Providence is the Watchmen of horror. Moore has designed every cover, every single page, and every nuance of this work to create his most fully-realized vision to date. There are no ads, all 32 pages are written by Moore, and Jacen Burrows has spent the past two years slaving over the finest detail possible on the pages. The entire work is already written, intricately crafted to tie the most nuanced threads together over the breadth of the series. Painstakingly researched, meticulously produced, this is a sequential masterpiece that will serve as important a call to the next generation of comic book writers as Watchmen did 30 years ago: this is a definitive demonstration of just how good a comic book can be. Available with Regular, Pantheon, Portrait, Dreamscape Wraparound, Women of HPL, and a special Ancient Tome Incentive cover, all by collaborator Jacen Burrows.

(W) Neil Gaiman (A/CA) J. H. Williams. The fate of the entire universe hangs in the balance when Dream finally gets his mother's full attention. Magic, joy, war and heartbreak are brought to life on the pages with epic luminosity in the penultimate issue of THE SANDMAN: OVERTURE. This issue is also offered as a combo pack edition with a redemption code for a digital download of this issue.

(W) Jason Aaron (A/CA) John Cassaday. THE GREATEST SPACE ADVENTURE OF ALL TIME CONTINUES! • Luke Skywalker is NOT a Jedi-not yet, at least. • He's only ever met one Jedi in his life...and he died. • So, Luke's quest leads him back to Obi-Wan's hut...on Tatooine. Rated T Star Wars © Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved. Used under authorization. Text and illustrations for Star Wars are © 2015 Lucasfilm Ltd.

(W) Jason Aaron (A/CA) John Cassaday. • The Empire is rounding up fugitive Alderaanians... • ...that doesn't sit well with their Princess. • But what can one woman do against an Empire?

(W) Kieron Gillen (A/CA) Jamie McKelvie, Matthew Wilson. Ragnarock is finally here. The show to end all shows promises to be a lovely experience for all the gods... wait. Oh noes! Jamie and Matt have drawn Baphomet drenched in blood on the cover. What a hilarious internal communication error. I'm sure it's a mistake and nothing to do with the story whatsoever.

Mayo es siempre uno de mis meses favoritos, y creo que es porque recibo cómics gratis. Estoy hablando, por supuesto, del Free Comic Book Day, y ahora, por tercer año consecutivo, mi favorito ha sido “2000AD”, con 48 emocionantes páginas y además cómics digitales gratuitos, sin duda este ha sido el ofrecimiento más generoso de la temporada. Otro gran título del FCBD es “Mercury Heat”, de todas maneras leeré el próximo número en un mes, más o menos. ¡Y me encantó la portada de Alex Ross para “Secret Wars”! “Jupiter’s Circle” continúa asombrándome, pero tal vez la mayor sorpresa en esta ocasión fue All-New X-Men #40, un número que apareció en los titulares de todas las páginas web de cómics, ¿la razón? Bobby Drake, también conocido como Iceman, miembro fundador de los X-Men, admite que es gay, le debemos esta tremenda salida del closet a Brian Michael Bendis. Por último, el mejor número del mes fue “Providence” de Alan Moore. Y ahora, sin más preámbulos, aquí están los cómics de mayo:

¿Quiénes son los Utópicos? ¿Y cuál es su secreto? 

Desde la antigua Roma hasta los vibrantes años 20, pasando por la escena musical ochentera, los primeros viajeros temporales continúan causando desastres en la corriente temporal, y se meten en problemas con algunas de las más notorias figuras históricas. Y eso no es todo.

De las cenizas de un cosmos diezmado se alza… Mundo-Batalla. En este extraño reino, refugiados de miles de universos aniquilados luchan para sobrevivir. El tiempo se acaba, y la primera ráfaga de las Guerras Secretas ha sido disparada. Pero, ¿podrá el universo ser restaurado?

JUDGE DREDD de Matt Smith y Norm Breyfogle, THE TRAVELLER de Mike McMahon, AJAX BLOODTHIRSTY de Ben Willsher and Barry Krishna, NEMESIS THE WARLOCK de Pat Mills y Kevin O'Neill, DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK de Rob Williams y Luca Pizzari, DAN DARE de Gerry-Finley Day y Dave Gibbons, SLÁINE de Pat Mills y Simon Davis, más JUDGE DREDD de John Wagner, Alan Grant y Ron Smith, y THARG'S ALIEN INVASIONS de Henry Flint.

El clásico perdido de Neil Gaiman. 

ANNIHILATOR, EPOCHALYPSE, A TOWN CALLED DRAGON, THE HARVESTER, THE TOWER CHRONICLES: DREADSTALKER y más obras de Grant Morrison, Frazer Irving, Matt Wagner, Simon Bisley, Judd Winick, etc.

Mercurio, un planeta que gira lentamente, donde no puedes dejar atrás al atardecer. Junto con el intenso calor. Esta es la nueva frontera del espacio, donde Mercurio satisface la insaciable necesidad de energía de la humanidad. Es un ambiente duro y atrae a hombres rudos. LUIZA es policía en Mercurio, porque es demasiado feroz para serlo en la Tierra.

Un nuevo comienzo: las cosas dan un vuelco hacia un camino oscuro. Todo cambia cuando INVINCIBLE es traicionado por uno de los suyos. 

Estados Unidos. 1958. El doctor Richard es un superhéroe y un afamado cirujano… pero tiene otra identidad que debe ser ocultada a sus colegas. Cuando el director del FBI amenaza con revelar su secreto, Richard se ve obligado a tomar una imposible decisión sin pensar en sus camaradas.
my drawing (color version) / mi dibujo (versión a color)

PROVIDENCE #1 (of 12) (MR)
Deconstrucción de los conceptos de H.P. Lovecraft, reinventando su obra a lo largo de una historia de los Estados Unidos meticulosamente investigada. Todo empieza en 1919, al combinar las míticas visiones de H.P. con un escenario de intolerancia racial y sexual que definieron una era. 

El destino de todo el universo pende de una balanza. Sueño finalmente recibe toda la atención de su madre. Magia, alegría y guerra son llevados a la vida en las luminosas páginas de este penúltimo capítulo. 

LUKE SKYWALKER aún no es un JEDI. Sólo ha conocido a un JEDI en su vida. La búsqueda de Luke lo llevará al hogar de OBI-WAN en TATOOINE.

El Imperio está capturando a los fugitivos de Aldebarán… y eso no le gusta a la Princesa. Pero, ¿cómo puede ella enfrentarse al Imperio? 

El RAGNAROCK finalmente está aquí. El show definitivo que promete ser una experiencia adorable para todos los dioses… esperad. Oh no. Han dibujado a BAPHOMET todo ensangrentado en la portada. Qué hilarante error interno de comunicación. Seguramente es un error y no afecta la historia.